This post has been fermenting since the internet went out. It's about the
gender gap in a way, and why that is at the heart of our trouble, and why it must be overcome if there's to be a victory for the country. To start with, there was
a prayer breakfast recently, as
Biden and the Speaker got together for a national emotion-thon to impress the ladies.
They are after the female vote, which doesn't usually go to the GOP, of course. But that doesn't stop Johnson from going sissy
on us, because that's what the GOP is so good at anymore.
Biden and Johnson have their "all tears and flapdoodle" over America's casket.
What was being buried, one may inquire. Accountability and responsibility. Order and civilization. In a word, US! Our
"leaders" are crying over their leadership failures and expect us to feel all warm and fuzzy over it. Well ,pardon moi. I have to call "bullshit" on this one.
By the way, the "tears and flapdoodle" was a rip-off from "Huckleberry Finn" which isn't being taught in schools anymore,
because somebody's feewings are going to get hurt that the "n-word" gets used with abandon in that book. Huckleberry Finn
was an honest chap, and called them the way he saw them. But you can't do that these days, as Trump is getting attacked
for "mean tweets". Being "mean" is so yesterday. Evidently, so is America.
Our "leaders" have gone tranny, and are using the "feminine" side in order to escape responsibility and accountability. Both men are failures and they are so broke up about it that they do the feminine thing, and cry up a storm. Of course, we have to do our part and give in to the "tears and flapdoodle". That's the manipulation, and it seems to work every time. Until it doesn't. Then we might all just die for being so stupid to let ourselves be conned with the tears and flapdoodle.
There's a big gender gap amongst the younger set. It's bigger than ever, I read recently. Well, it seems that the girls
are taking over, and the
boys know that they're getting the shit end of the stick. They can smell it, and it doesn't make
them very happy. But the girls are getting everything, and there's generally no accountability for the girls.
You see, the
boys are always accountable, because that's what's expected from the boys. But the girls are not, that's why they get to
boo-hoo when things get rough. The trouble is when you've got power going along with the ride of no accountability. The
boys do not get the trappings of leadership, only the bills. If you object, out comes the tears and flapdoodle. It's an
escape from accountabiity that girls have gotten down to a tee, because they learn it from crib.
This insight was amplified recently while my thoughts were fermenting. My internet was out, and the current events and blogging
had to go on hold for awhile. While it was, I saw something on TV that showed this trick, and how a woman participated in
her husband's murder, and basically got away with it.
How did she do it? Every time the detectives started questioning her, she
went into to tears and flapdoodle mode. Typical feminine behavior. No wonder so many boys want to be girls these days. If you act like a girl, you can literally get away with anything! And so it is. The guy who pulled the trigger went to
jail, but she only got house arrest and probation. The guy got the accountability, and the girl got no punishment.
Once you see a thing, you can't top "unseeing" it. Everything on TV showed how the women are getting the upper hand with
all their feminine tricks. The men cannot help themselves, and they fall for it almost all the time. Except for a very
few who have caught on to the gimmickry and fakery. These guys are given the business for being "heels" and not being
nice to the girls. But I thought, that guy ( the "heel" ) was RIGHT!
The men in our society are taking a beating because they cannot and will not deal with the women who go manipulative on
them so often. The women, having gotten the upper hand, have taken away all the male authority that comes with being
accountable. Therefore, the feminizing that Rush Limbaugh used to talk about, has destroyed the male role in the society,
and the women are wailing about where have all the men gone.
They cannot make themselves be men, because they aren't
men. They have been escaping accountability all this time because that's what women do. Without accountabillity, there
cannot be responsibility. With responsibility, there cannot be leadership nor authority. Chaos ensues. Isn't that what
is happening in Western Civilization? Women are inducing mass chaos, but their only way to respond is the tears and
flapdoodle. It doesn't work, and civilization will collapse unless there's a corrective.
The GOP could win if they would only "man up", but here's Speaker Johnson joining with Biden and going tranny on us all.
This isn't going to work. If being "mean" is the only way to cure this, then we need a whole lot of it. This crap is
getting re-damned-diculous.
By the way, the woman who got away with murder was caught by another woman. There's a lesson in there too. Smart women
know other women, you know what I mean, Vern? They KNOW what they're doing. Just thinking that some of the boys are smartening up out there, but there's still some of these dummies out there on the male side who keep falling for it. And the smarter women need to smarten up their sons, ( and daughters) if that's still possible.