Saturday, July 13, 2019

Too optimistic a view of history and the future


This chart conflicts with a chart that I created awhile back, in which was shown that USA's material well-being has flattened out.

There are some reports that USA's live expectancy numbers are starting to roll backwards.

There are two numbers there.  My measurement was in GDP in terms of gold per person.  Fiat currency is too variable to be useful as a guide.  Using gold as the measuring stick, the GDP peaked in the late sixties, and hasn't made a new high since.

I attribute this flattening out of these measurements to be a product of radical environmentalism.  This movement has stifled the development of nuclear energy, and in particular the development of the molten-salt reactor.  If the molten-salt reactor had been developed, then coal could be displaced, as it is cheaper than coal.

The significance of Trump is the challenge to current economic orthodoxy--- Free trade uber alles, and open borders uber alles, aka GLOBALISM.

Will this bring back an upwards lift to material well-being?  It seems to have had an effect, but whatever the effect ultimately turns out to be, the best thing is for the country to master energy and space.  These will ensure overabundance for the world, but what happens after that?

Lately, I have seen something that may challenge the notion that abundance may bring world peace. If you have everything, why would anybody feel the need to fight?  Well, maybe people will fight over something else.  Like sex, for instance.

The chart overlooks the concomitant development of weapons development.  Weapon systems get more deadlier as time goes on.  We may be doing better, but we live on the knife's edge of mass death and destruction.

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