Twitter purges "right-wing" accounts
It has been a long term rant here about the so-called "right v left" divide. So I really
am not too disturbed about banning of so-called "right-wing" accounts on Twitter per se.
That's because I don't subscribe to that paradigm based upon that false dialectic.
But Twitter is supposed to be a neutral platform. Therefore it cannot ban anybody without
being decidedly non-neutral. The law says it has to be neutral. Twitter is in violation
of that law.
But back to the dialectics--- Ronald Reagan defined the correct paradigm with the following
dialectic: ( A dialectic is a model based upon the following-- a thesis, its opposite
known as an anti-thesis, and a composite with elements of both, which is called the
synthesis) Reagan's dialectic is like this--- maximal freedom v totalitarianism, and the
synthesis is an ordered civilization. It is therefore not based upon this idea that
freedom is somehow "right wing" and that totalitarianism is necessarily "left wing". No,
totalitarianism could be "right or left". For all intents and purposes, it matters not
that it is right or left if it is totalitarian. They are not opposites because the end
result is the same damned thing-totalitarianism.
This all may seem unnecessarily academic. Or splitting hairs. But keep in mind that the
left ( which I use that part of their dialectic to describe them because it is THEIR
terminology -- not mine), aka communists, like to call ANYBODY who disagrees with them as
"right wing" and therefore FASCIST, even if that person objects to fascism just as much as
against COMMUNISM, because they are both totalitarian systems that all freedom-lovers should
abhor. In other words, it is a slanderous accusation, and it is propaganda meant to further
their agenda of conquest and subjugation to the totalitarian state. It happens every time.
Therefore Twitter is acting like communists did. It matters not that they are purportedly
a "capitalist" organization. This is just a nominal appearance of freedom with the suppression
of all counter viewpoints as the hallmark of a totalitarian mindset. This is what communism
does in all its iterations everywhere a country has fallen to its depredations.
If we are going to take back our country and our culture ( Reconquista), then we'd better
know who the enemy is and how to fight him. Hopefully this distinction--- with a real
difference, as opposed to the distinctions without a difference--- that the liars and frauds
use to muddy the water, will aid in this goal of reconquest of our heritage of freedom.