Thursday, January 25, 2018

How to dig a hole in the desert

Saw this on the Sierra Blanca Facebook page.  It is a closed page, by the way.

One option for my cabin is to make "footers", which are meant to be for a foundation.  The other option is to pour a foundation.  Of the two options, making footers seems to be the easier way, but that gets an argument from my house building brother.  He's looking at it from his own point of view.  My point of view is that I can take as long as I want to make a footer.  When you get that concrete truck out there, you cannot stop until you are finished.  I want to be able to stop if I need to.

The webpage shows how to dig a hole for planting fruit trees.  So, I figured I can use the same method to make my footers.

If I want to plant fruit trees later, well, I will know how to do it, won't I?

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