Sunday, June 9, 2024

Some analysis of IFT-4


Looks like SpaceX on X, is the quicker source of information about SpaceX rockets. So be it.

end update of 6/8/24 post:

But I'm not satisfied...

There's a section right at the end of the video that shows a seam. That seam may be the trouble point.

Compare it to flight video. I should have taken a screenshot at the point where the trouble began. It was right after peak heating, and before maximum dynamic pressure. The video above will show it, so I'll screencapture it, and post it below:

Version 2 of the Starship will move the flaps. Perhaps the problem won't be solved with the next few flights of Version 1. We'll see. If it is mainly an adhesion problem with the tiles, then maybe it can be solved with Version 1 as it is. Or it may require the more extensive fix in Version 2.

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