Saturday, October 19, 2019

Trump Obama comparison favors Trump


Some indisputable good economic news.

Did someone just catch Hillary making one up?


Some of the things she says may be harder to prove false, but this one may be easier.  Seems unlikely that anything like this ever took place.  Maybe she ought to produce the letter from NASA she claims was written to her.

Star Chamber tactics are 300 years old


The party that claims to be about science and progress is employing tactics that date back to nearly medieval times.

Is this kind of thing next?

Friday, October 18, 2019

The right to be unhappy


The character Mustapha Mond suggests that John Savage wants the "right to be unhappy".  That's a provocative thought.  Does that mean that only slaves can be happy?

Does freedom come at the cost of happiness?  It appears to be the thought expressed here.

The Clintons' political shadow covers the entire political landscape


Lotsa discussion on the CTH comment board about this tussle with Tulsi.

One thing I checked out on the story was this idea that Jill Stein was a Russian candidate in 2016.  But Stein was a fringe candidate who had no significant impact at all.  The idea that the Clinton machine could blame Stein for her loss in 2016 is a bit of a stretch, which is putting it mildly.

It's just another one of their fake stories, but it does lend credence that they are pulling some strings behind the scenes.

The Clintons' influence can be felt far and wide.

Call Pelosi's bluff


There should be a way to dispose of this phony impeachment inquiry.  This could be through the use of a discharge petition.

If Nancy Pelosi really had the votes for an impeachment inquiry, there wouldn't be any problem at all in getting the thing voted on if the GOP demanded that a vote be taken.

Nancy Pelosi could be bluffing.  She claims to be holding the cards, but maybe she has a losing hand.  Call her bluff, and make her produce the cards, if she really has them.

Obligatory, 10.18.19

A short blurb to kick off the blogging day.

I saw a headline while perusing the news, and it gave me an idea for this little blurb.  The headline said that "we are one election away" and then you can fill in the blank.

Actually, that is the nature of existence now, isn't it?  Everything happens on the margins.  The margins occur "at the next instance".  The next instance in politics is the election.  The election will determine what happens during the next cycle.  And so forth and so on.

We are one election away, therefore, from descending into socialism.  Or, we are one election away from the rebirth of freedom.  Think about it.

You can see why these politicians will do just about anything to win.  There's a lot at stake for them.  But there is a lot at stake for everybody.  But not everybody would agree and might think it all a bore.  In my opinion, that is a mistake.  A big mistake.

Perhaps one can now understand why I may be spending a bit more time on this than I should.  Yet, it seems as though I am not doing enough.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Media political stunt


Levin says that Pelosi and Schumer were the only ones to walk out.  There were other Democrats in the room, but they didn't leave.  Since Pelosi and Schumer were the only ones to leave, then it was staged for the benefit of the media.

Too many people are impressed with the media's political stunts.

Snakes hiding in the Blackberry's


The early reports had the DOJ in possession of these Blackberry's.  It didn't seem all that big of a deal.  But Durham getting them does.

If Durham finds what folks have been saying could exist on them, that would prove criminal wrongdoing, you see.

Flynn's attorney wants those Blackberry's.  Yeah, I bet.  This could be Big Trouble for the hoaxers.

The real point of the scandal mongering

In my opinion, the left has to keep Trump's poll numbers down as a matter of political necessity.  If he gets popular, then it's over for them.  At least for this cycle.

Before this latest fake scandal emerged, Trump's Rasmussen number was at 53% approval.  It has been knocked down below 50% again.  If his approval had gotten much higher, then the left would have to admit that he has become a popular president.  They don't ever want that to happen.

The curious thing is how they seem to get away with their scams over and over again.  The failure of these scandals to stick should be making their attempts to gin up new ones all the more harder.  One would think that this would begin to backfire at some point.

Obligatory, 10.17.19

Today is slated for doing a few things that have to be done.  Posting may be light because of that.

One thing that came to mind this morning is this business about truth.  For the cynical types, or maybe you can even say "realistic" types, the discussion of truth may bring a wry smile.  I know what you types might be thinking... "What a naive individual you must be.  The world doesn't work that way".

Too bad that the world doesn't, as I would agree with such a sentiment.  Yes, the world doesn't work that way.  It would be a far better world if it did.  Does the world really have to be a shit hole?

That is all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bongino show

Bongino's show spent most of its time on the debate last night.

That's useful for me because I can't stand these people.  I can't stand to even read the transcript of what these clowns said.  Heck, I only got through part of it this morning before I had to quit.

Better to go to a secondary source, and then use that for an idea for a post.

None of the policy proposals are new.  The Democrats just used the old class-warfare type of arguments in order to sell their stories.  Of course, these were all refuted time and again in the eighties.  When the country went leftward after the Reagan years, the policies started failing us again with the predictable results--- a stagnant and failing economy.  Only this time, we have the poor economy and all of the rest of the left-wing baggage that goes with it.  We are worse off now than we were during the Carter Malaise period.

Note:  I'm not saying the Trump economy is poor.  But when you are thrilled with 3% growth, something ain't right, boss.

Once that leftism gets entrenched, it is almost impossible to stop it.  Reagan only slowed it down for his eight years, and Bush started down the same old failed path that led to Clinton, and off we are to the race to the bottom once again.  Trump comes along with a somewhat conservative approach, and you'd think a reincarnated Adolf Hitler was in the White House.

Trump isn't even fighting the conservative economic battle that Reagan was fighting.  He has to fight for the actual right to assume and execute the office itself.  Basically what we are witnessing is another concomitant feature of leftist politics--- it does not yield to the public will.  Lefties claim to be about democracy and rule of law and so forth.  But it is all about leftists and their power.  The purpose of their very deceitful rhetoric is to set the hook that reels you in.  It will be very, very hard to extract the hook.  The hook is so deeply embedded, we cannot even elect someone from an opposition party anymore. 

Think about that when they claim to be about democracy and rule of law.  This isn't about what the public wants, it is about the left's insatiable greed for power and their incessant demands that we submit to it.

ABC News Interview with Hunter Biden didn't help at all


No kiddin'.  Gee, I never woulda figured that.  /sarc

Reading the transcript of Dem debate...

The impression it gives is of a madhouse.  These people are nuts.

I don't know how people could listen to this garbage and not be unhinged by it.  It is hard for me to imagine these people repeating this in a general election while Trump was on the stage with them.  Trump would give it right back twice as hard.  He has plenty of ammo, so to speak.

One of these jackasses said that Trump felt he could get away with shooting somebody in public.  Actually, to shoot all of these jackasses would be a public service. 

Normally, I wouldn't favor shooting crazy people.  But these people are different. It might even be good for them.  Put them out of their misery.  Therefore, for their good and ours, I think Trump should have them shot.  A fair trial first, of course.  Due process would be preserved! 

I think his approval ratings would go through the roof.

Why is this hard for the GOP?


It should be unanimous.  The Republicans have 198 members of the House.  So they only have 135 who are willing to censure Schiff for lying?

Even this is mild.  What's with these guys?

Ah, I remember.  They call it the Uniparty.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Q: How can you be so stupid? A: I got this fella helping me...


Does ABC news really think this exonerates Hunter Biden or his Dad?  You have to be 10 kinds of stupid to believe that.

Is it really necessary to explain this?  ( mansplain, sorry! )

Another good show

Even top Dems watch this guy.  wink

No more drive thru restaurants in big cities?

To combat climate change?  Where are the little kiddoes going to get their happy meals?

Beam me up Scotty! 

Buford T. Justice of Texas: "I'm going to barbeque your ass!"


A little humor for a grim day.

Sigh. Why do we let these people lie to us?

Maybe people just can't handle the truth.  A lie is so much easier.

With much anticipation, people are waiting for the IG report on the FISA abuses.  Guess what?  It is delayed now.  Now wait a minute.  We are told it is as thick as a phone book.  It doesn't have to be as thick as a phone book.  All of you people know what you need to know already.  It is something that I have noted here many times on this here blog.  But that is too obvious, I suppose.

There won't be any great revelations in the IG report.  It's very length betrays its true purpose, which is to deceive.  How many people will actually study this report?  So there you have it.  Nobody will, but they will read the summary report, which will cover up the main parts that MIGHT be useful.

Likewise, the liberals were waiting for the Mueller Report to tell them something that common sense should have told them was not so.  There couldn't have been any Russian collusion.  If there was truly any Russian collusion, the whole damned world would have known about it.  Trump cannot even have a conversation with a foreign leader without a snitch informing on him.  Then, when they inform, they lie about the information.  People lap it all up greedily, like this is really doing them any good at all.  Meanwhile, the malefactors get off scott-free.

People are suckers for the lies, but the truth is ignored even when it is plain sight.  There was no Russian collusion.  There was foreign collusion to deny the presidency to Trump.  But that is okay, I suppose because of Trump's wrong-think.

As the so-called conservatives wait for this bullshit IG report, which will tell nobody anything, or if it does, it will be buried, we have a real situation developing in real time.  There is a STAR CHAMBER running an illicit faux investigation in the House.  Yet there are only a few Republicans who are making an effort to oppose this, and actively support the President.  Yes, and the so-called conservatives let them get away with that disgrace.  Only 100 members of the GOP caucus will demand Schiff's ouster.  It should be every damned one of them.  Where are the rest of these dirt bags?

We are being lied to as much as the left lies to its own people.  The purpose of this is to keep us divided against each other so that we can be more easily conquered.  NOBODY should be for STAR CHAMBERS.  NOBODY.  If you cannot agree upon that, then the rest is academic and a fraud.

Faux outrage, or so we are told


How important is this?  There are those who think it is.  I saw it yesterday, but I didn't bother to write about it.  I don't think it is very important.

Somebody got kicked off of Twitter because of this video.

I don't know if the individual involved actually made the video.  Or if he only posted it.  But that was used as a pretext for taking his Twitter account down.

You can follow this story here and here.  That is, if you're interested.

Normally, I'm not interested in this stuff.  A moments thought does reveal something...  The left-wing media didn't get upset that a movie showed a church full of Christians being murdered, and they weren't upset by it at all.  But as soon as the faces were painted over with symbols of media in the same movie, they got VERY upset.  That tells you something about who they are.  Maybe that is worth mentioning, but I don't consider the media worth listening to, anyway.  I'm a bit surprised at how many people actually listen to these creeps.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Four lights indeed



You cannot tell the truth anymore.  If you do, you'll be attacked. Maybe it will be for "mansplaining".

For anyone not familiar, I like to use the scene from Star Trek to illustrate a point.  Captain Picard is being forced to deny the evidence of his own eyes, and say what his captors want him to say.

The point?  I think it more like the kind of dystopia that awaits us when we allow an entity to intimidate us into saying what the controlling agents wants us to say.

To resist may mean a lifetime of misery and loneliness.  You might have to have some luck to be rescued at the last moment.  The temptation to betray may be extreme.

How many people have betrayed in similar circumstances?  Imagine having to answer that one if you are on the "hot seat".

... the previous post is below...

There are indeed four lights.

Seems like deja vu all over again.

It is a shame that an obvious truth is now controversial.

11.19.18 @ 2:36 pm:

If believing one's sex can be changed, even though that is impossible, then why is it hard to believe that AGW is a hoax?  Furthermore, why is it hard to believe that these people want to get you to believe false things as a matter of principle?

What does "mansplain" mean?


Quick update:

5:33 pm:

What do they call this "Bush-splaining"?

4:45 pm:

Navarro is quoted to have said "Don't mansplain me!" to Senator Paul.

I've seen the term before.  It doesn't interest me, generally, to follow their weird vocabulary.  But you have to understand the enemy.  It does look more and more like they are committed enemies.

So what does this word mean?
:: Wikipedia "wikisplains" it to me:  "the person being explained to knows more than the person explaining it."  Aah!!!  So, the only thing required is that the person being talked to is the feeling that she is being talked down to.  It is condescending, in other words.  Maybe she knows more than the guy does, maybe she doesn't.  But all she needs to feel is that she knows more, and that is all that matters, evidently.

Another jewel I'll pluck here:  New York Times labeled it as "words of the year".  Yeah, the New York Times is one helluva authority now.

When it comes to the lefties, only they can talk down to anybody, since they know so much.

The problem is to identify it as a gender item, when it doesn't have to be.  Anybody can talk beyond their knowledge level.  Yeah, I'm sure I've done it too.  Lots of times.  The world is a tough place, what can I say?  But if you hide behind something that is used as an excuse, maybe you are wrong.

I think it is shallow, and that is what determines so many things today.  Maybe shallowness has always been the way of the world.  But it never seemed to be so clear to me as it does today.

What can make these people become honest?


Even though the things we have heard about have been thoroughly debunked, they will continue with this until election day.

This propaganda isn't likely to end UNLESS it begins to go badly for them.

Impeachment does not have to be successful in fact to be successful politically.  We are nearly in an election year anyway.  If the Dems can tarnish the President enough, they could deny him a second term.

Lines are being crossed


Consider this.  They are meeting in Congress, and they are excluding other members from participation.  This cannot be legal.  If they want to have a PRIVATE meeting, they can.  But this is on PUBLIC property.  Washington DC, and the Capitol is on public property.  They don't get to appropriate it for their own use at the exclusion of other members of Congress.

What can be done about it?  Well, one guy is nothing.  But there are more than 1 Republican in Congress.  Where are they?

daily update:

Looks like Gaetz is not a member of that committee.  However, the House Judiciary committee votes out the impeachment articles, and so he claims a right to be there.  But he isn't being allowed in.

Do you people know what you are doing?


I am no fan of corporations, but I would think long and hard before I would give power to a dude like this.

The government created corporations.  Therefore, they aren't purely private organizations.  You can be opposed to making them more like government, and not be socialistic.

What the socialists are attempting here is a trick.  It is to seize private property and use it for their own benefit.

It does raise some serious questions, but their answers are not good answers.

Another dead horse to beat


The following embedded tweet is satirical, in case you may be inclined to take it seriously.

But it is also a reminder to not give these people ideas.  If they could lecture without limits they would.

Not that it would change anybody's mind.  Even in totalitarian societies in years gone by, the people knew what was true, and what wasn't.

Let's hope we don't go that way any time soon.

Beating a dead horse


For all the good this will do, these clowns will try to convince the public of something that they haven't been able to convince for nearly the entire length of Trump's term in office.

It's like beating a dead horse, all right.  That ol' hoss is deader than a doornail, and ain't goin' nowhere.

Obligatory, 10.14.19

Yesterday was one of the few times I didn't post something here.

I got a shingles vaccine on Saturday, and this pretty much laid me out all day Sunday.  I'm feeling somewhat better this morning.  Back at 'em, I suppose.

You have to get two of these.  I already had one, and so the symptoms were not unexpected.  Evidently memories are short though.  I don't remember feeling it this much the last time.  But now that I've been through it, I'd say bad memories are forgotten quickly.

Was it that bad?  Well, I googled it, and the symptoms for chicken pox are quite similar.  After all, that is what shingles is, in case you didn't know.  These days, chicken pox is rare.  There is a vaccine for it, and the incidence of this illness has been reduced to a rarity.  Maybe people don't know about chicken pox anymore.  Who knows?  I had it as a kid.  I figured everybody got it.  It is probably not far off assumption for those in my age group to assume that everyone gets it.  But it is no longer the case, so there may be people whose knowledge comes only from reading about it.

So there's the explanation for not having any posts up yesterday.  Any rumors to my demise were greatly exaggerated.