Wednesday, August 23, 2023

De-dollarization is a lie?


A couple videos today that I've seen brought up the subject. Unfortunately, I didn't make notes, and I cannot point to both of them. Since one said one thing and the other said the other thing, but both say the other is lying, then who to believe?

That's the crux of the issue. Who do you believe, and why. Here's what I think. That and some pocket change might buy you a cup of coffee, but here goes anyway...

Biden is maintaining a high approval rate in the Rasmussen Poll. Other polls say he's not. So there's a disconnect there. There's a disconnect there because of how the people sampled are doing financially. The ones not "likely to vote" are not sampled in Rasmussen's poll. Other polls are more inclusive of all potential voters. In NORMAL times, this would hold consistently. 

 Will it hold now? Lower classes are the ones not being sampled, that's the point. Lower classes are not doing well these days. In Maui, they got burnt up. Biden doesn't give a crap until it might hurt him.  That should have hurt him inthat poll, but NO.

Let's put it another way. People who are well off are sticking with Biden. All Biden needs is to keep them happy until he's safely installed for another term. His polls are not that great even at their best, but he's keeping them happy with the FUNNY MONEY. The government doesn't even try to be fiscally responsible anymore.

Okay, there's that. Another part of this is this "rule of law" nonsense. If there was "rule of law", then a whole lot of what's happening would not be happening. Just my opinion here, but the Trump legal woes nonsense is just that. A bunch of nonsense. Biden needs an equivalency between himself and Trump, so he needs Trump to be dirtied up. The way they do it is with a lot of phony legal woes. Phony scandals for Trump, and real ones for Biden. This allows his supporters to keep believing in him, because those who are his detractors are just partisan. But the Dems are not. /eyeroll

The "rule of law" nonsense may fool American voters, who are being pacified with phony money. It doesn't fool the rest of the world. The numbers of people in the world who have had enough of this is growing. It may not change the game before the election ( if there is one), but it will change the game eventually. An election is a rule of law thing and a democracy thing. How is the rule of law thing and the democracy thing doing? If you don't agree with the Dems you might be jailed soon.

Who to believe, then? I think you believe your own situation. If you are suffering, you can believe that. But if you are not, then the blame will go elsewhere. People cannot think beyond the length of their own noses, or anything outside their own skins. It's all about the money, especially their own money. Never mind that the money they think they've got won't last. If they thought beyond their own skins, they might have a better clue about who to believe.

So much for my opinion. Now go buy your coffee.

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