Monday, July 12, 2021

Onward to the "ash heap of history"


I continue reading the old KGB book. Calling them evil is certainly justified. It was evident due to some of their agents defecting to the West and telling their stories. The stories put the Soviet Union in such a bad light that the Soviets had to modify their practices. In the end, the Soviets failed, but the foul memory remains.

So there was no question that it was evil. It caused international incidents of such magnitude that it could not be ignored. Opposition to it remained resolute and victory was achieved.

The Soviets did not do mea culpas. They did damage control by way of disinformation campaigns. Does any of this sound familiar? I will certainly hold that our government is going down that path. They absolutely are in a war with truth and decency, just as the now defunct Soviet Union was. We should be so lucky as to be rid of it in our own country, but that won't be easy. It can and will get quite ugly.

Their own agents couldn't stomach what they were doing. That is why some of them defected. There is hope there.

I look forward to the day that the Evil Empire will be vanquished for good everywhere, not just in foreign countries.

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