Monday, September 19, 2022

Back to basics


The thing we are fighting is HUGE, and the resources we have to fight it are SMALL. There are some important reasons why. The political left have all the resources and the culture behind them. What do WE have? Just ourselves. These are scattered and disorganized. But the political left is ORGANIZED. According to Sun Tzu, if you don't know your enemies, you have at best a 50-50 chance of victory. If you don't know yourselves, it is the same. If you don't know either, you have no chance at all. A fundamental philosophical bedrock of principles must be how you define yourselves, or you don't know yourself nor your opponent. Could that be true of American conservatives? Could be.

A true American conservative should be one who follows the traditions and philosophy that created this country. Those are expressed best in the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. What is the bedrock of these documents? It has to have a philosophical bedrock, and so it does. You can be assured that it doesn't include the ones that are attributed to it. These philosophies are of Nietche and Hegel. Nietche and Hegel philosophies formed the philosophical bedrock of Nazism. See the Shirer book, starting on page 142 for the philosophical basis of Adolf Hitler's thoughts. These are decidedly NOT the philosophies upon which USA was founded upon. Not hardly.

Hegel's philosophy is more aligned with the big government liberalism of the modern left. For them to call an American conservative a "fascist" has got to rank alongside one of the biggest lies in history. There is an increasing awareness of how the left accuses those of doing what they do themselves. Let's be clear on this subject. The use of the right-center-left paradigm of political analysis is of Hegelian origins. It doesn't come from Jefferson or Madison. It was Hegel who invented the dialectic. Communists ( and Hitler) made extensive use of dialectics.

The trouble is with these big lies is that a lot of folks like to call themselves "conservative", but aren't really. Or they aren't acquainted with the philosophical underpinnings of this nation. In the latter case, they are like the generals who don't know themselves, and therefore cannot consistently beat their opponents. If they really don't know their opponents either, they have no chance at all. These kind of "leaders" are best described as "RINOS". These people claim to have "principles", but one could wonder what these "principles" really are. Maybe they don't even know that themselves. How can they possibly succeed?

Whenver you hear a political leftist refer to anybody of conservative leanings as "far-right", then you are witnessing the use of the Hegelian dialectic. This is alien to the foundational principles of this country. In fact, it is far more like Nazism that they would ever admit to. That's because they cannot afford to admit their true designs. Using the Sun Tzu way of analysis of war, the use of deception is KEY. If there's one thing that the modern political left is particularly good at, and that is in deceiving the public.

It is rather embarrassing for the author to admit, but the core philosophical underpinnings of the Declaration of Independence cannot be stated here. But it can be found in the Declaration of Indpendence itself. The foundational principle is primarily of the individual as sovereign, as opposed to the state. The people run the state, not the other way around. Hegelian philosophy puts the state above all, and the individual is not important. Throw in some Nietchian philosophy, and you get a "superman" who can rule over a nation with his iron will alone. That would be Hitler. Cults of personality can also apply to communists, who made Lenin and Mao into a God. That sort of thinking would be anathema to a true American conservative. Therefore, it cannot be said truthfully that conservatism has a thing to do with fascism. It is spoken of either in ignorance of history and philosophy, or it is a big lie.

If American conservatives really want to win this battle for the soul of the nation, they'd better hit the books and learn WHO THEY ARE AND WHO THEIR OPPONENTS ARE. Ronald Reagan did when he said that there's no right nor left, only up and down. Up to the ultimate in liberty, or down to the anthill of totalitarianism. It is the political left who worships the state ( and those who run it), conservatives put the individual first. Have we all forgotten that? Could be.

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