An idea occurred to me. How much energy in a gallon of gasoline? It says here that there is
114,000 BTU per gallon. Since one BTU has 1055 joules of energy, this calculates to roughly 120 million joules.
So, what does that mean? Well, there are six teaspoons to an ounce, and 128 ounces to a gallon. That is 768 teaspoons to a gallon of gas. Then, how much energy in one teaspoon of gasoline?
120 million / 768 equals 157k approx. Now, lets get back to BTU. Divide that by 1055, and this gives
just under 150 BTU. So, one teaspoon of gasoline will heat up one pound of water to over the boiling point, but not much more than that.
Now there is 3.25 gallons of water in the ratio of one teaspoon to 2500, as indicated below.
If my calculations are correct, one teaspoon of gasoline will heat up 3.25 gallons of water about 6 degrees F.
Do you really believe that carbon dioxide can trap nearly as much heat as is released by a similar amount of gasoline being burned?
That would be a pretty neat trick. Then if that is possible, why burn fossil fuels at all? "Climate science" has found a new energy source--- carbon dioxide!!!!
4:50 pm:
Here is an example of wanting to believe a thing too much that it causes you to make mistakes.
If I could do it, what about others?
Anyway, let me try to correct this once again.
I came up with 1.45 BTU to heat up one teaspoon of water. That means that it will heat up a pound of water 1.45 degrees Farenheit? Or, you could say that it heats up 1.45 pounds of water 1 degree Farenheit. Even so, it would still take a lot more than this to heat up 2500 pounds of water.
The ratio might be 2500/1.45 or 1724. Assuming no more mistakes, it is going to require more than 100 times more energy.
Hopefully, I have not made any more mistakes. I am beginning to make a fool of myself.
Incidentally, these guys talk about "feedbacks". A feedback cannot account for two orders of magnitude like this.
9:00 am:
Oops! A math mistake has been detected. My bad. It comes from a lack of due diligence.
Actually, the error does not take anything from my point--- it actually
enhances it.
I wrote that it would take 140 / 6 BTU to heat up one
ounce teaspoon of water. Let's redo the math in order to find the error.
There are six teaspoons to the ounce. Here is the mistake. It takes 1 BTU to heat up 1
pound of water. One pound is about
16 ounces. Therefore there are 16 times 6 teaspoons in a pound of water.
Therefore to heat up one pound of water, you need 140 BTU ( assuming starting temperature of 72 degrees F, and sea level atmospheric pressure, which determines boiling point temperature ).
After obtaining 140 BTU, getting one teaspoon of that water yields only 140/96 BTU, or 1.45 BTU.
That means that a teaspoon of boiling water will heat up 1.45 ounces of water only one degree Farenheit!!!!!!!
Something still seems wrong, so the error hasn't been corrected yet, I suspect. But one thing is clear even with the math error--- a small mass cannot heat up a large mass by all that much. But that is common sense, right?
By the way, I
did test this. I boiled some water and grabbed a tablespoon of it and poured it into a cup of water. I could not detect much difference in temperature after stirring it up.
Originally posted 1.20.18:
This post is a lot like number
100. It is a discussion about
scale. What AGW alarmists are trying to convince you of is not possible due to its
What distinguishes this post from that, is that there is a way to check this out for yourself. Afterwards, you can ask yourself if you believe what they tell you.
For starters, it takes six teaspoons to make an ounce. Since it takes one BTU to heat up water one degree F, then it would take only a fraction of a BTU to heat up one teaspoon one degree.
In the earlier post, the ratio between carbon dioxide and the atmosphere is 1 in 2500, or 400 parts per million.
Lets scale it down a bit, shall we? One teaspoon v 2500 teaspoons. Lets heat up that teaspoon to boiling. To achieve that would take ( assuming room temp at 72, and at sea level ) 140/6 BTU.
That is about 23.33 BTU to heat up a teaspoon of water to boiling point. The interesting thing here is that you can use that boiling water in that teaspoon in order to heat up an equivalent amount of water such that it will heat it up one degree. What would that be? Why 23.3 ounces, right? If you heat up 23.3 ounces of water with 23.3 BTU, you should arrive at one degree warmer than before.
The ratio between the teaspoon and the 23.3 ounces is 140. Plain old arithmetic.
Now, what these guys want you to believe is that one teaspoon of boiling water is going to heat up 3.25 gallons of water ( 2500 teaspoons ) one degree. But we have seen that it will heat up only 23.3 ounces of water by that much. There are 128 ounces of water in a gallon. It would take up to six times that much to heat up just one gallon, and it still wouldn't be enough.
You can check this out if wish. Actually, it is pretty believable without the bother.
AGW is bunk.