Saturday, May 6, 2023

Best of times, worst of times

This is a kind of mashup post, which borrows ideas from St. Augustine and Dickens. Whereas, Dickens' novel was about worldly matters, this post will follow St. Augustine's City of God v. City of Man. Augustine of Hippo wrote this in reaction to the sacking of Rome in 410 AD. Nothing like that has happened here yet, but history does have a way of repeating itself.

The City of Man model for this post is Washington DC. It has become quite the corrupt and evil place, which cannot stand. It will fall, but the question is how and when. The City of God is an idealized version of what the USA once approached, but is no longer. If the politicians and bureaucracy actually followed the law, which was created by man, in order to govern man on this Earth, the result would be an ever upward trajectory of material well-being which actually occurred up to about 1969. Since then, there has been no real increase in GDP per capita in terms of gold. So, on two measures: 1) corruption, and 2) economic; there is no longer any progress. A third measure would be in track of the country polls, which have consistently negative for some time now. Those polls may not matter, but the "real ones" no longer matter either.

There will be a dispute on some of this, of course. There always is. On at least one measure, which was whether or not this country was ever free of corruption, there might be a worthy argument. On the other two, there can be no doubt that this was once a much more confident and happy place, as well as a productive and economically growing place. The corruption element will destroy those last two measures, it is almost certain now.

DC is putting out a different tune, but the public isn't buying it. Otherwise, the polls would be better. Also, the public really didn't vote in Biden, but the DC crowd doesn't care. They need the false narrative in order to keep their legitimacy. Also, they need to convict Trump of sedition, so that there won't be any chance of correcting the downward trajectory of the nation. These folks are hellbent ( in a literal sense ) of destroying which was once the happy and productive nation it once was. In its place, there will be something that will replace it. It won't be a better government, but instead, it will likely only consolidate the political power into fewer and fewer hands. Eventually, there will be a dictator. No matter what happens, failure awaits, as truth always wins in the end.

The truth is the City of God aspect of this post. Since DC is basically lying to the public, the lies cannot stand. One way or another, the truth will out, and this regime will fall. The public will not support its new oppressors. The oppressors don't care, as they will just apply more and more power (F-15s?) to keep the public in check. However, nothing can force loyalty and respect. They can enforce fear, and once that goes away, there won't be anything left for them to use as a controlling device. This pattern has preceded all such scenarios in the past. Why should this nation be any different? Those running things now deny that this country was "exceptional". If it is not exceptional, then why should it be any different than any other from history?

The City of Man cares only for itself within its mortal sphere. No matter how powerful the ruling entity, all men will die eventually. They only care about their own selves, so the nation is going to suffer from it. The truth of this will become all too obvious for the poor souls that will have to endure it. That day may not be here yet, but the writing is on the wall. This crowd in DC is being weighed in the balance, and is found wanting.

Currently, the government claims that things cannot be better. Inflation is coming down. There are plenty of jobs. But the truth is, the banks are failing. The US dollar is about to lose its status as a reserve currency. The government is borrowing far too much money to pay back, which means default at some point. Whether or not the default comes sooner or later, there's no way to pay it back. They know this. Anything to the contrary is just another one of the lies that they tell the public in order to keep them docile. Meanwhile, the debt will become unserviceable. Nobody in DC seems to care about that. How can enough money be borrowed to pay off debts? The reserve currency status allows this to occur, but what happens when that status is lost? It won't be pretty, but that fact is being kept secret while all the happy talk continues.

The government is involved in wars everwhere in the world, and is now waging a war against its own people. How can this continue? The City of God, which represents the truth, says it cannot. The City of Man doesn't care, because it still possible for some to live well. That's what happened to Rome, and that is what is happening here in the good 'ol USA. Except it isn't much good anymore. It was once said that America is great because it is good. Once it stops being good, it will stop being great.

The City of Man might say that the US is still great. But the truth ( City of God ) says otherwise. Events will unfold that will provide the proof for anyone who may doubt that.

Dickens' story was about two cities. One was Paris, the other was London. Paris was in revolutionary times. Could that be about to happen in DC? The disconnect between DC and the public is growing wider by the day. Nothing could spell the end faster for a regime than one in which it rules over an apathetic or even hostile people. Such a scenario looks inevitable going forward. There are those who appear to want this to happen. There are others who like to pretend to oppose it, but aren't really. The outcome could appear to be in doubt, but whatever that is, if it is not in harmony with the truth, it cannot stand.

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