Saturday, August 10, 2024

Dan Bongino, more on Secret Service scandal

The Gall of this guy

Does "chastise" mean what I think it do?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala Harris' astroturfing campaign


I'm getting a bit irritated at the so-called "right-wing" pundits, who keep on touting Kamala Harris as a serious candidate. They are playing along with the astroturf campaign.

They should be mocking it without mercy. It's time to go for the throat, you people. No need to help these leftards back into power. If this goes the wrong way, it is crap like this that may make the difference.

8/7/24: Quote:
Astroturfing is the practice of hiding the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious, or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from, and is supported by, grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial backers.

The implication behind the use of the term is that instead of a "true" or "natural" grassroots effort behind the activity in question, there is a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support.----Wikipedia


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Quickie post, 8/8/24

It struck me that those who prefer our current form of government, which is supposedly one that is limited in scope and power, tend to run their elections in terms of ideas put forth in the hopes of persuasion.

On the other side of the coin, those who prefer an all powerful state tend to run their campaigns on collecting the most votes. CTH has written a lot on those distinctions. Perhaps it has finally sunk in with yours truly.

What does that mean? It means that while we preach to the choir, the Democrats are out there trying to get as many votes as they can find. That will also mean that they will import illegals and get them registered to vote. It means that they will create as many ballots as possible, no matter how illegal it may well be.

This is how they win even though their ideas are really very, very bad. For Democrats, the ideas are just the prop. The real thing is how many votes they can manufacture out of the clear blue sky.

It is almost inconceivable that the public would actually choose these clowns as leaders. But maybe the public really isn't choosing them. If the Democrats can manufacture enough votes, no matter how illegal it is, they can claim victory.

Meanwhile, we all preach to each other trying to convince the already convinced. It seems that we should reconsider our strategies. You'd think?


Here's an example for ya. By the way, we on the so-called right will read this, but what will we DO about it?

British study says girls experience more climate anxiety than boys

Once again, AGW is bunk. No other point of view on the subject is desired. Just more indoctrination is suggested.

Actually the suggestion should be less indoctrination and more critical thinking skills. But that wouldn't help the nanny state now would it? The nanny state commies need people to check their brains in at the door.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tommy Robinson

While we at Wikipedia, let's look at what it says about this guy who is in the news over across the pond.

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982), better known as Tommy Robinson, is a British anti-Islam campaigner and one of the UK's most prominent far-right activists.


As anyone who has actually read this blog knows, I consider the use of the term "far right" to be a dead giveaway to Marxist politics, according to the "Marxist Paradigm" of Left-Right-Center. Anybody who uses these terms should be considered suspicious. I don't give a hoot in hell who they are. For example, the late Rush Limbaugh like to refer to himself as being on the "right". For anyone truly conservative to use that term should be taken to the woodshed and given a good talking to until it takes.

WAI's Starship Update

It looks like I cannot embed directly anymore, plus the Transcript is not easy to copy either. Oh, well. Just more work.

Transcript ( only the first portion )

0:00 how is this even possible SpaceX
0:03 continues stacking Starship Tower beat
0:05 the flight five Starship is hitting a
0:07 bump are new engines needed SpaceX
0:10 unveils its incredible Raptor 3 Starship
0:13 engine musk explains why it is so
0:15 incredibly special spacex's Starships
0:18 will fly from
0:22 Australia my name is Felix welcome to
0:24 what about it let's Dive Right In
0:27 Starship updates welcome to space is
0:30 rapidly growing Starship launch site
0:32 this is what the entire space flight
0:34 World talks about right now is this our
0:37 future in space and not much work has
0:40 been done around the orbital launch
0:41 Mount lately that's good news it seems
0:44 SpaceX is mostly preparing the rocket
0:46 itself with its upper stage ship and
0:48 lower stage super heavy booster and less
0:50 of the launch infrastructure for flight

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Obligatory, 8/6/24: News links

Regime getting jumpy, Tulsi Gabbard put on terrorist watch list.

Really? A terrorist?

Harris choose her running mate Tim Walz veep candidate

He is as weird as she is.

Video Tulsi Gabbard interviewed

This is a long video, so perhaps you should go to YouTube and access the table of contents, then click on that part of the interview that you find interesting enough to watch.

Two hours is a long time to spend on anything.

Sen. Josh Hawley: Shocking Details About Trump Assassination Attempt Shared With Him by Secret Service Whistleblowers


On a related note, Bongino says that the political left wants this story to go away. In my opinion, this appears to be a massive cover-up. Evidently, a significant portion of the Democrat party seems to believe assassinations are legitimate actions of government. The public needs to know, but will the public ever know? Clearly, there are those on the political left who do not want the public to know. That's a real problem.

Monday, August 5, 2024

NASDAQ down 6%+, it says

Just checked the Dow, which was down 2%+.

I'm no longer in the market, so I'm not up to speed. Prices seem way too high. There's no way the Dow should be at 40k, but maybe there's a reason if I bothered to look.

It doesn't really pay to watch the every day movements of the market. I try to keep the focus on the Big Picture. The Big Picture isn't really pretty right now.

But markets may not care about that. Not sure what's driving this market. Perhaps it is just a lot of funny money.

Bongino Show, 8/5/24

Bongino says he isn't going to stop talking about the assassination attempt. Good.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Define the words one uses

The "concerned Republican" uses the word "conservative" to describe unpopular Republicans such as Romney, Liz Cheney, and George W. Bush.

When one uses a word, it should be well-defined as to what that word means. Therefore, to the "concerend Republican", these people mentioned are "conservatives".

Why are they conservative? What makes a person conservative?

The "concerned Republican" then accused the MAGA Republicans of being a cult. How is MAGA a cult? The "concerned Republican" doesn't say.

Anyone can put a label on anything. Calling something a name doesn't make it so. The accusations have to be meaningful and can be proven.

The same is true with regard to the Marxist Paradigm that I've written about time-and-again. How do you define the "political spectrum"?

Since the "concerned Republican" uses name-calling as an argument, I can do it too. Basically, the people the "concerned Republican" mentions as conservatives are nothing but useful idiots for the left. That's because they don't offer any real opposition to the left.

If accepting the left's principles makes a person conservative, then the hell with "conservatism".