Saturday, September 8, 2018

Obligatory, 9.8.18

Been out on the road today.  Slow day, not much easy money today.  There were plenty of pain in the butt type things, and I decided, at about 1:30 or so, that-- enough was enough.

It started to rain, and I came on home.

On the way back, I turned on the radio.  Some of the music was interesting enough that I googled the lyrics.  These were popular songs, and I had heard them before.  But never took a closer look at them.

I won't mention them in detail here.  Just enough to say that to look at the lyrics changed my opinion of the songs.

One of the songs, the opinion went up.  The other song, the opinion went down.

The point?  None, just relating what happened today.

Sometimes I get carried away, or tempted to get carried away.  Something of a fantasy.

Here's one that's in your face. It's not the ones I mentioned above.

Friday, September 7, 2018

An explanation for the crazy?

An interesting theory of what this nuttiness means.

Crazy? What if it works?

There's a meme out there that says the Dems are acting crazy.  To me they seem quite normal, that is, for Democrats.  If it works for their constituents, then the crazy label may not work in winning on this issue.

But Booker did not get his facts straight, and that might matter to some people---crazy or not.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Space City Speculations: Air conditioning uses 10% of world electricity. A/...

Space City Speculations: Air conditioning uses 10% of world electricity. A/...: Thorcon is a company dedicated to making molten-salt nuclear reactors a reality in the near future. Molten-salt reactors are safer and cle...

Lots of media outlets are foreign owned or foreign influenced

The link for that is somewhere on the Last Refuge, comment section.  I was going to comment upon that there, but there was a problem with commenting ( sounds like red tape because it is ).

Anyway, I didn't succeed in getting a comment up, and a link up here either.  But I saw it yesterday.  It may come as a shock to some.

A mnemonic to help remember what post that was is this: it was about Trudeau saying that he won't sign any new agreement to replace NAFTA unless they can keep their media companies.

But as I said, I couldn't get signed on, so I didn't post a comment.  Nor did I provide a link, but I did give you a hint to go find it if you wish.  As for me, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, since so many people comment on that blog.

It should not surprise anybody that so much foreign influence exists.  So, here's the deal:  why does the left worry so much about Russian influence?  We have access to Russia Today.  I am sure that allows the Russians to influence public opinion here.  If the left is so worried about Russia, then why are they allowed to broadcast here?

Just another reason to suspect that the Russian meddling claim is nothing but hyped up nonsense.


Went looking for this comment again, and yes it is hard to find on that post.  I know it is there.  I could spend hours looking for it.  But then again....

What I did find is this infographic.  It is so big that it won't copy in one piece, so I made a few pieces from screen grabs.  Here's a bit of it, so as to give you the flavor of the "news" that we are so immersed in.

cannot read this?  It's friggin huge.

Better?  One look of this will only begin to clue you in.  But it isn't all.
Carlos Slim owns the NY Times.  Slim is a Mexican national.  Got the picture now?

This is actually an old post by Frugal Dad.  Things have gotten worse in the last seven years.  Hard to see how it can get worse than this!

There's a lot more than what I have put up here.  Yet, people are drawn into this, and they believe this propaganda.  It is anti-American.  When Trump identifies them as an enemy, he is right.  At the very best, they are not our friends.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Morris: Democrats are nominating unelectable candidates

He also says it is a well established pattern.  We'll see.

Mark Wauk: "Why Was Andrew Weissmann Kept 'in the Loop' by Bruce Ohr?"

Mark Wauck is a retired FBI agent who blogs on religion, philosophy, and history.

        Weissman was radioactive for awhile for his Enron misdealings.  His specialty seems to be forced confessions.

        Ohr was number four in the spectre of an administration recently ended.

What made America great?

Is it possible to put a finger on it?

There are those who say that America is still great, but I think not.  Something has been lost.  But what is that something?

De Tocqueville was quoted on the subject--- he said what made America great was in its churches.  America is great because America is good.

Did the churches make America great, then?  You will get a lot of disagreement on that, especially these days. 

I have my own theory about it, but maybe it is too "simplistic".  Let's put it this way.  When I was in junior high school, a teacher defined a scientist as a "seeker of truth".  I see America as an offshoot of Western Civilization, which through its Constitution, allowed the truth to shine forth.  It was this truth that was not smothered, as it can be through government suppression, that enabled America's greatness to rise up.  Greatness comes when the light of truth is allowed to shine.

I see the veil of darkness started to lower over the life of Western Civilization and in America as well.  The greatness we have enjoyed may not last.  The truth has gone out, and greatness is fading as well.

All in the name of equality and fairness.  The former is a delusion, and the latter is a lie.  Those who follow this lie will get neither.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Charles Manson Monologue

If you listen to this monologue, if you can stand it, then compare it with the circus that is going on in the Senate.   Besides that one, you have the other circus with Mueller.

It is like the spirit of Manson is about to take over in our councils of government.  They could do something about this, but won't.  Is it because they want all of us to see this spectacle?

I don't need to see it.  Anybody who can put two and two together ought to be able to figure out what the truth is.  But maybe not.

Powerline blog: "First Observations on the Kavanaugh Hearings"

If I may put in a word here.  The place where legislation takes place is the Congress.  The Court would not matter so much if the Congress did its job.

The Court was supposed to be the least powerful branch of government, but is now considered the most powerful, if this is any indication.

The Senate could override all of this stuff, but they probably won't.  By "override", they can simply shut out the spectators and cameras.  Court reporters could be allowed in, but that would be all.  The Senate has allowed this circus is my point.

AGW discussion 110: AGW Debate

on Watts up with that? blog.

Here is a couple of scientists duking it out on the issue of AGW.

It is a four part series, and this link is to the first of the four.

Space City Speculations: Off grid post 9.4.18

Space City Speculations: Off grid post 9.4.18: In order to keep things organized, and consistent with the previous posts on volume one, which is on the Boots and Oil blog , I am going to ...


The bridge to the future, being built one post at a time.  How long will I do this?  Maybe a week.

Monday, September 3, 2018

90% of Likely voters think that immigration is a problem

Talk about a winning issue that continually gets ignored.

No wonder Trump won.  If anything, he is not pushing the issue hard enough.

This is a Rasmussen poll.  They poll likely voters, so this isn't some junk poll.

Off grid post 9.3.18

Note:  Cross posted ( actually linked back to here ) from my other blog--- Space City Speculations.

It should be noted once again that I am not actually posting anything over there, only linking back here.  It filters out the political stuff.  You will only see this post when you link on it back there.

Give it some time for the link to be posted.  Let's say 30 minutes.

Hopefully, that is clear.

On with the post...

Today it rained.  So, I am collecting some rainwater and filtering it.

Today I filled up my three jugs for a total of 13 gallons.  This is not rainwater.  It was bought water from a kiosk in town.

The water I collect from rainwater will be segregated from this water.  This water can be used for everything, but rainwater will have limited uses, you see.  That is why it is kept separate from the rest.

I am able to make it on a couple gallons of water per day.  Now that I have fourteen gallons total, it should last me the whole week ahead.

Not to mention that I will be able to collect rainwater because rain is in the forecast.  It has been dry lately.  We need the rain.


Please do not get the idea that I will never post on the other blog.  Eventually, the off-grid posts will go on the other blog.  That, and the energy and space posts will go on the other blog.  That is to say, this current procedure will be the bridge to the future, as there will be two separate blogs when all is said and done.  Right now, the other blog is actually just a link to this one.

Consider the future off grid posts to be volume two.  The ones on this blog belong to volume one.

Announcement: I will be posting more on my second blog

It seems that the Boots and Oil blog has become quite political.  I would rather not force everyone to read everything here on this blog anymore.

Maybe some of my visitors would prefer that I skip politics.  Perhaps I would, but it keeps attracting me like a moth to a flame.  I don't like to discuss it because it is a dreary and depressing subject to me.

That said, there is nothing to do here, but to discuss the downward trajectory of our civilization.  But the other blog will be more hopeful, and the political stuff will either be expunged completely, or hardly mentioned at all.

The way this will work is that I will cross post from here.  The post will then be linked to over there.  A link back here will be provided, but you can just go to the second blog and skip all the political stuff by not coming here anymore.  Got it?

I hope I do.  Let's see if I can cross post this post.  In the meantime, I will be working out the bugs on this system, and hopefully it will be operational soon.


To go directly to the second blog, click on the blog in the preferred blog list on the left sidebar.  Look for the name "Space City Speculations".  This blog was formerly known as Kardashevian Aspirations.

Any room for optimism?

The future may not be on our side.

Let's not kid ourselves.  The tactics and strategies of the left are working.  We are right there on the edge of catastrophe. 

What is this referring to?  To answer that question, you just have to look at the political situation.  It is dire.  Our country is starting to devolve into a pattern that resembles a lot of what was seen in formerly white controlled countries such as Rhodesia and South Africa. 

Sure as day follows night, the left will organize the colored peoples into an anti-white coalition that can win elections.  This template has already been demonstrated with the election of Obama.

Obama was supposed to improve race relations, but that didn't happen.  Yet, the left will double down on that strategy.  It can already be seen in Florida and here in Texas. 

The same patterns are unfolding in those races.  But it won't matter.  People are going to vote along racial and cultural lines.  The balkanization of America will lead to its downfall.

This has been a long term strategy, and it is now paying off for the left.  It thrives upon dishonesty and deceit.  The deceit has gulled the public into voting for politicians that have ushered in this new reality right under our noses, and against our will.  Nobody voted for what is coming.

What made America great?  It wasn't what is happening in South Africa and Zimbabwe.  Nor in Venezuela.  But that is what is happening here, too.  The left has used race as a tactic and strategy, and now we are a politically and culturally divided nation that is disintegrating before our very eyes.

Ultimately, there will be an attempt at genocide.  You can bet on it.  This can lead only in one direction, and that is the direction we are headed.

I am not optimistic.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Last Refuge: "NY Times claims FBI was trying to flip Deripaska"

Let's get this straight.  If Trump hires Manafort, who has connections to Russia, it must mean that Trump is a traitor.  But if the FBI tries to get help from "the Russians" to frame Trump, that's okay.

Just because the NY Times says something, it isn't gospel.  In fact, it is quite likely to be a lie.

Yep.  I'm calling them liars.  It has gotten that bad in this country.

This is as bizarre as that German Nazi Rudolf Hess who flew to Scotland during WWII in order to flip the English and "make peace".

Maybe these guys are trying to "flip" us all.

Btw, somebody in the comment sections wrote about the connections between all these people.  It is stunning how these people are all interrelated.  Search for the poster named "Concerned".  His source seems to be Gateway Pundit.

Get this: Lanny Davis is Cohen's lawyer.  Tell me, why would anybody believe anything that comes out of Mueller's so-called investigation?

More on Deripaska from a previous post.

Powerline: "...why Sessions needed to recuse himself"

Poppa-a-coppa may be lying, according to Paul Mirengoff of the Powerline blog.

I commented over there in case you want to read what I sed.

Anyway, by the time this gets sorted out legally, Trump may be impeached.  It isn't a very good thing for Trump, I'd say.  Nor for the country.

I've been hollering about this since Mueller was appointed.  Evidently, things will go where they will go.

God help us with these people.

John McCain's funeral

Why does the left seem to love John McCain now?

The key to answering this question is to read what Obama said at McCain's funeral.

Obama was said to have said that he was surprised that he was asked to speak at his funeral.

Obama beat McCain for the job of the presidency.  So McCain is forgiving of him for that.  Oh, what a guy! ( sarcasm)   The article also mentions how McCain even forgave his torturers in Vietnam.  It is supposed to be an allusion to "love your enemy", you see.  This from the left, who, if they could, would wipe out Christianity.

McCain was always "loving his enemies".  Only problem is, that they aren't his enemies now.  His big enemy now is Trump.  John McCain cannot fight anymore, but he can sure deliver a lot of propaganda directed at their common enemy ---- Trump.

John McCain is an enabler of the left.  That is why they love him so.  Even though he makes these Christian gestures, he is not sincere with his final wishes.  For if he was sincere, he would forgive everybody.  But he cannot forgive Trump.  Why?

Trump would not bow down and worship him like he was some sort of God.  He questioned his heroism in Vietnam.   This just won't do!!!  Trump has committed the gravest of sins by profaning the most sacred of the sacred ones.  Those shalt not disrespect the hero, John McCain.

McCain may have done some good things.  But he was nothing special.  Whatever good he may have done, his enabling of the left has undone all of it.

The Democrats claim to love him so much now, but where were they when McCain was running for President?

They love their own more than McCain--- enabler of them that he was.  True then and is still true today.  I'm not falling for it.

I voted for McCain because he did serve his country.  That in comparison to Obama who did not.

But I may have been in error in thinking John McCain wanted to serve his country.  For if he is serving his country with this kind of spectacle, I fail to see how it does any such thing.

Sharyl Attkisson: "The enigmatic case of Carter Page"

One thing is certain.  Somebody is lying.  There can be no doubt about that.

As I wrote before, why would these guys hold back information if said information could have ended Trump's political career?  Keep in mind that this story dates back to the campaign in 2016.  Washington DC leaks like a sieve.  Nobody can keep a secret there if it involves a Republican.  Recall how George W Bush's DUI was disclosed?  Disclosure for political gain is how DC works, in one direction. Now, for a Democrat secret..., who killed Seth Rich????

Update a little while later...

Look for a last minute before the election indictment, like Caspar Weinberger in 1992.  The indictment may make the difference in this midterm election.