Friday, July 16, 2021

Buenos dias, damas y cabelleros

There are a few short blurbs to post about which will on take a little time:

First there is the following link:

Handwriting analysis confirms laptop really did belong to Hunter Biden.

Comment: It appears that this should completely debunk the notion that it was a Russian disinformation plot. It should also place the Biden's in an embarassing position, if that is possible for them.

Moving on from that, I did a bit of research into the January 6th investigation. According to the one source I found, 13 confessions have been obtained. This is out of over 500 arrests, if memory serves. That's a lot of trials that will have to be held, if they are going to charge all 500. Evidently, they don't have anything against holding a lot of people without any formal charges.

No comment will be made at this time regarding the thirteen, other than it wasn't for "insurrection".

Current events aside, I continue work on my off-grid project. It is rather slow progress. When I left off last time, I was attempting to get tomato plant seeds to germinate. Many did, but the one that most successful was lost. Since then another one has taken its place. It is growing rather slowly, but it is still alive as far as I can tell.

You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and to walk before you can run. I have another batch of seeds that I attempting to germinate. Also, I am attempting to water the plants with a type of wicking system. I used that technique to clean dirty water before, so it should work to gently water the seedlings. Or so I am hoping.

Finally, I am tracking this situation regarding the "FBI Surveillance Van". After a long session with this yesterday, I am of the opinion that it may be a hacking job. With respect to the FBI, anybody can represent themselves to be anybody. Why use the FBI name if it is a hacker?

Trouble is, I don't know who or what this is. I suspect that somebody may be attempting to gather information from my devices, or is trying to make me worry about it. It may be a prank, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's not much to see here.

But it does appear that somebody may be up to something. Since I started watching this closely, the behavior seems to be modifying. That's kind of a tell to me. It isn't really random, so it is probably guided by a person somewhere.

That's all for now.

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