Saturday, September 24, 2022

Obligatory 9-24-22

It has been awhile for a post of this type. The reason being that multiple thoughts are co-existing, and writing about any single one of them is not going to lead to a single coherent thought.

Taking it in chronological order, yesterday was a day for movies. It so happened that a few Clint Eastwood flicks were available for free, so I watched an old Dirty Harry movie called "Magnum Force". There's not a whole lot to say about that one besides the obvious. The obvious need not be stated, but here goes anyway. If such a premise like that in that movie occurred, then civilization would've failed. There may be "civilization" left, but in the main, civilization would've broken down. Aside from that, no further comment.

This morning, I watched Dr. Strangelove. It does seem pertinent to these times today. The movie is classified as a comedy. Wikipedia says it is considered one of the greatest comedies of all times. But there wasn't a belly laugh in the whole thing. Once again, something is wrong with the premise. Aside from that, again no comment.

So I go on to the web. There is a discussion about Bill Gates. For some, Bill Gates may be considered a genius. Being somewhat familiar with Gates' work, the man isn't a genius except for one thing: He knows how to make money. Aside from that, he is a mediocrity, in my opinion. That might cause a few gasps out there, assuming anybody is actually reading this. But Gates made his money from MSDOS and Windows. Without these, Gates is just some nerd in nowheresville. With respect to these two blockbuster products, both weren't from his creative genius. He simply adapted somebody else's ideas and made them his own. He got his wealth primarily from these. The rest was leveraged into greater wealth, but that is where Gates does best. It isn't his products. MSDOS and Windows are as mediocre as Gates himself.

Gates has tried other things that supposedly result from his desire to be a philantropist. Or to be seen as one. But his work on a nuclear reactor does not impress me at all. Especially since there was already a design that was proven in the lab over 50 years ago. He could have funded Kirk Sorensen with a tiny fraction of his wealth, and got a working prototype for a commercial reactor in less than 10 years. Why bother with that silly idea of his then? The best he could achieve with that would be a re-invention of the wheel.

But who am I to say? I certainly do not have a genius for making money. If I did... maybe people would read this blog. Everybody loves money. Lately, I'm not so sure that this is a good thing.

It is certainly a mish-mash of a post. There could be more, but it would only make the mish-mash even mish-mashier.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Speculations on the current situation

As of this writing, which is first thing in the am, and without having read any of what passes as news these days, there is henceforth an offering of a few thoughts and speculations about things that I know very little.

So why bother? Well, we have to pass the time somehow, now don't we?

Anyway, one would have to wonder about how in the friggin' hell did we ever get into the position that we face with the possibility of a nuclear war? Yours truly may not know much, but the author has a long memory about certain things. First things first, shall we? Wasn't it the Democrats who stopped the Strategic Defense Initiative? This was proposed during the Reagan years so that we can dispose of the threat of a nuclear war. Such a war would become less feasible if there was a way to make ICBMs obsolete. During the first Bush Administration, enough progress was made that it was definitely feasible to employ a credible missile defense. Our good buddy Slick Willy ended all that.

So we have in its place the official policy called MAD--Mutual Assured Destruction. Their belief in this is touching. We may find out soon if that will work in stopping a madman from unleashing an attack.

If such occurs, and Putin says he is not bluffing, then what? If he does attack, what is the response? Dick Morris had a video about that yesterday. He said no return fire, just an embargo. Oh? What happened to MAD? Do we offer the Rooskies a city or two? He might just take us up on that offer. I'd say an embargo isn't going to fly, but the missiles just might. If Morris is giving that kind of advice, I'd can his ass immediately. Morris just jumped the shark. If you make that your policy, you just might get a city or two reduced to radioactive ashes. Then what???

If Putin smokes London, as was some loose talk about that recently, then what do you think the Brits will do? They've got some nukes of their own. Same with Paris. Now, Berlin or Tokyo don't have nukes. They might want some after this, if it should happen. Not a very rosy looking dish if you ax me.

Again, how did we get into such a bad situation? Let's look at some more "heestwa", shall we? Every time the oil prices go way the hell up, the Rooskies get frisky. The main objective to prevent this kind of scenario should have been to KEEP PRICES LOW. But that hasn't been happening lately. Nope. Our good friends, the Democrats, have seen fit to cause the price of oil to go way the hell up. Instead of being an energy superpower, the Democrats have waged a jihad on oil and nuclear power. Consequently, we'll have to fight the Rooskies with sailing ships and bows and arrows, I suppose.

But Brandon really didn't win the election, don't you know. Because of the failure to nip this in the bud, like yours truly suggested in 2020, the GOP sat on their asses and did nothing. In fact, some of them, like Liz Cheney, decided to join the Democrats. So Brandon gets to occupy the White House, and wage his energy jihad against the oil industry. Oil prices skyrocket, the Russkies get frisky. The Rooskies invade Ukraine, and to add gasoline to the fire, so to speak, Brandon decides to stick his nose into it.

As a consequence, Pooty Poot is going ape doo-doo when Ukraine whooped his arse. All very predictable, I'd say.

What is Brandon thinking. That assumes that he is actually capable of thinking. He doesn't appear to be. He is Mr. Loose Cannon himself popping off about this that and the other, which has to be walked back by his handlers. Again, all very predictable. Brandon isn't up to snuff, but we all knew that, now didn't we? But some folks don't seem to care.

I'd say we'd have to have a major league horseshoe up the wazoo in order to prevent a major catastrophe at this point. Also, if it did happen, it won't be Brandon's fault. Nothing ever is. Gotta be Trump's fault.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

A few news items to think on

There seems to be a common thread in the following news items. Let's see if anyone out there agrees or whatever.

Starting out with this new item, there are reports that Russian men don't want to fight in Ukraine. Men are fleeing, there are protests in the streets. Those who are arrested for protesting are going to be sent to the front. Wives are breaking their husbands legs so as to not lose them to the war.

Back in the "good 'ol USA", the DOJ appeal to the lower court decision on a master to review the controversial documents found on the Mar-a-Lago estate, has succeeded. Where does that end up--in the Supreme Court? If it does, then what? Do they take the case? Or does it all stop with the circuit court? Recall that the Supreme Court would not take up the election controversy that put Brandon in the White House. The baby killers will be back and soon when Brandon packs the court.

These all have common elements, in my opinion. What think you? Pause before reading on.


It appears that the Russians and our GOP types won't do their duty for their country. In my opinion, it should be obvious what the Democrats are doing. The GOP types won't put an end to the Lawfare being waged on Trump. DeSantis is next. You see it yet? The commonality is that the ones who you'd expect to be the bulwark of the nation are turning out to be chalk. They are crumbling.

But who are they crumbling to?????? Or shall we say, what????? Any talk of "civil war" is nonsense. The GOP won't do a thing to defend the country, and maybe the rest of the GOP will not do a damned thing while the country is overrun by the communists.

There is a lot of pretending everywhere, all the time. If there is no will, there is certainly not going to be a way. Putin's draft will produce a lot of cannon fodder that will accomplish nothing. The same here. If the GOP somehow miraculously wins anything at all, they won't do a damned thing. That's their track record. White so-called Christian civilization isn't do much to help itself.

Be ready to speak Chinese or Arabic. The women need to get fitted for their burqas. We should all prepared to call each other "comrade". Here we go...

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Just the facts, please

Things may spiral out of control in the coming days. It may be a good idea to inject some factual information into the mix in the hopes that people will regain their senses before it is too late.

The late Rush Limbaugh recommended a book by Dixy Lee Ray, "Trashing the Planet". On the cover of said paperback copy, it says "Nationwide Bestseller". The book was published in 1990. It is a fairly old book then. In that book, there is something of interest that may well apply to the present. Oh, boy, does it. Read on to see how.

On page 76, there is the following quote:... "At a recent symposium,sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution, Ben Bradlee, editor of 'The Washington Post' said: "To hell with the news! I'm no longer interested in the news. I'm interested in causes. We don't print the truth. We don't pretend to print the truth. We print what people tell us. It's up to the public to decide what's news."

The footnote says: "Ben Bradlee, 1989, reported by David Brooks in "The Wall Street Journal", 5 October 1989, and much earlier, by John J. McKetta of the National Council of Environmental Balance."

What can be taken from this? Since this was over 30 years ago, things have gotten worse than even this. The "news" wasn't "news" even in 1990. It is even less so today. If Bradlee can say that about the Washington Post in 1990, the same can be said now, and even more so. The media is plainly and openly partisan. This isn't "news". It is plain and simple propaganda. Their cause isn't freedom and democracy, by the way. Read on to see how it isn't.

This has gotten so far out of hand that reality has been utterly forgotten. Nor is it welcome. Brandon claimed that MAGA people don't support a lot of things which won't be quoted here, but it is a lot of things that can be said to be "glittering generalities". Hence, those may sound good, but is he truthful? As for the rule of law, there is something to consider from the "The Federalist Papers". It is about factions and democracy. ( another one of Brandon's favorite catch phrases).

Madison asserts in the Federalist Paper No. 10, that faction arises inevitably in democracies. Also, that liberty cannot coexist if all factions are prohibited. The actual quote would be too lengthy to repeat here. Look it up! The point is that liberty and democracy cannot coexist without some sort of regulation of faction, but not its ELIMINATION. Once faction is gone, so is liberty. There can be no democracy without faction, either. Also, there cannot be freedom with unbridled faction. Madison explains how faction can be regulated through the use of pluralism. A multitude of interests, all fairly represented, may be enough to regulate the effects of faction. It seems to have served us well. A word of warning, though...

Consider this report: The other side should not be given a voice.

A question or two about this: Who is to decide on who is to be "given" a voice? The man who wrote this article? Or someone in government? How does that stack up with the First Amendment to the US Constitution? Has that been abolished, and nobody has received the memo yet? How does that jibe with Madison's paper written in favor of the Constitution when it was being ratified back in the 18th Century? Does that mean that the US Constitution is now just a piece of paper? Finally, how does that square with what Brandon said in his "Dark Brandon" speech?

If MAGA agreed with this guy, it wouldn't be worth defending. But who are the ones saying these kinds of things? It isn't MAGA... Logic dictates who should be supported and who should NOT be. That is, if freedom and liberty is what you value.

Pretty unbelievable

The Dark Brandon speech hasn't hurt him at all, if you can believe the polls. Rasmussen has Brandon at 46 percent approval.

The Democrats are rallying behind their Dear Leader, or so it appears. They actually believe the "fascist" garbage. Or they say they do. Or they say they don't. All depends upon how you read the polls, it seems.

Look at the right-track wrong-track poll for the real scoop. But as this blog said previously, there is no consensus after that. It's the "in" thing to blame the other guys for everything. Maybe that is what it means.

If so, the reaction might be understandable. Human nature being what it is, nobody wants to take the blame when things go wrong. The trouble with that is that somebody HAS to be wrong. Nobody is budging, and that is not good.

Facts, reason, and level-headedness could be defenestrated next. It is getting worrisome.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Keeping it simple

Here's some simplicity for ya. The choice isn't about right v left, it is about top-down v bottom-up. By top-down, the government tells you what you can do. By bottom-up, "WE THE PEOPLE" tell the government what it can do. Ronald Reagan said pretty much the same thing in a State of the Union speech back in the eighties.

The Democrats want the top-down type of government. The Republicans claim to support bottom-up sometimes, but the leadership isn't all that sincere about it. It is the author's belief that the MAGA Republicans favor a less intrusive, more restrained government of the type that the founders intended. This distinguishes them from the Establishment Republicans. The Estalishment types are the big government, top-down types. These top-down folks talk a big game about democracy, but it is just a lot of talk, and a big game.

This is the choice. It doesn't save "democracy" to have a one-party, one choice government. If democracy means anything, you ought to at least be able to throw the bums out. If the Democrats have their way, you'll never be able to do that. Once they rig the votes to always favor themselves, you'll have no choice at all.

Some believe that we are already past that point. Maybe they're right. But if it's so, the Democrats will bare their teeth in true wolfish fashion. They are getting closer and closer to showing that they are indeed the big bad wolf. The biggest mistake the people could make would be to entrust these people with the reins of power. Anyone who opposes them in the slightest will receive the treatment that DeSantis and Trump are receiving. Don't forget that other presidents or candidates have all suffered the same from the Democrats.

It is hard to imagine why a free people would choose to be enslaved. That's all that the big government types can offer you. The lies that they tell are the chains that will be used to bind you up. The Green New Deal is nothing but a master/slave suicide pact. Why would anyone willingly choose THAT?

The only way one would choose that willingly is if they were deceived or tricked into it. Look closely at the Democrats ( and some Republicans), and you will the continual efforts at deception. There cannot be anything good that can come from that.

It is the responsibility of a free people to be the guardians of their own freedom. Politicians will always try to take it away. The lure of "free stuff" is the very thing that will ensnare a once free people. This has gone as far as it can be taken without being fatal to a free republic. It has to be turned away, and turned away SOON.

The problem in a nutshell


It was Einstein who said that if you cannot explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.

The polls have said for the longest time that the country is on the wrong track. The problem seems to be that, despite this consensus, there isn't any consensus after that. Nobody seems to agree on what the problem actually is.

The problem is what's been discussed here all along. The people are divided against themselves, and it is all being set up by the powers-that-be. Those in the commentariat that use the term "right-center-left" are agents to the Marxist ideology being executed without stint. As a result, it is every man against every other man. The powers- that-be are all in on this. If you don't step outside of the paradigm, you cannot possibly win. You don't know yourselves, and because of that, you don't know who and what is plagueing you. This too, is no accident. It is being set up that way to empower those who set it up that way. It is working like a charm. The system is being rigged against the people in order to convince them that they cannot rule themselves.

If that is not simple enough, then what else can anyone tell you? People have to get together and the powers-that-be don't want that. These powers-that-be want everyone at each other's throats. It is a divide-and-conquer strategy.

The polls seem to be tight in a lot of places. Why is that? It is by design. If it is tight, then the results can be disputed afterward no matter what the results. This only adds to the noise and discord. It is what the powers-that- be want to happen. Otherwise, the powers-that-be would act to ease the discord. A "leader" that condemns half the population as being a threat just poured gasoline on the fire.

Meanwhile, conditions worsen. Everyone seems to recognize "A" problem, but nobody seems to recognize "THE" problem. THE problem is that the powers-that-be are employing the Marxist class-struggle model, which is what the "right-center- left" paradigm is all about.

So the people all turn on each other, and the powers-that-be continue to plague us all with their misrule.

Monday, September 19, 2022


The Bongino Show today discusses the 60 Minutes interview with Brandon. He contrasts the treatment of Brandon with the treatment of Trump. Bongino mimics Leslie Stahl's interruptions of Trump with "Sir!" continually.

There's a lot about the media these days that is over the top absurd, and the 60 Minutes interview with Biden probably fits into that classification. There's really no point in taking these people seriously. Except one: As Bongino says--they have the power and we don't. Bongino called it hierarchy. Whatever you want to call it, it isn't about truth. Know what I mean, Vern?

It looks like the scene in the Blue Brothers embedded below:

Here's an experiment, some Rumble embedded video attempted once again:

Islands of Sanity in an Insane Time

Harris Poll: Majority of Dems don't believe Tens of Millions of MAGA people are dangerous

However, this is a narrow majority. One would have to ask the obvious question as a follow-up. That question would be the simplest question of all---WHY?

What is the evidence for believing that so many MAGA Republicans are dangerous? Simply because a number of Democrat "leaders" say so? Then the question should be asked: Why do so many "leaders" on the Democrat side say that the mere exercise of one's constitution rights is a reason to believe that someone is "dangerous"?

Is it because of the January 6th "riot"? Or shall we say "insurrection"? If it was an insurrection, as the Democrat leadership keeps insisting, then why weren't they armed? After all, they'd have to go against F-15's that Brandon keeps yammering about. Or as Rep. Swallwell said when he was running for POTUS, they've got the nukes. MAGA Republicans don't have nukes, or F-15's.

My question to anybody who says such nonsense about "insurrections" and "dangerous MAGA Republicans" is: Have you lost your minds?

It all boils down to making it a one party state. A phony party is what the Democrats want, and for confirmation of that, just go to Krugman's book--"The Conscience of a Liberal". Liberals are a lot like Hitler. Hitler was described as someone who got really upset whenever anybody disagreed with him. It looks like any disagreement with a liberal is likely to get you thrown into jail or worse. Hitler was like that. He outlawed all political parties, just like the Democrats wanted to do, but failed by only one vote in the Senate.

Who are the dangerous ones, again?

Back to basics


The thing we are fighting is HUGE, and the resources we have to fight it are SMALL. There are some important reasons why. The political left have all the resources and the culture behind them. What do WE have? Just ourselves. These are scattered and disorganized. But the political left is ORGANIZED. According to Sun Tzu, if you don't know your enemies, you have at best a 50-50 chance of victory. If you don't know yourselves, it is the same. If you don't know either, you have no chance at all. A fundamental philosophical bedrock of principles must be how you define yourselves, or you don't know yourself nor your opponent. Could that be true of American conservatives? Could be.

A true American conservative should be one who follows the traditions and philosophy that created this country. Those are expressed best in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. What is the bedrock of these documents? It has to have a philosophical bedrock, and so it does. You can be assured that it doesn't include the ones that are attributed to it. These philosophies are of Nietche and Hegel. Nietche and Hegel philosophies formed the philosophical bedrock of Nazism. See the Shirer book, starting on page 142 for the philosophical basis of Adolf Hitler's thoughts. These are decidedly NOT the philosophies upon which USA was founded upon. Not hardly.

Hegel's philosophy is more aligned with the big government liberalism of the modern left. For them to call an American conservative a "fascist" has got to rank alongside one of the biggest lies in history. There is an increasing awareness of how the left accuses those of doing what they do themselves. Let's be clear on this subject. The use of the right-center-left paradigm of political analysis is of Hegelian origins. It doesn't come from Jefferson or Madison. It was Hegel who invented the dialectic. Communists ( and Hitler) made extensive use of dialectics.

The trouble is with these big lies is that a lot of folks like to call themselves "conservative", but aren't really. Or they aren't acquainted with the philosophical underpinnings of this nation. In the latter case, they are like the generals who don't know themselves, and therefore cannot consistently beat their opponents. If they really don't know their opponents either, they have no chance at all. These kind of "leaders" are best described as "RINOS". These people claim to have "principles", but one could wonder what these "principles" really are. Maybe they don't even know that themselves. How can they possibly succeed?

Whenver you hear a political leftist refer to anybody of conservative leanings as "far-right", then you are witnessing the use of the Hegelian dialectic. This is alien to the foundational principles of this country. In fact, it is far more like Nazism that they would ever admit to. That's because they cannot afford to admit their true designs. Using the Sun Tzu way of analysis of war, the use of deception is KEY. If there's one thing that the modern political left is particularly good at, and that is in deceiving the public.

It is rather embarrassing for the author to admit, but the core philosophical underpinnings of the Declaration of Independence cannot be stated here. But it can be found in the Declaration of Indpendence itself. The foundational principle is primarily of the individual as sovereign, as opposed to the state. The people run the state, not the other way around. Hegelian philosophy puts the state above all, and the individual is not important. Throw in some Nietchian philosophy, and you get a "superman" who can rule over a nation with his iron will alone. That would be Hitler. Cults of personality can also apply to communists, who made Lenin and Mao into a God. That sort of thinking would be anathema to a true American conservative. Therefore, it cannot be said truthfully that conservatism has a thing to do with fascism. It is spoken of either in ignorance of history and philosophy, or it is a big lie.

If American conservatives really want to win this battle for the soul of the nation, they'd better hit the books and learn WHO THEY ARE AND WHO THEIR OPPONENTS ARE. Ronald Reagan did when he said that there's no right nor left, only up and down. Up to the ultimate in liberty, or down to the anthill of totalitarianism. It is the political left who worships the state ( and those who run it), conservatives put the individual first. Have we all forgotten that? Could be.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Jonah and the Whale

Rabbi Manis Freeman: Jonah and the whale

also this link:Matthew 12:39 and the sign of Jonah

The Matthew reference led to the video of Freeman cited here. An interesting thing about the Rabbi's video was that the King of Nineveh was none other than the Pharoah of Egypt. The same Pharoah that was forced into letting the Hebrews leave Egypt.

The Rabbi explains that the Pharoah was the only survivor of the destruction of his armies while they pursued the people through the parted Red Sea. He survived to tell the tale, which he told the people of Nineveh. Jonah refused to obey God, and was swallowed by the whale. He repented and was spat out of the whale, and proceeded to warn the people of Nineveh that, unless they repented, their city would be destroyed. Since the King of Nineveh was none other than Pharoah of Egypt, the King did what Jonah said. Pharoah did not want to mess with the God of the Hebrews again. He had the people of Nineveh repent, and Nineveh was spared.

Striking story, is it not? The part about Pharoah was especially interesting.

Is there anything here for the modern generation? Could be. Maybe not a good idea to travel on the high seas, eh? But all kidding aside, there have been cities and civilizations that have been destroyed. There are signs all around that something isn't right. The people continually say in polls that we're on the wrong track. But why would people think that unless it was true?

The Rassmussen Poll fluctuates a bit, down and up, but it is still way down there even though it is a bit higher than previously. Gasoline prices are down. But that won't last. Prices are down because the Administration is pumping out the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Once that is empty, then what?

The reserve wasn't created to help Democrats win an election. Just saying.