Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hanoi Jane: Limbaugh, shut up!

This isn't political. While we disagree with Limbaugh's politics, what's at stake is the fallout of a society tolerating toxic, hate-inciting speech. For 20 years, Limbaugh has hidden behind the First Amendment, or else claimed he's really "doing humor" or "entertainment." He is indeed constitutionally entitled to his opinions, but he is not constitutionally entitled to the people's airways.
[ emphasis mine]

At the risk of being accused of "hate speech" too, I deliberately added "Hanoi" to Jane Fonda's name. If you look at the emphasis that I've added, you can see clearly that this is indeed political, that the left is hiding behind a veil of morality, and are claiming control of the airways in the public interest, which they alone will define. Communism is a correct word. The problem with the left is that the truth is inconvenient, and their only recourse to the truth that communism is a failure- is to tell people to shut up.

If they were so very, very interested in curtailing hate speech, where have they been when one of their violates this vital interest that they claim that they have? Where? Where were they when Clinton was committing perjury to protect himself from charges of the very serious crime of rape, for heaven's sake? The inconvenient truth is that they aren't really interested in that, and they are pretending to be. Where are they when it comes to the way the Salafists treat women in Islamic countries? Their "concern" is always so convenient to them when it comes to politics.

The greatest truth of all is that the left sees the truth as hateful. Anybody who speaks it or writes it is hateful to them because the truth isn't in these people. They hate Limbaugh and anybody else who tells the truth about them and everything they say they stand for.

A country that falls for lies is not long for this world. This statement by Hanoi Jane would not have passed muster in my generation. It shows how far this country has sunk into the cesspit of the leftist's lies that such a phony statement as this could have any credibility at all. But that is where we are as a country now. The truth doesn't matter anymore. It is all about power, nothing else. The laws of the jungle will prevail, not the rule of law. The left's work is almost finished and they know it.


There's another point here. I think you can hate something, but not hate the person who believes it. For example, you can hate communism, but not hate the communist. That's because people can have a change of heart. You don't have to hate somebody because that person does have the capacity to change. And people do change sometimes. But you do hate the sin, because it is always a sin and it can never change.

It is interesting to note that the communists, including Jane Fonda, don't make this distinction. The implications should be obvious.


Good to see that somebody out there sees the supreme irony of Hanoi Jane telling Rush to shut up.

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