Friday, March 31, 2023

On the Prufrokian Disease

Update on post of 5/15/16:

Here we are again, with the anti-Trumpian faction using the Lawfare tactic of eliminating a political opponent. Trump was indicted, so the question is now: What response shall there be to this?

I pulled up this post because it deals with the ineffectual response that we so often see amongst the conservative tribe. It is this lack of meaningful action with regards to the difficulties of life that is the most concerning.

This is not to suggest a violent response. In fact, true conservatives aren't very likely to pursue such a strategy regardless of the continual slander of the political left to the contrary. Indeed, it is my assertion here that the ineffectual response is the one most likely. That is what needs to change.

I've referred to this under a different name before. I call it the wolf v lamb argument, in which the wolf always wins because force gets the better of an argument. It will happen here as well, unless the so-called conservatives craft a response that will put a stop to this kind of thing. It was one of Aesop's Fables, which seems to me to apt to our situation. A situation that will never improve until we improve our responses to leftist provocations.

Most of those on the so-called right will do nothing. Others may be provoked into self-defeating gestures. The trick is to do EFFECTIVE things. Just talking about this will no longer be sufficient. Actions are needed, but what actions?

If the Republican party actually had any courage of convictions, this would definitely draw a stern response. But it appears that the party is much too divided and weak to be of any effective action.

Forget about trying to use reason on the political left. They've completely lost their minds. Somehow, those who support a more sane approach to life in this country ( or what's left of it), will have to find an effective course of action. Mere talk won't yield any better results than before. The other side won't listen, and the continued failure of such approaches only emboldens the left to get ever more aggressive and outrageous.

Previous  Next

This was an idea for a post that may span several posts.  As with all the series of posts on this blog, I include a link to the previous post, and the next post, as indicated above.

By the way, this topic may not be as long as I thought.  It may be short.  Anyway, I keep seeing evidence of a pattern, and I saw something again this morning.

What I saw was a video that briefly discusses the late sixties self help book, I'm Ok, You're Ok.  It so happens that I read that book way back then, and I think the narrator oversimplified it a bit.  In discussing it here, I think I am likely to do a bit of oversimplification myself.  My take on the book is that it a popularized version of Freud.  This allows me to swerve back into the Prufrokian discussion that I began.  To recap, Prufrock was a fictional guy in the poem by T.S. Eliot.  Prufrock always fails because he is afraid.  He is afraid because his Superego ( Freud) overwhelms his Id.  In short, I identify with Prufrock.  I don't seem to get anywhere in life because of my fears- same as Prufrock.

As a result of that insight, I look for it elsewhere.  It seems to be all around us.  The so-called conservatives don't like Trump because he is so uncivilized.  But maybe, like Prufrock, we are already too civilized, and we need to channel our inner Id.

You can cite another movie, The Fight Club, in which the main character overcomes his Superego, but it darn near kills him.  When the main character meets his "dark side", he is encouraged to hit him as hard as he can.  The dark side lures him into battle, in which he finds his true self.  He becomes his dark side alter ego in the process, while retaining his own prior self.

These are dangerous ideas, of course.  One might want to suppress such notions, but then you are back to the Superego.  Do you really want to be in that place?  You may think that you are safe there, but Prufrock drowned.

I think Western Civilization may be a lot like Prufrock and is drowning too.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Meatball scientists won't eat their creation

The link refers to some lab grown "meat" from prehistoric mammoth cells. They did a Jurassic Park without the mammoth. But they didn't use frog dna. Instead, they used elephant dna. No mammoth had to die because it has already been dead for millenia. How sensitive, how kind! PETA should be happy about that.

The scientists are a little worried about eating any of the lab grown meat, but they did make a meatball out of it.

Supposedly this meatball will save humanity because it takes so little resources to make the meatball. Only if someone would be willing to eat the thing and see if it turns them into a frankenstein monster. Maybe it won't even give you heartburn. The best bet against this is to cook it sufficiently.

Seems odd, this reluctance. So many people took mrna "vaccines". Why the reluctance to act as guinea pigs? They should be used to it by now.

Provided that they can find someone to eat the meatball, we'll have to wait and see if their creation will prove to be a viable product. It has remarkable qualities. It takes hardly any water to make one, for example. No word on how much it costs. Presumably, it will cost a lot less to make a meatball this way since it uses so few resources.

Not sure what the meatball would be called. It is made of a prehistoric mammoth, so maybe it can be called the mammoth meatball.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Donna Brazile says the Choice is between 1950's and, .... what exactly?

Update from 3/26/23 post:

Looks like Biden and the Dems choose Sodom and Gomorrah.  

It's the 1950s to blame for the woman who shot up the Christian school.

In that time period, such a woman would have been considered mentally ill.  If she institutionalized, things might've been a bit different.

Choice between 1950's and what exactly?

If it's between what she charactizes as 1950's, then how should we characterize what the leftists are doing to this country today? Is it not the choice between the 1950's, and Sodom and Gomorrah? Drag queen shows for little kids? Are you freaking kidding me?

Since Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, I think the choice should be a no-brainer.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Their lips are moving


How she knew that they were lying about covid

Comment upon link:

The lady gives some evidence seen with her own eyes. A little thought and common sense would enable one to connect the dots and conclude that they were indeed lying about COVID. The masking and the lockdowns didn't help. The reason? There were way too many exceptions to the rules. With all the exceptions to the rules, if the masking and lockdowns DID help, then they couldn't because the rules were unenforceable. People were violating the rules left and right. A notable example was Nancy Pelosi going to the salon that was supposed to be locked down. The author of this piece gives several more examples.

So basically, you should know by now that the fastest way to determine if they are lying is to observe their lips. If their lips are movin', they are lying.

I guess it is okay to cite actual evidence of the lies, but it takes a long time to get that out. The COVID madness got started about 3 years ago. It's only now that the truth is being acknowledged. In another 3 years, the truth will have dribble out so much that nobody would doubt it any longer. By that time, the damage that the COVID madness did will have been done, and we will be in the midst of yet another one of their lies.

People need to wise up faster. It took years to uncover the Russia, Russia hoax. It has taken all this time to uncover the COVID hoax. In the meantime, the commies are playing their current hoax. It is a variation of "our democracy" and "rule of law" hoax. This drives the madness surrounding their constant legal harassment of Donald Trump.

It has worked for them because people are too slow in understanding, and/or too weak to oppose them.