Monday, February 4, 2019

It takes two for a lie to succeed



With respect to Joy Behar, I was thinking that Whoopi Goldberg asked the more thoughtful question, but when Behar said that people believe the lie because they want to get rid of Trump so badly, the audience cheered.

The mob can feed upon lies, and draw strength from their numbers, but the truthful and thoughtful are ignored.  Which is sad.

The mob wasn't sorry for the damage the lies did.  All they care about is what they want.


One is the liar himself.  The other is the one who believes the lie because she wants to.

Just ask Joy Behar.

She claims that they have circumstantial evidence.  I think it is doubtful that they have any such thing, and she probably knows it.

Even if she believes in this bravo sierra, it is only because she wants to believe.  Just as she said.

1 comment:

AAB College said...

Thank you for sharing