Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Keeping it simple

Here's some simplicity for ya. The choice isn't about right v left, it is about top-down v bottom-up. By top-down, the government tells you what you can do. By bottom-up, "WE THE PEOPLE" tell the government what it can do. Ronald Reagan said pretty much the same thing in a State of the Union speech back in the eighties.

The Democrats want the top-down type of government. The Republicans claim to support bottom-up sometimes, but the leadership isn't all that sincere about it. It is the author's belief that the MAGA Republicans favor a less intrusive, more restrained government of the type that the founders intended. This distinguishes them from the Establishment Republicans. The Estalishment types are the big government, top-down types. These top-down folks talk a big game about democracy, but it is just a lot of talk, and a big game.

This is the choice. It doesn't save "democracy" to have a one-party, one choice government. If democracy means anything, you ought to at least be able to throw the bums out. If the Democrats have their way, you'll never be able to do that. Once they rig the votes to always favor themselves, you'll have no choice at all.

Some believe that we are already past that point. Maybe they're right. But if it's so, the Democrats will bare their teeth in true wolfish fashion. They are getting closer and closer to showing that they are indeed the big bad wolf. The biggest mistake the people could make would be to entrust these people with the reins of power. Anyone who opposes them in the slightest will receive the treatment that DeSantis and Trump are receiving. Don't forget that other presidents or candidates have all suffered the same from the Democrats.

It is hard to imagine why a free people would choose to be enslaved. That's all that the big government types can offer you. The lies that they tell are the chains that will be used to bind you up. The Green New Deal is nothing but a master/slave suicide pact. Why would anyone willingly choose THAT?

The only way one would choose that willingly is if they were deceived or tricked into it. Look closely at the Democrats ( and some Republicans), and you will the continual efforts at deception. There cannot be anything good that can come from that.

It is the responsibility of a free people to be the guardians of their own freedom. Politicians will always try to take it away. The lure of "free stuff" is the very thing that will ensnare a once free people. This has gone as far as it can be taken without being fatal to a free republic. It has to be turned away, and turned away SOON.

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