Seems like every time a shooting or terrorist event occurs, the public is called upon to give up its rights.
It happened with the 911 terrorist attack. It happened with all the skyjackings in the past. It happened with the assassinations in the sixties. And now they want to do red flag laws because of some mass killings.
Let's look at the spirit of the Constitution to understand what should be done here. The original intent of the Constitution was to FORBID the Federal government from acting upon INDIVIDUALS. Law enforcement was left to the locals. Over the years, the Feds have usurped more and more authority away from the states and placed it where the Constitution expressly forbids it.
If you care to look at it this way, the Constitution was intended to be a regulation upon politicians, not the people. In order to fix the ills of this country, we need to go back to that spirit.
Politicians should have to jump a lot of hoops before they are allowed to run for office. That would be like the red flag laws they want to impose upon the public. What would be permissible? How about psychological tests? If they are going to assess the psychological fitness of citizens, why not apply that standard to themselves?
If you weed out all the undesirables, you might get some decent public servants.
Of course, nobody seem to wants
that. If they did, we would already have it. Which suggests that the problem is a bit deeper.
But the principle is still valid. The presumption is that government is above reproach, but they are worse than anyone else. Even if that is not so, they should be presumed to be because of all the power that they can wield. Hence, they should be regulated before ANYBODY ELSE IS.