Saturday, June 15, 2024

Today's news dump, 6/15/24

1. ===================================================

Twitchy: Metaphors gone wrong hall of fame


Nancy Pelosi accuses Trump of projection


I didn't know that this was on Alinsky's list of rules for radicals. If you can find it in one of their books, then it must be one of their tactics. It ISN'T psychological. It's a STRATEGY.


LA is a dumpster fire. Removing U-Turn signs because they are "anti-gay"

Friday, June 14, 2024

Pentagon wants to feed Troops fake meat

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Traveling Wave Reactor

Aka the Candelstick concept. It is a big candlestick. In theory, that is. Frankly, I dismissed ( or overlooked ) this previously. Maybe not so much now.

Bill Gates' Terrapower: A Window Into the Nuclear Future


Perhaps the time has come for this tech.


TerraPower—with the backing of Bill Gates—has a radical vision for the reactors of tomorrow

  • Thanks to his role funding and guiding a start-up called TerraPower LLC, where he serves as chairman, Mr. Gates has become a player in a field of inventors whose goal is to make nuclear reactors smaller, cheaper and safer than today's nuclear energy sources 
  • "A cheaper reactor design that can burn waste and doesn't run into fuel limitations would be a big thing," Mr. Gates says
  • The type of reactor TerraPower is working on, ... could reduce the need for enrichment and reprocessing of uranium. 
  • It's a slow, controlled reaction that could continue over many years without need of human intervention. 

Here's a Ted talk on Terrapower

Bill Gates' Terrapower in the news

click here for AP Story

A background video is below:

Additional information (wikipedia article) about sodium-cooled fast reactors


A name from the past. I have to fess up about something. I didn't know what the proposition was really all about. I'd say my first impression of it was negative.

If memory serves, President Richard Nixon favored this approach over the existing molten-salt reactor that had already done a proof-of-concept proto-type. Anyway, if this is approved by the government in 2024, it may be better than nothing. Comes a bit late, however. Russia is said to have commercial grade fast reactors already.

Court Orders Texas Libraries to Restock Transgender, Controversial Books in Kids Section, But Not Sexually Explicit Material

Court Orders Texas Libraries to Restock Transgender, Controversial Books in Kids Section, But Not Sexually Explicit Material

Comment: Looks like a school close to home.

No getting away from the indoctrination.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bongino and Alexandra Pelosi's J6th video now in the news

It's been my opinion from the beginning that J6th was a False Flag op. I watched about half of Bongino's video, and decided to post something on it. What's new here?

There seems to be some doubt about this National Guard business. Who has that responsibility in the DC area? On J6th 2021, the President ( Trump ) or the Speaker (Nancy Pelosi)? Nancy Pelosi seems to be skating on this. For if it wasn't her responsibility, then what difference does it make what Trump does?

If it was Trump's responsibility, then why does he have to ask Speaker Pelosi? He could just send them in. The District of Columbia is not a state. There's no Chief Magistrate, who would call out the Guard in a state. But who does that in the District of Columbia? There's no definite and clear obligation for someone to do it, but Congress does have the responsibility to declare war and to call forth the Militia to suppress rebellions and insurrections and so forth.

Trump says he asked Pelosi, but it seems that is being denied. I suspect some shirking is going on here. Primarily from Pelosi. If she calls for the Guard, then it is up to who? Then there was that part in the video in which the Major General said that there were unprecedented restrictions. Even if Trump was refusing to get involved, what prevents a Chief Magistrate to call forth the Guard, and why would that not be appropriate for the Speaker to do so? What I'm getting at is that Pelosi is skating on the responsibility that claims that she has, but wants to blame on Trump. But she could have done it herself. Who in charge at the time and in the District, would have refused a direct order from the Speaker in the middle of a riot?

If Trump would have intervened then and there, over-riding Speaker Pelosi, the Democrats might have had a case for complaint. Instead they are trying to lay it off on Trump. It was up to Pelosi or McConnell, or perhaps even Pence as Veep. They did not call it forth, and claim that Trump should have. I think they are wrong.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biden as Boomhauer

Wasn't he the guy on the animated show that mumbled incoherently all the time.

Liberals are Not So Smart. Part XVI

Liberals are Not So Smart. Part XVI: I’m sitting here thinking about our liberal friends, and wondering: are they smart, or not so smart? They must be smart-ish, else they would not have been the ruling class in America for the last century and more. They are good at handing out t...


Evidently smart enough to keep the GOP in the minority, but that isn't saying much.

Venus is the Strangest Planet

It could possibly be the most interesting planet of them all. Venus may actually have life that originated from Earth ( panspermia). It could possibly be colonized. It has potential for space mining. One should not underestimate its potential. Interestingly enough, that is exactly what is happening.

Future of Starship

They need to edit this down a bit. I didn't watch all of it. My mind is spinning since IFT-4. The possibilities are mind-boggling.

Monday, June 10, 2024

New J6 footage makes J6 committee look worse


In my book, they can't look much worse than what they already do. Anyway, here's the tweet.

Not Sure is leading the GOP VeepStakes pack

Maybe he can convince Brandon to stop pouring GatorAid on the crops. He'd be a shoo-in.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Total recall

Windows has gone insane. Our computers are spying on us. For what purpose? Or shall I ask, what legitimate purpose?

Mark Levin gets scare quoted by Fox

So Mark Levin gives a patriotic speech here. What does Fox do? They scarequote him to death.

I'm posting it because it is patriotic. It is getting to be rather rare to see patriotism anymore. It's like a dirty word now. No wonder young people don't think America is number one anymore. It's getting so drilled into their skulls that America is "bad", (that's a scare quote!) how in the hell can they think otherwise?

When I first started school in the early 60's, each day began with the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Who the hell knows what they are doing to the kids now. If they back then to kids what they're doing today, who would be left to defend the country? That's the direction we are headed. Think about what that means.

Revolver news: Nikki Haley at it again

Steve Bannon was ordered to report to jail soon, so these reports are becoming more important. The Deep State wouldn't jail him unless they feared him. The powers-that-be want to give you the Mushroom treatment. Check out Revolver Multimedia section.

The censorship is ramping up. Videos like this one may not be available soon. That's why the powers-that-be must jail Bannon!

What has the world come to?

So much for rugged individualism. This would have been unheard of in the "old days". ( Unless I missed something somewhere.)

Some analysis of IFT-4


Looks like SpaceX on X, is the quicker source of information about SpaceX rockets. So be it.

end update of 6/8/24 post:

But I'm not satisfied...

There's a section right at the end of the video that shows a seam. That seam may be the trouble point.

Compare it to flight video. I should have taken a screenshot at the point where the trouble began. It was right after peak heating, and before maximum dynamic pressure. The video above will show it, so I'll screencapture it, and post it below:

Version 2 of the Starship will move the flaps. Perhaps the problem won't be solved with the next few flights of Version 1. We'll see. If it is mainly an adhesion problem with the tiles, then maybe it can be solved with Version 1 as it is. Or it may require the more extensive fix in Version 2.