Thursday, February 24, 2022


A thought just occurred to me now, so here I go again...

How is it that the political class keeps on with their lies, and that so many people seem to believe it? For instance, Biden was making a big deal out of sanctions just recently, so somebody asked him about it today, and what did he say? He said that sanctions weren't going to work anyway. So, the obvious follow up would be: "then why the hell did you make such a big deal of it before?" Also: "Then what exactly ARE you going to do about this? You did say that Putin didn't want you to be President, so now you are President, and Putin doesn't seem too worried about you. If the answer is that you are going to do nothing, then why would Putin care if you're the President or not?"

In other words, it's all a fake. It always has been. Unless there is something real going on, then it is all fake. Yet people go for the fake. They believe it is real. Or they pretend that it is real.

Just saying here, for what it is worth, that nothing that Biden says about anything has any credibility. Except for one thing: he will attack the people if he can get away with it. Just like Trudeau. He may even have made the suggestion to Trudeau that he do what he did with regard to the truckers. All because he figured he could get away with it. Trudeau didn't, but you won't hear that from the commie chorus in the Pravda media. These commies are tight. But we aren't.

So many people fall for the lies. Nothing but lies. If Biden was for real, he'd be doing something right now that mattered. Even in his own words, the sanctions won't work. So what is he going to do? Probably nothing. His brain-dead followers will demand that you cheer him for doing nothing even though he promised to do something.

His followers don't care about Ukraine, or they'd be the most disappointed right now. So they are fake too. Why do so many people continue to fall for this crap?

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