Sunday, September 12, 2021

FOAM CONCRETE, affordable house built in 6 days!


Interesting video. However, they've got a professional crew doing the work. Some jackass like me couldn't build a house like this in 6 days, if at all. Way too much work. One thing that I am not too good at, is work. Especially these days.

I'm getting an idea of those quonsets again. The idea of using concrete seems intriguing. The quonset that I built on the property out west didn't last because the only thing holding the darn thing in one piece was plastic tarp. It got shredded by the windy conditions out there.

So the idea of stretching a sheet over the top the tarp, then plastering it with concrete does seem like a possibility. The concrete will harden, and it will hold up better, one presumes. Maybe several coats would be needed!

Foam concrete is something new. Not all of this job is foam concrete. So what may appear to be easier is not as easy as all that. There's a lot of work to do here.

Still an interesting video.

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