Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pegasus smegasus

Pegasus smegasus

Well, there was this bit about Pegasus on Bongino's show today. He doesn't understand why this isn't a bigger story. It may not be possible to ascertain that with any certainty, but that is not the point of this post.

This post is really about the topic of computer security, or lack thereof. In fact, there isn't any privacy anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. You could go back into the 80's and see stories about how a dossier could be compiled on anyone with no more information than what is on your license plate.

There is no privacy anymore. Anybody who thinks so is kidding themselves. But it is a lot worse than that. Pegasus, as described, is a pretty scary thing. But the only reason that it exists is that the government is okay for it to be in existence.

Our problem is that our government does not serve the people anymore. This is just another example of that. The government COULD police the corporations that build shoddy products that can be hacked, but they don't. The government COULD file anti-trust suits against the corporations for violating peoples right to free speech, but instead of doing that, they protect them from lawsuits, and encourage them to trample upon your rights.

The people out there think that the government will take care of you. Oh, they'll "take care" of you all right. It just won't be in the way that you think of.

The Founding Fathers had a healthy distrust of government, and sought a form of government that would police itself. That system has broken down because the people who have gotten into power no longer honor their oaths.

There is just too many people who don't get that. Too bad for us if that number doesn't change in a big way and very, very soon. It has in Cuba. If the Cubans can "get it", why can't we?

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