Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The window of opportunity is closing fast

The District of Columbia votes Democrat at about a 90+% rate in Presidential Elections. This is an indication of something truly wrong with the system there, and it has been true for decades. You only see voting percentages like that in a country like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, or Hitler's Germany. DC is the center of the Federal Government, and as such, is totally out of control. There is a way to deal with that, but that window is closing soon. Once it closes, there will be no way to change the situation without blooshed. We will be as screwed as the people in Saddam's Iraq, or Hilterite Germany.

The way out is a constitution convention, otherwise known as an Article V convention of states. The states do have that power, and the power is virtually unchecked. For this reason, a number of conservative people have opposed it on the grounds of a "runaway convention".

If that is in the cards, then there is no opportunity at all. Let us presume, at least for the sake of argument, that the opportunity does exist. One argument for its existence is that the states and the federals have different interests. It is not in the interest in the states to cede all of it authority to the federal government. But if it doesn't act soon, all the powers that the states have now will be forfeited. An Article V convention of states can redress the power imbalances that exist NOW, and must be addressed NOW.

This is another topic mentioned many times on this blog, but there is very little that seems to be going on. There are a few movements out there, but nothing appears imminent and gaining any ground.

We probably have less than a year to organize this and get it ratified. Unless a miracle happens, the power will be shifted to Washington DC forever, unless there is a bloodshed that will stop it. That seems rather unlikely as well.

If freedom is lost, it will be lost because of the lack of will to defend it. This is probably the last chance. These truths must be evident if they are not self-evident. I think they are self-evident, but there are way too many people who are willfully blind to the times. If these truths are not self-evident, then somehow they must become that way and very, very soon.

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