Monday, February 21, 2022

Do not let your hearts be troubled

A recent poll was cited there somewhere on the web, which I didn't link to. Yep, forgot to take notes of that, sorry. The refund check is in the mail.

The poll said that Canadians approved of Herr Trudeau's ( hmm, that looks funny ) act by a 2-1 margin. Those of us who sympathized with the truckers have got to shaking their heads over that one. But let me hypothesize a possible defense of Canadians. They may not have lost their minds, or not yet. That's because of the other things that are also going down. If you get on Herr Trudeau's fecal roster, you could have your property seized. You could be accused of being against the gubbermint! Such a heinous crime, indeed.

Well, if I was in Canada, and that was going down, what would I do? I think I'd do a Sgt. Shutlz-- "I know no-sink! no-sink!" Then, I'd prepare myself for a move elsewhere a little bit less crazy. A trip down south to the USA may not be much better, but it would be an improvement for NOW. Stick around long enough, they may take it all on the grounds that you are a Hitlerite fascist or something. Eventually, if it gets crazy enough, the Canadians will need a wall to keep the people in. They even have "checkpoint charlies" going up all over the place.

That part of the craziness is somewhat understandable. If you answer the polls the wrong way, you could get into trouble. That's how it always works in totalitarian states. Hitler got 95% in his elections. He didn't get those numbers until he was safely in power and nobody could do anything to stop him without ending up in a gas chamber. Better to say "ja!", than "nein", and end up on the wrong side of the dirt.

So don't be too bothered by that poll. People braved being shot trying to get past that wall in the Cold War. People braved shark infested waters to get away from Cuba. It will be hard for Herr Trudeau to shut down EVERYTHING. There will be resistance and this will be counter-productive for him in the long run. That is, if there is still a USA to run to.

That's what the commies are working on over here. It is a world-wide thing. Communism didn't work on a country-by-country basis, so they'll try to go worldwide with it. That's how Marx predicted it. This is an international communist takeover attempt.

I suppose commies know their garbage doesn't work, but if everyone is in chains, nobody can resist, you see. As long as there's freedom somewhere in the world, the commies have a problem. They will always have a problem, because even if they win, they will lose.

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