Monday, February 21, 2022

Rather quiet

The webs seem quiet right now. Actually, I would have expected more chatter, but there is very little. The chatter is likely taking its cue from the White House. Unfortunately, the matter is probably already decided. The rest of this is just theater.

It was decided when Biden was installed. The guy has done nothing but run the country into the ground. Perhaps we are just seeing the beginnings of trouble. Dick Morris says that if Ukraine goes, Taiwan goes. Perhaps the quietness is because of that. Something big is about to happen, and the matter is beyond our control. Things will happen regardless of what Biden says or does.

So if Putin takes Ukraine, does that mean we go to war with Russia? If we don't, then what if China decides to move against Taiwan? You see? All of our post world war II security structure is crumbling. There's nothing we can do about it because we are not in a position to do anything about it. It's all lost, and that's going to have great repercussions geopolitically.

Meanwhile, Canada is slipping into dicatorship. You can bet we are next. The regime in the White House is going to outlaw dissent just the way it is being done in Canada. Those who do not conform are going to be treated as domestic enemies. It is not for nothing that the security fence is going to go up again around the Capitol Building. The regime cares nothing about public opinion. It is all for show.

There may be another move to rig the elections. Without any dissent permitted, how then are we to justify ANY war anywhere? For "freedom" that no longer exists? Freedom is just a "magic word" like all the rest of their magic words. There is no meaning behind the words, but the intent to enforce compliance by the use of flowery words that have nothing behind them. People will have to comply or else, just like the people in Canada are facing now.

In the face of all this, people have to decide what to do. They have to decide what to believe. So far, the regime is managing to keep it up with their propaganda, and most people are falling into line. In my opinion, that is a big mistake. People should be raising hell about Canada, not Ukraine. If it isn't for freedom, then what is it all for? The corporations? Canada is on our doorstep. Ukraine is a long way away. So is Taiwan for that matter. Because of the failures in Washington, the security arrangements are falling apart. The regime will cast about for scapegoats to shift the blame away from themselves as things increasingly fall apart. The battle for freedom here takes precedence. It won't matter if it is lost elsewhere if we lose it here.

Things might get pretty hairy no matter how it all goes down. Maybe people sense that, and that is why things are quiet.

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