Friday, August 25, 2023

Mike Wallace interviews Ayn Rand

There is a lot of give and take on this interview... Question: What say you about the meaning of it? Of course, if you are reading this, you must be curious about what I think...

But first, I looked through the comments to the video. By the way, this interview was probably made 50 years ago. As I have written many times, this was about the time that the USA peaked, and has not reached that peak again. The rest of the world has caught up, and some may well have surpassed us. For example, India was the first country in the world to land a spacecraft on the lunar south pole. But America was first to land a man on the moon over 50 years ago.

Back to the comments on the video. Those who commented were in the current time frame. Many of them are probably too young to remember the time in which this interview took place, or weren't even born yet. There are many in the comment who disagreed with Rand, but to me, she is right on the money about the direction the country took since that time to this time. We have declined, and everybody in the world knows it.

It is also interesting to note that Barack Obama once replied to the question about taxation. He said that even if lowering taxes increased revenues, that he would still favor imposing higher taxes... That should say something about his priorities. It is also interesting to note here that he refused to allow the technology for molten salt reactors to stay in this country, but gave it to China. This technology proved the feasibility of the technology, but was prevented from being commercialized. The government was responsible for that back then, and Barack Obama was the head of the government nearer this time when he sent that technology to China... It seems that our government's priorities these days are not in favor of our own people or nation... It says a lot, if you bothered to notice.

Now we've got a President, who would rather see SpaceX destroyed, than to have it succeed or fail, based upon it own merits. That is solely because Elon Musk bought Twitter, and Twitter was acting in HIS interests by censoring his opposition. This is actually against the law, as it is written, and certainly against the spirit of what the law intended. "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW" respecting the right of people to express their own opinions and beliefs... But they CLAIM to be for the rule of law... Also they claim to be for "DEMOCRACY", but are they really? When you suppress another's opinion, you make it impossible to make any comparisons. If the comparisons are made, and the government in charge has fallen short, should they not be held accountable for that? What happens if they cannot make an informed opinion based on the free flow of information???

There is a reason why the country has declined in the last 50 years. It is staring you right in the face, but many of you refuse to see it. Indeed, if anyone pointed it out, many of you would prefer that person to be silenced... Yet we wonder why things are falling apart. To me, it should be obvious. Anyway, that is what I think.

The government has gotten way the hell out of control. It is destroying this country, and I think everybody down deep knows it's true. But nothing can be done because nobody is willing to do anything about it. It is a shame.

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