There is this disquieting feeling that things may on the verge of getting much, much worse. Things have been good in this country for so long that people have no idea of what it is like for things to be pretty touch and go on a permanent basis. That could be upon us, and it could all happen rather quickly. Perhaps it has already happened with the so-called covid "pandemic".
The lying is constant and unrelenting. Supposedly this is a republic under the rule of law. But that is just not true. Those people running the show are not abiding by the rule of law, and without that, the republic cannot exist. Nor is it their favorite word- "democracy". It was never intended to be that, but it was supposed to be governed by law. Well, you can forget about that one. On that score, there are those who've been saying that for years. The "rule of law" is another one of those magical phrases that they use to lie to us. There is no such thing, and they lie about everything else all the time.
The business in Ukraine is just another big gigantic fake. Oh, there's something real going on there all right. But it has been in the cards and maybe even in the plans of the powers- that-be. There is so much crap going on behind the scenes that we'll never hear about. Maybe if the people really did know, they'd go out of their frickin' minds. This whole thing is probably some arrangement of those in charge of things. It is the excuse that they'll make for the increasingly bad conditions that we are being faced with.
If there's a real war with nukes, well maybe that's not planned. But it might as well be. If they cared anything about what "we the people" think, they wouldn't be doing the kind of crap that might start one. Accident or no accident, the fact that things are going down the poop chute is no accident. It could be a controlled fall or an uncontrolled one. But fall we must. The powers-that-be want a fall. But they don't want to suffer any of this themselves. That's for the little people. That's what all the international games, like the one in Ukraine, is all about.
Bottom line is that I don't believe them. Whatever happens didn't have to happen. This isn't new in history either. World War Two could have been avoided. If this turns into World War Three, you can bet your bippy that it was avoidable. Either the powers-that-be are too corrupt or too weak to do what it would take to avoid the really bad stuff. No matter what happens, things are not likely to come up roses. There's too much reason to believe otherwise.
It is not the point here to be a doomster. But a better way forward is just not in them. Otherwise, why all the frickin' lies?