Tuesday, July 20, 2021



This business about left and right, as it applies to politics, has a name. It is called dialectics. Probably most educated folks are familiar with that term. For some reason, I had forgotten it. But it wasn't because I hadn't heard of it, or didn't know about it. I just plain forgot about it.

Actually, I wanted to write something about it today, so when I googled it, I didn't use this term. But the term popped up, and I thought--- "of course".

There are those who would scoff at this, but Reagan's "speech" that launched his political career referred to the dialectic, but not by name. Those who dabble in such things as Marxist theory would have recognized it right off, but I suppose it isn't something that they teach in high school. At least, not back when I was in high school. Reagan's speech was a little before that time, but not that by all that much.

Dialectics is just a means of argumentation, supposedly designed to get at "truth". To tell you the truth, most arguments don't arrive at truth. They may arrive at fisticuffs for those who cannot tolerate being contradicted. This may include a lot of people.

But the argumentation is supposed to be civilized and non-violent. It is an intellectual kind of thing. Supposedly.

Reagan's argument against it set up another form a dialectic. Instead of right v left, he set up the freedom v slavery argument. He didn't frame it quite that way, but the opposite of freedom is slavery. People who are not free cannot help but be slaves, right? There are some who might dispute that. Communists would certainly dispute that their people are enslaved.

But what do you call making people the property of the state? Communist countries do not allow free entry and exit of their peoples. That's what the Berlin Wall was all about. I suppose they still teach this history in our schools, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

If the people of places such as Cuba and North Korea could migrate to a freer country, they would do so. But there are barriers to that. Cuba is an island surrounded by a large body of water. North Korea is bounded by China, and a large body of water. If North Koreans could, they would leave for the south. China was poor itself before it embraced capitalism. But they are closet commies anyway. The Chinese are not a free people.

But the boundary between the two Koreas is one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. You probably wouldn't want to get shot.

Seems like a lot of young folk admire communists, but they don't know what they are admiring. They went to our schools, which don't do much to educate people anymore.

But this was about dialectics. The Communists loved to call their society scientific socialism. They loved to consider their ideology to be inevitable. The flow of history is supposedly on their side. The dialectic says so. Reality has said otherwise, at least so far.

But communism only leads to people being enslaved by the state. So Reagan was right. There is no right v left, only freedom v slavery. Reagan called it "tyranny". But since America is said to have the "original sin" of slavery, this word should be used when talking about communism. For that is what communism is. People should educate themselves about what it is, instead of being indoctrinated by communists in our "educational" system.

Not only has communism failed everywhere that it has been attempted, but its argumentation has not resulted in what they claim it results in. But they believe in it a whole lot anyway.

Some offer the excuse that it hasn't been tried by the right people. I suppose if they try every country on earth, they'll get the same results. Everybody will be enslaved, and the only people with any freedom at all will be the people at the top.

Anyway, I think the communists have always dreamed of turning America into a communist "paradise". Maybe they think there's something magical about America that will make communism really work this time in this place.

But as the late Rush Limbaugh once said, communism has already been tried here before. It was tried in the first colonies, where everything was communal. But it didn't work worth a darn, so they tried capitalism, and things got better.

If they taught that in schools, instead of the communistic CRT, these kids would be a lot better off. Instead, they will have to go through the living hell of communism if these clowns succeed.

Then you may learn what the truth is. That is, if you don't starve or get shot first.

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