Saturday, February 26, 2022


There is this disquieting feeling that things may on the verge of getting much, much worse. Things have been good in this country for so long that people have no idea of what it is like for things to be pretty touch and go on a permanent basis. That could be upon us, and it could all happen rather quickly. Perhaps it has already happened with the so-called covid "pandemic".

The lying is constant and unrelenting. Supposedly this is a republic under the rule of law. But that is just not true. Those people running the show are not abiding by the rule of law, and without that, the republic cannot exist. Nor is it their favorite word- "democracy". It was never intended to be that, but it was supposed to be governed by law. Well, you can forget about that one. On that score, there are those who've been saying that for years. The "rule of law" is another one of those magical phrases that they use to lie to us. There is no such thing, and they lie about everything else all the time.

The business in Ukraine is just another big gigantic fake. Oh, there's something real going on there all right. But it has been in the cards and maybe even in the plans of the powers- that-be. There is so much crap going on behind the scenes that we'll never hear about. Maybe if the people really did know, they'd go out of their frickin' minds. This whole thing is probably some arrangement of those in charge of things. It is the excuse that they'll make for the increasingly bad conditions that we are being faced with.

If there's a real war with nukes, well maybe that's not planned. But it might as well be. If they cared anything about what "we the people" think, they wouldn't be doing the kind of crap that might start one. Accident or no accident, the fact that things are going down the poop chute is no accident. It could be a controlled fall or an uncontrolled one. But fall we must. The powers-that-be want a fall. But they don't want to suffer any of this themselves. That's for the little people. That's what all the international games, like the one in Ukraine, is all about.

Bottom line is that I don't believe them. Whatever happens didn't have to happen. This isn't new in history either. World War Two could have been avoided. If this turns into World War Three, you can bet your bippy that it was avoidable. Either the powers-that-be are too corrupt or too weak to do what it would take to avoid the really bad stuff. No matter what happens, things are not likely to come up roses. There's too much reason to believe otherwise.

It is not the point here to be a doomster. But a better way forward is just not in them. Otherwise, why all the frickin' lies?

Thursday, February 24, 2022


A thought just occurred to me now, so here I go again...

How is it that the political class keeps on with their lies, and that so many people seem to believe it? For instance, Biden was making a big deal out of sanctions just recently, so somebody asked him about it today, and what did he say? He said that sanctions weren't going to work anyway. So, the obvious follow up would be: "then why the hell did you make such a big deal of it before?" Also: "Then what exactly ARE you going to do about this? You did say that Putin didn't want you to be President, so now you are President, and Putin doesn't seem too worried about you. If the answer is that you are going to do nothing, then why would Putin care if you're the President or not?"

In other words, it's all a fake. It always has been. Unless there is something real going on, then it is all fake. Yet people go for the fake. They believe it is real. Or they pretend that it is real.

Just saying here, for what it is worth, that nothing that Biden says about anything has any credibility. Except for one thing: he will attack the people if he can get away with it. Just like Trudeau. He may even have made the suggestion to Trudeau that he do what he did with regard to the truckers. All because he figured he could get away with it. Trudeau didn't, but you won't hear that from the commie chorus in the Pravda media. These commies are tight. But we aren't.

So many people fall for the lies. Nothing but lies. If Biden was for real, he'd be doing something right now that mattered. Even in his own words, the sanctions won't work. So what is he going to do? Probably nothing. His brain-dead followers will demand that you cheer him for doing nothing even though he promised to do something.

His followers don't care about Ukraine, or they'd be the most disappointed right now. So they are fake too. Why do so many people continue to fall for this crap?

Biden will not impose SWIFT sanctions

This kind of sanction could really hurt, but Biden indicated that he won't use that today.

Evidently, the "leaders" of the "free world" have no intention of doing anything about anything, unless it is declaring war on their own people.

As Biden said, they've got the nukes and the F-15's. The people don't. So there. Mr. Tough Guy only attacks defenseless people.

Biden and Democrats can say the Russians and Putin are really bad, but they don't act that way. John F. Kennedy imposed a blockade of Cuba when Khrushev installed nuclear tipped missiles there in the early sixties. Kennedy remarked afterwards that he feared that if he did nothing, he would be impeached. These days, Biden might get a Nobel Prize for letting Russia conquer all of Europe.

Biden talks big but does little. That's why Putin has no respect for him.

True, Ukraine means little to the USA. But if that is so, why did they pick this fight? In other words, they are poking the bear, but when the bear growls, they run away. No credibility at all.

At least the SWIFT sanctions would hurt their pocketbooks. Biden won't do anything at all. But he claims that he is going to be Mr. Tough Guy. Some tough guy.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Waste of time


This is truly a waste of time to write about politics. The only reason to write about it is to register my disapproval. That's it, there's no other reason.

Having said that, it should also be noted that I supported those who have eventually disappointed. Certainly that is the case with Bush. Whatever I think could also be subject to error. I didn't vote for Reagan. Well, Reagan wasn't perfect. But who is? Reagan was definitely pro-American. There is no doubt about that. Nobody is perfect, and neither am I.

But you don't know about these people today. If their idea was to ruin us, then they are doing one helluva job. That might be "dumb" to say, but I think it is the truth.

As for truth, I think Trump speaks closer to the truth when he said that Putin was a genius. It is closer to the truth than to say Biden is the genius. But Biden might as well be a genius when it comes to beating the GOP. Unfortunately, that counts Trump now. Trump shouldn't have put it that way. He should have said that Putin outsmarted Biden. It would still be truthful, but the commie Pravda media couldn't use it to make Trump look bad.

The invasion of Ukraine was a strategic defeat for the United States. But somehow, Biden won't pay for that. Nope, his numbers are going up. For this string of defeats, the guy should have to resign due to his enormous failures.

We are in the worst possible trouble. There is nobody to lead. The best we got is Trump, sad to say. They are about to throw the book at him for a supposed misdeed. He doesn't help by giving them more propaganda to print. If he said that Putin outsmarted Biden, the Pravda media would be quiet as a mouse. We cannot afford even small mistakes right now. If Trump is to prevail again, he is going to have to do better than this. The caveat here is this: Did Trump really say that? He might not have. The commies like to make stuff up.

It makes no difference that they've been wrong about him time and time again. Only one "bullet" has to hit. He should be a much more difficult target.

Biden's greatest victory since Afghanistan

 Note how this is all being spun to make Ill Duce look good.

Things were better before he showed up.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Just thought of something

Herr Trudeau may have overlooked something. The "Dear Leader" of Canada has decided to seize the assets of anybody who supports the truckers. Oooooooookayyyyyyy.

Do you realize how leveraged the economy is???? Everything is leveraged. If you pull out just a little bit of support and boom! This might fly over a few people's heads, so for those of you in "Rio Linda", I'm talking bank runs, bank failures and the like. Banks don't keep enough reserves to meet demand if EVERYBODY wanted their money all at the same time. If the government keeps seizing enough assets, who is going to pay their loans? The creditors won't get paid, and so on down the line. It will come down crashing like dominoes.

The only way this works is if enough Canadians are intimidated to crawl back into a fetal position and accept their subjugation. Instead of shutting up, they should shout out at the top of their lungs and DARE Herr Trudeau to seize their assets. If they do... and if enough of this happens, the bottom will fall out.

That's my theory. It is all leveraged. Everybody counts on everybody else to keep the thing afloat. If they do this, they have taken the support out from under everybody. Nobody can trust a system that can summarily pull the rug out from under you. This MUST fail. Maybe I'm missing something, but enough people still insist upon their rights, this cannot stand. We'll see.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Rather quiet

The webs seem quiet right now. Actually, I would have expected more chatter, but there is very little. The chatter is likely taking its cue from the White House. Unfortunately, the matter is probably already decided. The rest of this is just theater.

It was decided when Biden was installed. The guy has done nothing but run the country into the ground. Perhaps we are just seeing the beginnings of trouble. Dick Morris says that if Ukraine goes, Taiwan goes. Perhaps the quietness is because of that. Something big is about to happen, and the matter is beyond our control. Things will happen regardless of what Biden says or does.

So if Putin takes Ukraine, does that mean we go to war with Russia? If we don't, then what if China decides to move against Taiwan? You see? All of our post world war II security structure is crumbling. There's nothing we can do about it because we are not in a position to do anything about it. It's all lost, and that's going to have great repercussions geopolitically.

Meanwhile, Canada is slipping into dicatorship. You can bet we are next. The regime in the White House is going to outlaw dissent just the way it is being done in Canada. Those who do not conform are going to be treated as domestic enemies. It is not for nothing that the security fence is going to go up again around the Capitol Building. The regime cares nothing about public opinion. It is all for show.

There may be another move to rig the elections. Without any dissent permitted, how then are we to justify ANY war anywhere? For "freedom" that no longer exists? Freedom is just a "magic word" like all the rest of their magic words. There is no meaning behind the words, but the intent to enforce compliance by the use of flowery words that have nothing behind them. People will have to comply or else, just like the people in Canada are facing now.

In the face of all this, people have to decide what to do. They have to decide what to believe. So far, the regime is managing to keep it up with their propaganda, and most people are falling into line. In my opinion, that is a big mistake. People should be raising hell about Canada, not Ukraine. If it isn't for freedom, then what is it all for? The corporations? Canada is on our doorstep. Ukraine is a long way away. So is Taiwan for that matter. Because of the failures in Washington, the security arrangements are falling apart. The regime will cast about for scapegoats to shift the blame away from themselves as things increasingly fall apart. The battle for freedom here takes precedence. It won't matter if it is lost elsewhere if we lose it here.

Things might get pretty hairy no matter how it all goes down. Maybe people sense that, and that is why things are quiet.

Do not let your hearts be troubled

A recent poll was cited there somewhere on the web, which I didn't link to. Yep, forgot to take notes of that, sorry. The refund check is in the mail.

The poll said that Canadians approved of Herr Trudeau's ( hmm, that looks funny ) act by a 2-1 margin. Those of us who sympathized with the truckers have got to shaking their heads over that one. But let me hypothesize a possible defense of Canadians. They may not have lost their minds, or not yet. That's because of the other things that are also going down. If you get on Herr Trudeau's fecal roster, you could have your property seized. You could be accused of being against the gubbermint! Such a heinous crime, indeed.

Well, if I was in Canada, and that was going down, what would I do? I think I'd do a Sgt. Shutlz-- "I know no-sink! no-sink!" Then, I'd prepare myself for a move elsewhere a little bit less crazy. A trip down south to the USA may not be much better, but it would be an improvement for NOW. Stick around long enough, they may take it all on the grounds that you are a Hitlerite fascist or something. Eventually, if it gets crazy enough, the Canadians will need a wall to keep the people in. They even have "checkpoint charlies" going up all over the place.

That part of the craziness is somewhat understandable. If you answer the polls the wrong way, you could get into trouble. That's how it always works in totalitarian states. Hitler got 95% in his elections. He didn't get those numbers until he was safely in power and nobody could do anything to stop him without ending up in a gas chamber. Better to say "ja!", than "nein", and end up on the wrong side of the dirt.

So don't be too bothered by that poll. People braved being shot trying to get past that wall in the Cold War. People braved shark infested waters to get away from Cuba. It will be hard for Herr Trudeau to shut down EVERYTHING. There will be resistance and this will be counter-productive for him in the long run. That is, if there is still a USA to run to.

That's what the commies are working on over here. It is a world-wide thing. Communism didn't work on a country-by-country basis, so they'll try to go worldwide with it. That's how Marx predicted it. This is an international communist takeover attempt.

I suppose commies know their garbage doesn't work, but if everyone is in chains, nobody can resist, you see. As long as there's freedom somewhere in the world, the commies have a problem. They will always have a problem, because even if they win, they will lose.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Old man time just keeps marching along

If you're not careful, time can get away from you. It sure seems to happen a lot lately around here. Here it is, nearly noon, and I haven't done " a bloody thing all day". ( From the song "Uncle Albert")

I thought I'd do a post, but I haven't a bloody thought in my mind. Or one that seems worthy of a post.

Yes, things are happening. I wonder about all that, too. How is it that we seem to win the battles ( so to speak ), but end up losing the war? How is that? To me, the political left is completely defenseless, but there they are. How is that?

We are living in a computer simulation known in the movies as "The Matrix". No way they can win this, but, but, but... where's that red pill?

Get back to what is real. The is nothing more real than death. When that happens, it really is over. You all know that's true. If you risk it all, including death, then it is real. Otherwise, it is all baloney.

In the end, the thing that is real is what wins. If we are "winning the battles", then we're not really. That means it isn't real enough. Either we aren't there, or they aren't. ( Maybe both, but somebody doesn't know it yet.)

Time to get real if you're ever going to. Know what I mean, Vern?