Friday, September 23, 2022

Speculations on the current situation

As of this writing, which is first thing in the am, and without having read any of what passes as news these days, there is henceforth an offering of a few thoughts and speculations about things that I know very little.

So why bother? Well, we have to pass the time somehow, now don't we?

Anyway, one would have to wonder about how in the friggin' hell did we ever get into the position that we face with the possibility of a nuclear war? Yours truly may not know much, but the author has a long memory about certain things. First things first, shall we? Wasn't it the Democrats who stopped the Strategic Defense Initiative? This was proposed during the Reagan years so that we can dispose of the threat of a nuclear war. Such a war would become less feasible if there was a way to make ICBMs obsolete. During the first Bush Administration, enough progress was made that it was definitely feasible to employ a credible missile defense. Our good buddy Slick Willy ended all that.

So we have in its place the official policy called MAD--Mutual Assured Destruction. Their belief in this is touching. We may find out soon if that will work in stopping a madman from unleashing an attack.

If such occurs, and Putin says he is not bluffing, then what? If he does attack, what is the response? Dick Morris had a video about that yesterday. He said no return fire, just an embargo. Oh? What happened to MAD? Do we offer the Rooskies a city or two? He might just take us up on that offer. I'd say an embargo isn't going to fly, but the missiles just might. If Morris is giving that kind of advice, I'd can his ass immediately. Morris just jumped the shark. If you make that your policy, you just might get a city or two reduced to radioactive ashes. Then what???

If Putin smokes London, as was some loose talk about that recently, then what do you think the Brits will do? They've got some nukes of their own. Same with Paris. Now, Berlin or Tokyo don't have nukes. They might want some after this, if it should happen. Not a very rosy looking dish if you ax me.

Again, how did we get into such a bad situation? Let's look at some more "heestwa", shall we? Every time the oil prices go way the hell up, the Rooskies get frisky. The main objective to prevent this kind of scenario should have been to KEEP PRICES LOW. But that hasn't been happening lately. Nope. Our good friends, the Democrats, have seen fit to cause the price of oil to go way the hell up. Instead of being an energy superpower, the Democrats have waged a jihad on oil and nuclear power. Consequently, we'll have to fight the Rooskies with sailing ships and bows and arrows, I suppose.

But Brandon really didn't win the election, don't you know. Because of the failure to nip this in the bud, like yours truly suggested in 2020, the GOP sat on their asses and did nothing. In fact, some of them, like Liz Cheney, decided to join the Democrats. So Brandon gets to occupy the White House, and wage his energy jihad against the oil industry. Oil prices skyrocket, the Russkies get frisky. The Rooskies invade Ukraine, and to add gasoline to the fire, so to speak, Brandon decides to stick his nose into it.

As a consequence, Pooty Poot is going ape doo-doo when Ukraine whooped his arse. All very predictable, I'd say.

What is Brandon thinking. That assumes that he is actually capable of thinking. He doesn't appear to be. He is Mr. Loose Cannon himself popping off about this that and the other, which has to be walked back by his handlers. Again, all very predictable. Brandon isn't up to snuff, but we all knew that, now didn't we? But some folks don't seem to care.

I'd say we'd have to have a major league horseshoe up the wazoo in order to prevent a major catastrophe at this point. Also, if it did happen, it won't be Brandon's fault. Nothing ever is. Gotta be Trump's fault.

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