Saturday, April 6, 2024

Cooking the books

Brandon is crowing again about his economics. Of course the numbers look good if you cook them well enough. The unemployment rate would be much higher if the numbers weren't cooked up like they are.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Are they not referring to themselves?

She refers to it as white men, but aren't the rich men who fund liberals white? Is George Soros white? How many of these liberals are POC?

All of this sounds like projection. Shoot, this woman can pass as white herself.

Booster 11 static fire today

Cutting through to the actual static fire so that you don't have to. ( Ain't I nice?)

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Talking Football here

Taking a short break from the dreadful state of things these days. That's why the "past-times" that we have are a good thing. Anyway, I don't mind making an ass of myself all the time, so here goes with a piece about the NFL.

Anybody who follows the NFL has probably heard that the Houston Texans traded for Stefon Diggs. There used to be a time when I could have offered a more sensible breakdown of the trade. Since I don't follow the NFL all that closely anymore, this may not be a knowledgeable comment. So what? When did I ever need knowledge? ( that's a joke, son)

Well, I can offer some sort of opinion, yes? To me, this looks like a "win now" type move. It may pay off big time, or it may just go down the drain. The Texans seem to have an opportunity to make a big splash in the next couple years, and this may be the explanation for the trade.

Stefon Diggs sounds like a pain in the ass type guy. That may not be necessarily bad. It all depends upon why he is a pain in the ass. If he is a competitive type, and he knows that Buffalo won't win with what they've got, he may want out. On the other hand, if it is just about him, then he is the kind of pain in the ass that isn't worth the pain in the ass. Evidently, that's what the Bills thought. The Texans think they can deal with him for at least one year. That's because Digg's contract has been re-worked so that he can be a free agent after the end of the coming season. Diggs has to put up or shut up.

It looks like the kind of deal that make the Texans a real threat to get to the Super Bowl. But it could blow up in their face. I don't think anybody in Houston will mind all that much if it doesn't work out. After all, they haven't been very good lately. This past season may have been a fluke.

Anyway, that's my opinion. I'm fully able to offer opinions, and if anybody doesn't like it, the refund is in the mail.

Electric car concept


It has been in the news recently that Tesla is having some difficulties. Does Tesla have the flexibility to change their business model? How difficult would it be for them to offer a new hybrid model?

The combination of increasing resistance to EV's and Musk's political problems with the acquistion of Twitter may be a 1-2 punch that could floor Tesla. It could be a mistake to allow that to happen, but is that already a done deal? Is Tesla in real trouble, and by extension, Musk?

end update of last post of 2/24/24:

2/25/24: Update to post dated 5/2/18:

The propaganda has been so effective that erroneous leftist premises are accepted even here. Nevertheless, if push came to shove, an electric car can be built that could compete economically with the ICE. Indeed, this is the surest way to get acceptance of such vehicles.

Tesla's cars may not be the ticket, but could be a pathfinder of sorts. The problem with Musk's cars is that they are too heavy. Solving that problem may not be feasible. Why not go around it and downsize the batteries as much as possible? Using hybrids may show a way.

The objection to fuel cells is cost. If not fuel cells, the Stirling engines could be mated to an optimized battery size.  It could burn nuclear ammonia, or nuclear hydrocarbons, thus eliminating carbon as an issue for those who believe in the AGW argument.  But the AGW argument isn't going to be an economic policy anyway.  Too many faulty premises here.

The one premise that isn't faulty is the economic one.  If you can produce a carbon free car, which can compete with ICE cars, you may have a winner.  Mandates arising from faulty premises are double trouble.

end update, the original post from 2018 is directly below:

It may have been written before on this blog, but if it has, I cannot locate it easily.

So, never mind that.

With the previous posts, I have combined two ideas into a proposed system that would replace the internal combustion engine.

Read the two posts to get the idea behind the use of nuclear ammonia for a fuel cell car.

Now for the car itself, which is what I wanted to post about.

The battery need not be that large.  Consider the Chevy Volt.  It has a battery with a forty mile range.  Perhaps the battery need not be even this big.  That is because the Chevy Volt relies upon the idea of recharging from the grid.  But the Volt also can recharge itself while in internal combustion mode.

Now, the internal combustion engine is good for this task, but what if you don't want to use an ICE ( internal combustion engine)?

Just replace the ICE with a fuel cell unit.  It doesn't have to be as powerful as the ICE because....????

This is my next idea.  Instead of using an ICE for that big push for acceleration, just use ultracapacitors instead.  The capacitors are good for short bursts of energy, but not for long term cruising on the highway.  For that, we use the fuel cell as a range extender.  At highway speeds, we need only about 20 kilowatts to maintain a constant velocity.  The fuel cells can keep the battery and the capacitors charged up.

Such a system can be made to optimize the size of the batteries.  They need not be as much as the Chevy Volt's system.  If you reduce the size of the batteries, you can reduce the weight of the car, as well as the price.

By the way, the above system is not unique.  Somebody has done it before.  Who??  Cannot recall.  I think a Japanese manufacturer had such a design for fuel cell car.  It is probably not the one being marketed, however.

Arguments against this???

A 20 kwh fuel cell need not be that expensive, but that topic has been covered previously.

The hydrogen fuel need not be that expensive because of the nuclear ammonia.

Ammonia can be transported using existing infrastructure.  Therefore, the infrastructure argument has been refuted.

No reason why it cannot work.

Biden equals Jack Nicholson's Joker?


I've probably been convinced that Biden is a very bad man for quite some time now. Nothing has happened of late has done anything but confirm that.

To understand Biden, all that is needed is to understand that the man is a liar through and through. Everything needs to be funneled though that filter. So what's the story on Biden now? Oyster bunnies? He pronounced Easter properly just prior. I'm suspicious that this was just more evidence of his advanced age. I'm fully convinced that he did this knowing full well what he was doing. Yep, he probably did that deliberately for some tactical reason. The use of his age may be seen as an advantage. He has already avoided accountability for what they are trying to jail Trump for with respect to the classified documents. The case against Biden is far more damning than the phony case against Trump. In other words, it's all fake.

Biden is a very evil man. Don't walk. RUN from this man.

end update of most recent post of 6/14/23:

Update to Jack Nicholson's Joker, 6-14-23

If you watch the Dan Bongino show of 6-14-23 ( today as of this writing), you may catch that ghastly smile again.

If memory serves, a reporter asked him about the recent information about Brandon taking a bribe. He then flashed that grin...

I've seen that grin elsewhere from other people. It's when they get caught in a bad spot, and they cannot say anything to it. Instead, they'll flash that grin. Evidently, it works for them.

People are just too easy to fool. That grin is evil.

47:55 into video  Question was asked just prior to this...

Updated on Jun 26, 2021 :

Creepy old Joe. Some things never change.

Original post during campaign in 2012..

This may be a little rough on 'old Joe, but if you take away the eyes, you have that grin down pat. Biden ain't the Joker, but that grin was horrible.

It was like a "Gorbasm, always fake."


Did the Obama campaign "pop its cork" with that performance from Biden? I thought it was a really crazy performance. Crazy as hell.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Tears and flapdoodle at the Prayer Breakfast (gender gap)


At the link below, there's a fact that struck me--- South Korea has a real fertility problem. They aren't having kids. It so happens that the young men in that country feel discriminated against, and that is by a LARGE margin. That's quite the "coinky-dink". In my opinion, young men have ALWAYS been the tip of the spear in wars of all kinds.

The modern culture war is directed against them personally, and that spear is redirected to take the young men out. When that happens, there's no more country. That outcome is what defines the kind of stupidity mentioned often lately on this blog. It's stupid because nobody will benefit when that happens--- a society that goes extinct benefits neither themselves or anyone else ( except its enemies).

The "gender gap" isn't just an American thing.

end update, the most recent entry on 2/3/24 follows below:

This post has been fermenting since the internet went out. It's about the gender gap in a way, and why that is at the heart of our trouble, and why it must be overcome if there's to be a victory for the country. To start with, there was a prayer breakfast recently, as Biden and the Speaker got together for a national emotion-thon to impress the ladies. They are after the female vote, which doesn't usually go to the GOP, of course. But that doesn't stop Johnson from going sissy on us, because that's what the GOP is so good at anymore.

Biden and Johnson have their "all tears and flapdoodle" over America's casket.

What was being buried, one may inquire. Accountability and responsibility. Order and civilization. In a word, US! Our "leaders" are crying over their leadership failures and expect us to feel all warm and fuzzy over it. Well ,pardon moi. I have to call "bullshit" on this one.

By the way, the "tears and flapdoodle" was a rip-off from "Huckleberry Finn" which isn't being taught in schools anymore, because somebody's feewings are going to get hurt that the "n-word" gets used with abandon in that book. Huckleberry Finn was an honest chap, and called them the way he saw them. But you can't do that these days, as Trump is getting attacked for "mean tweets". Being "mean" is so yesterday. Evidently, so is America.

Our "leaders" have gone tranny, and are using the "feminine" side in order to escape responsibility and accountability. Both men are failures and they are so broke up about it that they do the feminine thing, and cry up a storm. Of course, we have to do our part and give in to the "tears and flapdoodle". That's the manipulation, and it seems to work every time. Until it doesn't. Then we might all just die for being so stupid to let ourselves be conned with the tears and flapdoodle.

There's a big gender gap amongst the younger set. It's bigger than ever, I read recently. Well, it seems that the girls are taking over, and the boys know that they're getting the shit end of the stick. They can smell it, and it doesn't make them very happy. But the girls are getting everything, and there's generally no accountability for the girls.

You see, the boys are always accountable, because that's what's expected from the boys. But the girls are not, that's why they get to boo-hoo when things get rough. The trouble is when you've got power going along with the ride of no accountability. The boys do not get the trappings of leadership, only the bills. If you object, out comes the tears and flapdoodle. It's an escape from accountabiity that girls have gotten down to a tee, because they learn it from crib.

This insight was amplified recently while my thoughts were fermenting. My internet was out, and the current events and blogging had to go on hold for awhile. While it was, I saw something on TV that showed this trick, and how a woman participated in her husband's murder, and basically got away with it.

How did she do it? Every time the detectives started questioning her, she went into to tears and flapdoodle mode. Typical feminine behavior. No wonder so many boys want to be girls these days. If you act like a girl, you can literally get away with anything! And so it is. The guy who pulled the trigger went to jail, but she only got house arrest and probation. The guy got the accountability, and the girl got no punishment.

Once you see a thing, you can't top "unseeing" it. Everything on TV showed how the women are getting the upper hand with all their feminine tricks. The men cannot help themselves, and they fall for it almost all the time. Except for a very few who have caught on to the gimmickry and fakery. These guys are given the business for being "heels" and not being nice to the girls. But I thought, that guy ( the "heel" ) was RIGHT!

The men in our society are taking a beating because they cannot and will not deal with the women who go manipulative on them so often. The women, having gotten the upper hand, have taken away all the male authority that comes with being accountable. Therefore, the feminizing that Rush Limbaugh used to talk about, has destroyed the male role in the society, and the women are wailing about where have all the men gone.

They cannot make themselves be men, because they aren't men. They have been escaping accountability all this time because that's what women do. Without accountabillity, there cannot be responsibility. With responsibility, there cannot be leadership nor authority. Chaos ensues. Isn't that what is happening in Western Civilization? Women are inducing mass chaos, but their only way to respond is the tears and flapdoodle. It doesn't work, and civilization will collapse unless there's a corrective.

The GOP could win if they would only "man up", but here's Speaker Johnson joining with Biden and going tranny on us all. This isn't going to work. If being "mean" is the only way to cure this, then we need a whole lot of it. This crap is getting re-damned-diculous.

By the way, the woman who got away with murder was caught by another woman. There's a lesson in there too. Smart women know other women, you know what I mean, Vern? They KNOW what they're doing. Just thinking that some of the boys are smartening up out there, but there's still some of these dummies out there on the male side who keep falling for it. And the smarter women need to smarten up their sons, ( and daughters) if that's still possible.

Today's snark

To pilfer a phrase, and to turn it a bit--- " a snark a day keeps the liberals at bay."

But that's an aspiration, as liberals are like Dracula. A wooden stake may be necessary. Sunshine can work, too.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Angry Astronaut thinks Starship has a serious problem

Starship doesn't have these problems. It's NASA that has the problem. In the end, NASA will probably have to make some sort of adjustment ( which he mentions). If Starship had the problem, then SpaceX would have a problem. Starship will get built regardless of what happens to Artemis. Whether or not Artemis survives as is, is not a Starship kind of problem. It is a NASA sort of problem, because it is their program---not SpaceX's. Get it?

I wonder if anybody ever considered the real significance of Starship. It isn't in going to the Moon, or even Mars. It is in getting that much mass into orbit, and the reduction in price per pound for that to occur. Starship should be delivering space infrastructure, not being space infrastructure in itself. I'm talking big projects in space. Artemis isn't that big of a deal. The problem with using the Starship for Artemis is in how they are using this revolutionary launch system hardware. Starship isn't a Swiss Army knife. It's job is in getting massive cargo into space at a bargain basement price. Somebody needs to figure out the best way to use that capability.

Don't listen to DRS.

Not what you think.


There's no miracle vaccine for stupidity.