Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Just thought of something

Herr Trudeau may have overlooked something. The "Dear Leader" of Canada has decided to seize the assets of anybody who supports the truckers. Oooooooookayyyyyyy.

Do you realize how leveraged the economy is???? Everything is leveraged. If you pull out just a little bit of support and boom! This might fly over a few people's heads, so for those of you in "Rio Linda", I'm talking bank runs, bank failures and the like. Banks don't keep enough reserves to meet demand if EVERYBODY wanted their money all at the same time. If the government keeps seizing enough assets, who is going to pay their loans? The creditors won't get paid, and so on down the line. It will come down crashing like dominoes.

The only way this works is if enough Canadians are intimidated to crawl back into a fetal position and accept their subjugation. Instead of shutting up, they should shout out at the top of their lungs and DARE Herr Trudeau to seize their assets. If they do... and if enough of this happens, the bottom will fall out.

That's my theory. It is all leveraged. Everybody counts on everybody else to keep the thing afloat. If they do this, they have taken the support out from under everybody. Nobody can trust a system that can summarily pull the rug out from under you. This MUST fail. Maybe I'm missing something, but enough people still insist upon their rights, this cannot stand. We'll see.

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