Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Just the facts, please

Things may spiral out of control in the coming days. It may be a good idea to inject some factual information into the mix in the hopes that people will regain their senses before it is too late.

The late Rush Limbaugh recommended a book by Dixy Lee Ray, "Trashing the Planet". On the cover of said paperback copy, it says "Nationwide Bestseller". The book was published in 1990. It is a fairly old book then. In that book, there is something of interest that may well apply to the present. Oh, boy, does it. Read on to see how.

On page 76, there is the following quote:... "At a recent symposium,sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution, Ben Bradlee, editor of 'The Washington Post' said: "To hell with the news! I'm no longer interested in the news. I'm interested in causes. We don't print the truth. We don't pretend to print the truth. We print what people tell us. It's up to the public to decide what's news."

The footnote says: "Ben Bradlee, 1989, reported by David Brooks in "The Wall Street Journal", 5 October 1989, and much earlier, by John J. McKetta of the National Council of Environmental Balance."

What can be taken from this? Since this was over 30 years ago, things have gotten worse than even this. The "news" wasn't "news" even in 1990. It is even less so today. If Bradlee can say that about the Washington Post in 1990, the same can be said now, and even more so. The media is plainly and openly partisan. This isn't "news". It is plain and simple propaganda. Their cause isn't freedom and democracy, by the way. Read on to see how it isn't.

This has gotten so far out of hand that reality has been utterly forgotten. Nor is it welcome. Brandon claimed that MAGA people don't support a lot of things which won't be quoted here, but it is a lot of things that can be said to be "glittering generalities". Hence, those may sound good, but is he truthful? As for the rule of law, there is something to consider from the "The Federalist Papers". It is about factions and democracy. ( another one of Brandon's favorite catch phrases).

Madison asserts in the Federalist Paper No. 10, that faction arises inevitably in democracies. Also, that liberty cannot coexist if all factions are prohibited. The actual quote would be too lengthy to repeat here. Look it up! The point is that liberty and democracy cannot coexist without some sort of regulation of faction, but not its ELIMINATION. Once faction is gone, so is liberty. There can be no democracy without faction, either. Also, there cannot be freedom with unbridled faction. Madison explains how faction can be regulated through the use of pluralism. A multitude of interests, all fairly represented, may be enough to regulate the effects of faction. It seems to have served us well. A word of warning, though...

Consider this report: The other side should not be given a voice.

A question or two about this: Who is to decide on who is to be "given" a voice? The man who wrote this article? Or someone in government? How does that stack up with the First Amendment to the US Constitution? Has that been abolished, and nobody has received the memo yet? How does that jibe with Madison's paper written in favor of the Constitution when it was being ratified back in the 18th Century? Does that mean that the US Constitution is now just a piece of paper? Finally, how does that square with what Brandon said in his "Dark Brandon" speech?

If MAGA agreed with this guy, it wouldn't be worth defending. But who are the ones saying these kinds of things? It isn't MAGA... Logic dictates who should be supported and who should NOT be. That is, if freedom and liberty is what you value.

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