Saturday, October 31, 2020

Looking back--- part two

A little more digging into old posts here doesn't reveal what I thought I was thinking back in 2016. The reason to post this extra little post is that it might come true. So what was it???

It seemed to me at the time, which I'd like to be able to prove, but can't right now, is that Trump had a chance to realign the electorate. Sometimes you get political realignments if there's somebody who can pull it off. Reagan did that, but Bush gave it all back by being a dumb ass.

Looking at Trump's accomplishments, I'd say he has a chance this year. By the way, what I wrote about polls in 2016 seems awfully familiar today.

If enough Democrats cross over to the GOP this time, it could be one of those realignment type deals. However, if you get somebody who shit cans all that progress the way Bush did, it won't hold up any longer than this electoral cycle.

Like Forrest Gump said, "that's all I have to say about that".

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