Saturday, May 18, 2019

Huckleberry Finn: Why the lynching bee failed



9:25 pm:

It would be irresponsible to encourage violence.  However, what do you do about people who have no such compunction about using it on others?

For instance, one Congress critter said that the government has nukes, gun owners don't.  This is an implied threat of using force in order to settle a dispute.  This isn't an isolated example.  The pattern reveals itself over and over again.  In recent times, there was a threat to jail the Attorney General if he didn't comply with the Congress' demands.  Generally speaking, the left has no compunction about using force against those who do not obey.

But what about the "loyal opposition"?  What would happen if the threat to Barr was carried out?  Do you respond to such coercion with a shrug or a whine?

What I am suggesting here is that the left wins a lot of battles with sheer bluster.  Even a modest amount of resistance might do wonders in checking this aggressiveness.  Yet, if Trump does simple tweets, these people seem to think that it is unacceptable.  "These people" include a number of people who claim to be conservative.  How then do conservatives ever expect to carry the day when they won't defend themselves, and even consider self-defense to be unacceptable?

It isn't bad form to defend yourself against outrageous aggressiveness.  In fact, it is to be expected of leaders.  If the leaders don't have the guts to do so, then they aren't leaders.

8:33 pm:

Errors, errors, and more errors.  No wonder I use Grammarly.  But Grammarly doesn't pick up certain kinds of errors.  Mark Twain is dead.  I used present tense, but I should have used past tense for a deceased person.

If there's one thing I learned this past 8 and a half years, it is that I am a lousy writer.  But nobody can accuse me of quitting easily.

5:00 pm:

What does this passage in the novel really mean?  It is pretty straightforward.  Mark Twain believes the average man is a coward.  He says that through the character of Colonel Sherburn.   Sherburn faces down the mob, and then insults them to their faces.  None of them can stand up to him.

The mob relies upon their numbers.  But without a man in charge of it, it is beneath contempt, says Sherburn.

So, what is modern liberalism?  What is modern conservatism?  Are they both mobs without men in charge of them?  Or does one have men, and the other doesn't have any?

It would be a sight to see if there was a modern day Col. Sherburn who could face down these social justice "warriors".


The thought came to me this morning with the corporations starting to run everything in this country, that what this country is facing is-- a type of mobbism.

Mark Twain didn't think much of mobs, and that is what he is commenting upon in this section of his book Huckleberry Finn.

The founders didn't trust mobs, either.  That's why the US Constitution was written with checks and balances.  You give this up, and you become helpless before the mob.  It may take a lot of grit to stand up to the mob, and the average man won't.  It's too terrifying.


Some remarkable and probably quite accurate commentary on human nature.

People looking for better behavior ought to consult this chapter and reflect upon what it really means, for it is probably the truth about people.

"Do I know you? I know you clear through was born and raised in the South, and I've lived in the North; so I know the average all around. The average man's a coward.---from Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn

The mob had come to lynch Sherburn, but they didn't have the grit to do the job.  That's because the people who had come were just average.  There wasn't a man in the bunch.

The truth is that we are losing the country and not a real man out there to stand up and lynch the rascals responsible for this.  That's the bottom line.

Am I advocating lynching?  No.  But the way people talk are just like what Twain is pointing out.  There's nobody out there who will lead it, so they'll just talk it up, because they are just cowards themselves.  If they ever did do anything, it wouldn't be done properly, and it would most likely fail.  There's nobody who could do this who will do this.  That's the bottom line.


Been reading the rest of Huck Finn.  I came across something there that I thought I'd share.  It figures in with the observation that money corrupts, and it corrupts that which we cannot afford to have corrupted, which is the church.  Twain noted that farmer preachers were a pretty good lot.  It had to be because they weren't about money:

He was the innocentest, best old soul I ever see. But it warn't surprising; because he warn't only just a farmer, he was a preacher, too, and had a little one-horse log church down back of the plantation, which he built it himself at his own expense, for a church and schoolhouse, and never charged nothing for his preaching, and it was worth it, too. There was plenty other farmer-preachers like that, and done the same way, down South.

To clean up the church, they'll have to get away from money.

Confected Felonies

The Declaration of Independence lists "pretended offenses" as a cause for the declaration.

I submit this brief discussion for your consideration.  For it seems that we have a pattern of such pretended offenses.

Dinesh D'Souza gets jailed for making a film.  Senator Ted Stevens gets convicted for opposing Obamacare.   After Benghazi, a Youtuber gets jailed for producing a video.  Some ranchers out west get jailed for raising cattle.  Now Trump is accused of winning an election.  A pattern emerges.

These are but a few of the pretended offenses prosecuted in recent times.  Who do we rebel against this time?  The colonists had King George, but we have the "rule of law".  Or do we?

Declaration of Independence

The so-called "resistance" is a counter-revolution.  For the thing we are fighting is the thing that is responsible for these pretended offenses.  Washington DC is out of control.  Trump is getting the chance to correct that.  His election was the revolution and the real resistance to the mounting tyranny in Washington. 

It's drain the swamp, or get drowned in it.

President Trump pardons Conrad Black


Who is Conrad Black?   The media says that he is a billionaire.  But the story is more complicated than that.  Is truth the standard, or is politics?  When did success become illegal in America?

A reference to Black was made in Clarice Feldman's story here, and I remembered the story that Black was pardoned. 

At first, I thought this was another of Obama's tricks.  It resembled the Russian collusion story.  But this story originated during the Bush years.  According to Black, there wasn't any truth to the allegations.  The Supreme Court vacated the conviction, but a lower court reinstated it.  Something seems wrong here. 

Evidently, our government punishes people for political reasons.  Did Conrad Black go to jail for the crime of being rich?

Clarice Feldman: " Things the Media Ignored in the Mueller Report"


It's all about Flynn.

This nugget of gold appears late in the article. Bongino pointed it out in his video, too.

In short, Flynn opposed the Iran Nuke deal. Obama didn't like that. He had Flynn investigated for Russian collusion. Does this sound familiar? By the way, this happened before Donald Trump started his campaign.

Bongino Show Notes



One final update here, because I missed another detail yesterday.  Bongino mentioned Victoria Nuland.  Nuland is important because Kavalec worked with her at the State Dept.  Kavalec wrote the memo with the Russian sources, you may recall.  Nuland coordinated the FBI and Steele.  Also, you may recall from an earlier post that Steele and Kavalec knew each other when they worked together in Moscow.

This information is laid out in the 6:03 pm update yesterday.  See the link to the Clarice Feldman's piece at American Thinker--- linked again here

The point is that this was a close knit group.  Even the media people who got the leaks knew these people.  David Corn was the first who wrote about the Steele Dossier, and he rode in a car pool with Baker.  Another point is this was just regurgitated info from the same source.  It was portrayed as multiple-sourced, but it all came from this incestuous group.

Keep in mind that this article was written last August.  If Barr has an investigator on this, they should have far more detail.  There should no issue in proving the veracity of this.  Besides, Feldman got the information from a guy who got it from open-source methods.  Therefore, they are busted.  There is no escape from this for these clowns.


5:10 pm:

The problem here is that I doze off.  Call it senioritis.   At any rate, I'm wasting time listening to the thing if I cannot keep my eyes open.

It is easier for me to follow the show notes.  So, here we go.  I will link to the show notes, and then put up the entire show posted on the embedded code supplied by the YouTube.

Here's the first part, which shows Halper's connection to this caper:

Halper is connected with the two Russian sources mentioned in the Kavalec memo that seems to have been ignored by Mr. Integrity.

Once I check through each source, I will put up an update here.

5:18 pm:

This one shows Halper's connections with one of the names on Kavalec's memo--- Trubkinov.  There was another name on that memo, but that will mentioned later.

Halper looks dirty here.  Incidentally, this is a 2018 Sara Carter article.  This shows how slowly this has been dribbling out.

One thing that is bothersome is how the whistleblower was treated.  There is that culture of corruption long noted in DC, so this is to be expected.  But still, it is troubling the extent that this corrupt behavior has infected our institutions.

5:33 pm:

Here's another 2018 piece by Byron York, of the Washington Examiner.  He was writing about Glenn Simpson's appearance before the House committee.  Simpson mentioned an embedded source within the Trump team.   Bongino probably says that this is Halper.  I don't recall.  I might have dozed off at this point.

It is important that Simpson blurted out this information, and it was quite puzzling at the time.  Additional pieces have appeared, and now this puzzle can be put together.

It is already known that Halper tried to infiltrate the Trump team.  He did meet with PapaD, and he had an actual working relationship to Carter Page.

Halper had connections to the Russian sources, the same ones mentioned by Steele in the Kavalec memo.  There's more coming, so stay tuned...

5:50 pm:

Are we there yet?  I know this is tiring.  Believe me, I have been wading through this all this afternoon.  I haven't even thought very deeply about it.

Never mind.

The following establishes a connection between Steele and Halper.  It was a man named Dearlove, who was head of British Intelligence.

Naturally, this gives the Steele connection an aura of authenticity.  But Dearlove was also involved in the controversy about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction in the lead up to the Iraq War.

The Russian / Trump story couldn't be sold through Halper.   It had to be laundered through British Intel so that Brennan could take the Dossier back to the US and give it to Comey.

6:03 pm:

Steele was just a delivery boy.  He got his story from others, and he carried it back like a good boy.

A quick read at American Thinker shows this.  Yes, there is more...

6:11 pm:

Now we get to the other name in that Kavalec memo.   This guy is a megalomanic.  If that is what we face in Russia, then we really do have a problem with them.

I have said all along that I didn't believe that the Russians changed anything with this.  But they may have made a lot of noise with this.

There are a few more links for the show, but those should be in the news, so there is no need.

As for Bongino's show, here's the link to it.  I won't embed.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Grammarly app is assisting me with this post.

More shakedown cruise time, kids.    Yes, I need assistance.   Grammarly flags everything that I write.  It reminds me of school.   By the time I learn all of the rules, I forget what I want to say.  It sucks.

It is quite difficult to express myself when I have so many errors.  I spend more time correcting these errors than in actually expressing an idea.

With the usual method of writing, I spend a lot of time correcting errors, but this is ridiculous.

Could this error-prone writing style be a problem for the blog?  Is it that hard to understand my writing?

Ugh.  I hate this.  I feel like I am in a straight jacket.

News in Flynn Case - Documents Released and Judge Sullivan Has Well Founded Suspicions.


Sundance at CTH has the skinny.  Check it out.

Nunes: Strzok/Page "Insurance Policy" Referred to Obtaining FISA Warrant


The FISA Warrant Application was fraudulent.  This smells like a conspiracy to defraud the FISA court.  Some of the alleged conspirators are named in the article, which consisted of the so-called "small group" which executed this "insurance policy".   Can Nunes' allegations be proven in a court of law in DC? 

But Nunes is a politician.  He can't prosecute the case.

All Spygate Roads Lead To Hillary



Thursday, May 16, 2019

Bongino, episode 981


The FISA application, for the warrant for spying on Carter Page, is shown to have been a fraud.  No question that this is true, and that a prosecutor will be able to prove it.

By the end of the video, however, the story comes full circle.  The Russians may have fed all this to a gullible and inept intelligence organization that fell for it---- hook, line, and sinker.  This part is maybe not provable, but it appears as if it may be.  The reason nobody can say right now is that the intelligence that would prove it is closely held.  If that becomes declassified...

It's a good show.  If you miss it, then you will miss out.

Deep Throat


Who's the "Deep Throat" of this Watergate-type scandal?

A couple of Tweets here that are related....  First from the guy that Bongino recommended.

We learn a little about Source E.  Bongino may have been discussing this guy yesterday, or some other guy. 

The second tweet might be part of this first thread, but I embedded it first.  It may be surperfluous.

Polls Schmolls


The title of this post is a twist of the category label called Politics Schmolitics.  Generally speaking, polls are used to drive public opinion, not reflect it.  I am disgusted with politics in general, and polls in particular.

One poll that I trust is Rasmussen, but Powerline guy doesn't.  Funny thing about these polls.  The Rasmussen poll is now WORSE than the others, which is topsy turvy when compared historically.  Which poll to trust?  Do you trust the one that shows the best numbers, or the worst numbers?

That's the point.  Apples to apples comparisons with consistent use of one poll only ( Rasmussen ) shows that Trump isn't doing as well as these others.  Therefore, these polls may be deceptive in terms of the true situation.  I won't trust them until I find a better reason than the fact that bad polls seem to be good polls and vice versa.

Candor v Truth



A brief review of this category, History of the blog, has uncovered this post.   It is worthy of re-posting, so here it is.

I chose to post it again because today could be a "big picture" kind of day.   A day for putting things into perspective.

Also, a review of the blog enables me to remember to "not re-invent the wheel".   The intention for the category is to be able to recall things that I may otherwise forget.

It is a huge blog now with over 11k posts.  It has to be organized somehow.  Here is one way that I accomplished this, and it pleases me to see that it worked as intended.


There's a policy on this blog.  Or perhaps a theme, which is often referred to as "truth".  Truth is put into scare quotes because not everyone agrees on what it is.

Hence, people actually believe a thing to be "true", even though that may be wrong.  For example, most people at one time, believed that the Earth was flat.  When that was discovered to be not the case, the recognized "truth" had to be revised.  The actual truth never changed, just the perceptions of what is true versus what isn't.

Therefore, someone "candid" at that time, could express their belief that the Earth was flat.  But according to what is the truth, once discovered as such, rendered that belief to be a false one.  This does not make a person a liar to be wrong with the respect to truth.  It was an honest mistake.

The same could be said to be true with respect to so-called AGW.  My "candid" opinion is that it is false.  It is more than that, it is an outright fraud.  Yet, there are people who sincerely believe in it.  These people are not liars, they are merely wrong.  Now, if science hadn't been corrupted by politics, then science could answer the question that would satisfy most people.  At this day and age, science is not reliable.  In particular, government funded and government subsidized "science".  In my "candid" opinion, the fraud is being perpetrated by politicians.  The people are being seduced into believing in it.  Therefore, the people are victims of lying politicians and corrupted "scientists".

Words mean things, said Rush Limbaugh.  Yes, I agree.  That is why I am a stickler on word meanings.  Calling people liars is pretty serious stuff.  Yet, my feeling is strong on the matter in many cases, because the truth is known, but is being suppressed.  The suppression of truth is LYING, folks.  It happens with great frequency on the media.  These people are not about truth in any way, shape, or form.  They are primarily engaged in the pursuit of money first and foremost.  If truth gets in the way of money, guess which one gets ditched?

In my opinion, the people who spin the fables about AGW are about money, power, and control.  It is definitely not about "saving the planet".

Therefore, I'd like to make the distinction between candor and truth.  What is delivered here is candor, which may or may not be totally in agreement with truth.  If it isn't truthful, it is not because of any dishonesty on my part.  I am trying to say what I think.  There is no attempt to deceive.

Hopefully, this little discussion makes sense.  I often write that the truth is a slippery thing.  That is because you may think you have it, but you don't really.  For anybody can be wrong, even one who tries to be right about things.  One thing you can count on here, there will never be an attempt to hide the truth, provided that I am full possession of it.

I hope that is clear.

Time out, 5.16.19

Let's take a step back, and consider what we have learned.

Starting with the Mueller Report, there was no collusion.

Democrats are claiming that Trump obstructed justice during the Mueller investigation.

Full stop.  Some perspective:

The Mueller Report took nearly two years to produce.  It spanned the 2018 elections, and may have been a factor in the Democrats regaining control over the House.

Despite there being no collusion, the Democrats are still trying to make political hay out of the report.  Even though the accusations were baseless, and stretched out for two years, the Democrats still insist that Trump is suspect of a crime that should warrant his removal from office.

Attorney General Barr has been cited for contempt.  It appears to be without justification.  It is as baseless as the collusion accusations.

What does this mean?

It means that the entire controversy has no basis in fact.  It is a political hit job, in which the Democrats hope to gain an advantage.  In order to exploit this advantage to its maximum, the Democrats must keep this "controversy" alive until the election of 2020, so that they can win back power.

Therefore, the "controversy", such that it exists, is baseless and political.

For Trump's part, he has gone on the offensive.  His first two years has been wasted on this ginned up controversy, and may have a response on the way which could be as serious, or more serious than what the Democrats have unleashed upon him.

The Trump response could be more effective because it is based upon real violations of laws, not pretended offenses that the Democrats have claimed.

Democrats can claim politics, but it is the game that they have played themselves.  We will see how that game plays out.

Daily Update:

6:56 am:

Some folks just do it better, I suppose.  Here's some more thoughts along this line...

Democrats Start To Perceive Debacle They Face

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Watch Dan Bongino

Why should you watch Dan Bongino's show on YouTube?

Bongino cuts to the chase as quickly as anybody I have seen.   The show is an hour long, but it is an hour well-spent. 

Let's say you take my advice.   When you do, be prepared to spend the hour with it, because if you don't, you are going to miss something important.

It happened to me today.  My eyes get tired, and I doze off sometimes.  I missed the last half of the show.  I played the show again, and it was a great show.  I heard some things there that I know I would have been sorry that I missed.

Watch his show.  Don't miss it.  Please.

Grammarly Shake Down Cruise

After installing the gadget to the Chrome Browser, I now begin testing how it proofreads my document.

The first sentence above was typed in, and then pasted into the gadget, and it gave a result.  The result was one spelling mistake.

A similar procedure for the second sentence.  That result was no errors.

Consequently, I will expand this to include more than one sentence.  Now, I am testing three sentences at a time.

It would work better if I were to type an entire document at one time, but I tried that before trying this shakedown cruise experiment.  The problem is the same problem I had with Blogger when I first began this blog.  The blogger platform does a lot to the text that cannot be seen.  Therefore, if you were to cut and paste a document into this blogger platform, it will display differently from what was written in the other text editor.  This phenomenon means that Grammarly is not very useful in this context, unfortunately.  The reason is that it is quite cumbersome to continue writing just one sentence at a time while checking for errors along the way.

There are other errors that Grammarly won't show unless you pay a fee.  Oh?  So, my writing is that bad, eh?  I suspected as much.

Hey!  It gives a score to my writing.  This paragraph was not included in the evaluation, by the way.  The final score says my writing is easy to read.

I wonder if AOC could read it.

PappaD: "10k in US dollars may be marked, could prove entrapment"


Woohoo.  No exclamation point to that woohoo.  Just a nonchalant woohoo, there.

Anyway, Bongino went over this yesterday in his video cast.   Bongino says that this money gave the customs officers the excuse to search PappaD when he came back to the USA.  You have no 4th amendment rights at a port of entry, said Bongino.  DC was just a connecting flight to his final destination.  If he got to his final destination, THEN they would need a search warrant.  Get it?

What were they up to?  Don't remember what the Mueller gang was up to, but obviously they wanted to entrap PappaD for something.   Eventually, they charge him with lying.  So, was the lying charge a second choice ( plan B ) ?

Sharyl Attkisson: Big Picture stuff paramount

"Keep your eyes on the prize"

What's that?  The "why's" are the prize.

Lisa Page news?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ( so to speak ), what's former FBI attorney Lisa Page been doing lately?

There wasn't a name here, but the FBI attorney was female, and how many are there of those?

Incidentally, she got a slap on the wrist for shop lifting.  ( whoever it was )

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Trey Gowdy: Look at the emails between Comey and Brennan in late 2016

Dan Bongino went over this bit in his show today.  Why is it important?  Bongino thinks that Brennan is throwing Comey under the bus.  He fed this to Comey, and Comey trusted it, and did not verify it.  At least that is the speculation.

Why was Steele talking to Kavalec at State?


Answer to question is that Steele had worked with Kavalec before, in Moscow, working undercover for British intel.

[ The Kavalec notes are now classified, thanks to Director Wray.  ]

Bongino: FBI case destroyed... refuted by their own source--- Steele, who can't remember his own story

There were two copies of the notes from the State Dept.  One was handwritten, the other was typed in and submitted to the FBI in 2016.  Neither were classified.

Wray has now classified them.  Big red flag there, comrades.

He has a compelling rant right here at this point in the video...  jip it here.

Big time fisherman

Today was lite posting cuz I took a day off.   Just us brothers went out to fish on the lake.  I took some pics and "caught" a fish.  It was the only fish caught all day.  The weather was beautiful, but the fish weren't biting.

I say "caught" cuz I didn't do anything but reel it in.  It was a tiny little thing, and I nobody wanted the sorry little thing, so I threw it back in.

Just spent a crap load of time bluetoothing these videos to this computer.   There are seven videos altogether that were bluetoothed.  However, there are a few more that weren't.  Too frickin' big.

What to do with these?  Well, if they are anything like that fish, maybe I'll throw it back in too.  But I'll keep the computer, thank you very much.


By unpopular demand!

Here's is yesterday's catch.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Who ya gonna believe, me or your lyin' eyes?


I checked the reference to the Bongino and Wray assertions in the ABC report.  It seems to me that Bongino has the goods.

Basically, here's what ABC is balancing off of the documentation that Bongino demonstrates on his show---- the Baker news story last week.  Baker is the FBI lawyer that ABC is talking about.

But Baker was fired already, and it has been documented why he was fired.  His word in NOT reliable.

What does Bongino have?  The below and convincing evidence that backs it all up.

Wray classifies hand written notes that show Steele's conversation with State Dept official BEFORE FISA application was sent to court for approval.  In other words, the handwritten notes show that the FBI didn't verify their information, and therefore was LYING to the court.

The news media outlets, like ABC here, are trying to run interference for the Democrats.  How long will this work? 

It's been a long time already, but eventually, one would hope that people will finally get it.

The media is engaged in a BIG LIE.

Mr Integrity under investigation?


OMG, the world is coming to an end. /sarc

Maybe the Dems will "settle out of court".  Yep, the Dems do not have help from the courts, so look out.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Was PapaD set up ?


5.12.19 @ 7:38 am:

It looks like this ( yesterday's update) checks out.  Downer spoke to Elizabeth Dibble, the Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy, London UK.    Downer is a politician as well as Diplomat.

By the way, was any of this background info on Downer and Dibble in the Mueller Report?  If it was, I don't remember seeing it.  I need to check that out.

8:52 am:

It bears mentioning that Downer took his recollection of the May discussion with PappaD to Dibble, after he heard about the alleged hack into the DNC servers, which was about DNC emails.  Those emails weren't about Hillary, per se.  The point being the rather tenuous relationship between the elements of the collusion / conspiracy case being "investigated".

9:43 am:

The Mueller Report is a bit vague.  It is already listed in this post, in a part down below, what PappaD that got him charged with an offense.   Here's something of a background on what Mueller investigated:

"thousands of emails", Mifsud denies doing this

PappaD charged with making false statement in Jan 2017 FBI interview

Discrepancies exist here.  Why did PappaD refuse to go to trial?  That is something of a mystery at this point.  Based on what can be seen here, the case against PappaD wasn't iron clad, or even very good.  Mueller isn't showing something and PappaD may not be disclosing something.  But it didn't add up to a conspiracy charge, since Mueller couldn't find one.

A set up?  Maybe.  But there are too many questions remaining to say. 

5.11.19 @ 4:56 pm:

Here's another tidbit obtained from Dan Bongino's youtube video.   The Australian Diplomat who mentions the PapaD conversation about dirt on Hillary, went through political channels, as opposed to intelligence channels.  Bongino observes that Downer's move was a political move, not a counter  -intelligence move.  He should have gone to the Australian intelligence service FIRST with this information.

5:18 pm:

It is worth pointing out further that she ( who? vague ) didn't go through Australian diplomatic channels to the American diplomatic channel in Australia, but she talked to the American diplomat in the UK.

Why???????  Why would you talk to somebody in the UK??????


PapaD looks like an easy mark.  Evidently, it was PapaD who thought that Mifsud was Russian intel.  That's because of a conversation he had with his wife about it.  She was the one who related to PapaD that Hillary had dinner with Mifsud.

Easy mark for a scammer.  Sadly.  This guy must have had "sucker" painted on his forehead.


1 pm:

I might be a little behind on this story.  There are others on this hot and heavy.   There may be an
investigation ongoing in Italy.  Bongino had PapaD on his show yesterday, and I might have embedded it here, but for the previous link, why do that?  PapaD mentioned the Italian newspaper Il Foglio, which is reporting on it.  It's in Italian, so the translation is a bit of a pain, and I might get bogged down there.  ( there's a quote down at the end of this update from the newpaper )

I might add my bit here with a snippet from the Mueller "investigation".  I suspect that they could have found Mifsud if they wanted to badly enough.  They claimed that Mifsud slipped away from them after lying to them.  Then, that contradiction what the cause of PapaD's obstruction, because they could have challenged him more if they knew where he was.  Mifsud hasn't gone anywhere, really.  How hard did they look?

Quote:  (translation from il foglio newspaper :  Mifsud is afraid for his life, he says: )

Rome. "Mifsud is not a Russian spy, he is a victim. He hid and is silent because under threat. He's still in danger. " And then: "It is Vincenzo Scotti who asked him to manage the dinner with Papadopoulos. But he never talked about Clinton's emails ". And again: "His friends at Link Campus organized him a place outside Rome to hide in November / December 2017 and have been in contact with him at least until January ...

That was the contradiction that Mueller claims that he wanted to clear up.  But Mifsud was conveniently out of country by then, and couldn't be found... or so they say.

11:15 am:

Reports from the New York Times, and now this one from the National Review, confirms that there were spies working on the so-called Russian collusion case during the 2016 election.  In a closed door session, testimony was heard on the matter.

It is not in doubt.  There can be no denying this now.

8:30 am:

Was PapaD set up?  Seems like a rhetorical question at this point.  The answer goes like this: does a wild bear poop in the woods?  Maybe even on San Fran's streets, so I've heard.

At CTH last nite, I was reading how they did it.  They used a young woman, but this woman was mentioned rather obliquely by the the Mueller bunch so as to make it appear that Downer got the info from PapaD, but it was this gal, who is not supposed to exist.  In other words, she was a spy.

Was PapaD set up?  You bet your sweet bippy.

Come to think of it, Mueller may be involved in the FISA about queries scandal.  This illegal activity started on his watch at the FIB when he was director.  So Mueller had a vested interest in the outcome of the investigation.  If he gets connected to that abuse, it may well be the motivation for this fraudulent "investigation".


A leak from within the FIB claims responsibility for sending a spy to go after PapaD.  But PapaD doesn't think it was FIB.   He thinks it was CYA.

The plot get thicker.  Or something like that.  I don't know plots.  Either way, it's bad.


It seems that on CTH that I've read something about Stefan Halper.  Just finished reading Mueller's report on PapaD.  According to Mueller, PapaD gave false information about his meetings with a guy named Mifsud and a couple Russians.

Mifsud was talking up the dirt to PapaD that he learned about with respect to the Russians.  He told PapaD that he had this dirt on Clinton, and it seems that PapaD took the bait.  Evidently, there was a meeting that was being planned, but this meeting never took place, according to the Report.

Based on my memory of the CTH article on Mifsud and a connection to Stefan Halper, I did a search on the name, and found this article.   The article says the following:

George Papadopoulos appears to have been targeted by three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. Intelligence.
  • Joseph Mifsud
  • Alexander Downer
  • Stefan Halper  
end quote

a few notes:

Mifsud talks up the dirt on Clinton just after PapaD gets his job with the Trump campaign.  According to this link, Mifsud is a UK agent, not Russian.

PapaD and Downer was supposed to have met at a chance encounter at a bar.  The author of the linked article (upper link) has doubts about that.  Downer sought the meeting.  This meeting was supposedly the source of the counter intelligence investigation because PapaD mentions the "dirt" on Clinton.

Halper seemed to favor Clinton, yet offered to help Trump.  Curious kind of "help".  Halper might have a history of dirty tricks.  Halper is said here to be one of the authors of "Crossfire Hurricane", which was purportedly set up in the wake of the PapaD's disclosures of "dirt" on Hillary.

PapaD speculated that Downer/Halper meeting was a spy operation.  Downer is an Australian diplomat.

The piece concludes that Halper was a FBI source.  In other words, the young PapaD was set up.  Mifsud plants the story about "dirt", and Downer hears about it at a "chance meeting at a bar".  That gives the FBI the chance to say that this was a counter intelligence investigation.  But was it really?

As for the Mueller report, here's the beef against PapaD:

Mifsud denied knowing about Clinton dirt, report says he lied about seeing PapaD after introducing him to Polonskaya
If PapaD was set up, then the PapaD investigation was bogus.