Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A man cannot serve two masters

Good 'ol Abe Lincoln said that.  A lot of people these days may not know that Jesus Christ said it first.  'Ol Abe was just applying it to his own situation, and making his point rather well.

Slavery was ended at that time, but the urge to enslave others never ends.  It is happening today, I suspect.

As I wrote in the previous post, I am the "canary in the coal mine".  When jobs like mine go, it means yours is next.  You'd better get out of the "coal mine" fast, or you will be next.  When that "canary" drops, the time is near to get the hell out.

Low end jobs are going to disappear and be replaced by robots.  That was a revelation to me.  I didn't think they'd be able to do that.  But it seems that they will and it may be sooner than anybody thinks.  Robotic delivery?  You betcha.  It's just a part of the overall trend.  Low end low skill jobs are going to be the ones that go first.  Low end jobs are the canary in the coal mine.  They won't be replaced by humans.  Robots make better slaves.  They never complain and work themselves to "death".  They can be replaced cheaply.

They want to make fast food to be served by robots.  Hey, no more burger flipper jobs.  Like I was saying.

If you can't get a burger flipper job, but aren't qualified to do the higher end stuff, you're shit out of luck.  You become a ward of the state.  Or you stand on a corner and hope somebody gives you a buck.  Or you have to steal your next Happy meal.  Then, they own you.  Meet your new master.  'Same as the old boss' in Abe's time.

When they own you and you are the ward of the state, your freedom will be gone.  They will tell you what to do, what to think, what to wear, what to eat, what to say and not say.  They will own you.  You will be their little pets.

Or you can choose to serve another master.

That's why I'm going to "da Ranch".  I will be able to grow my own food with my own hands.  I will be able to build my own shelter with my own hands.  And I won't need money to serve the new master.  I 'spec dat massa won't be too happy 'bout dat.


As far as I know, Honest Abe didn't say that.  I got the quotes mixed up.  I meant to say that Abe Lincoln said "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand".  Maybe it was too early in the morning and I felt groggy, who knows?

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