Saturday, June 12, 2021

The police are not always right

The police are not always right

People seem to be suckers for authority. Indeed, it was in a book, but the author and title evades me at the moment. The book was about how there are six "kneejerk" psychological reactions. One of those involves authority.

A study of the Houston Mass Murders of the early seventies appears to be one of those times in which the police's behavior didn't satisfy the public.

As a long-term Houstonian, and about the same age as the victims, this case bears a special significance for me. The crimes occurred in the same area of town I lived in, and well, you can fill in the rest.

For those unfamiliar, the Houston Mass Murders involved one Dean Corll, Elmer Wayne Henley, and David Brooks. Brooks and Henley procured victims for Corll. Corll then murdered the victims after sexually molesting them. The crimes were brutal and involved torture.

The victim's parents, these were teen-aged boys, were unhappy with the way the police behaved. The police showed little interest in the sudden disappearance of their sons. They were labelled as "runaways" and their cases received little attention.

Even after the case broke, the police were skeptical of the information provided to them on a silver platter. Only after discovering a few bodies did they recognize the gravity of the crimes.

Yet, even with this failure, people "trust" the police. I don't want to say that defunding the police is an idea that I support. But I also don't want to give the police blind support. Police aren't always right. They do deserve support for doing a dangerous job. They don't deserve getting blamed for stuff they didn't do. Nobody does. That includes the former POTUS, Donald Trump.

As always, I'm for truth. Sometimes the truth is not the thing you like to hear. This Covid business of the past year is another example of people blindly following the leadership. The entire reason for my writing this post is to remind people to at least try not to do that.

But folks still want to follow their leaders no matter what. I understand that thinking, but I don't always condone it. One must be on their guards against "cults of personality". I don't think I am part of a cult that follows Trump "no matter what". However, the attempts to take down Trump violated every rule in the book, and then some.

Those who say it want you to abandon a leader who has not been demonstrated to be unfit. Also, they won't let anyone look at THEIR leadership and ask questions. Now who's following a cult?

Lockdowns favored Biden

Lockdowns favored Biden


Yes they did. The GOP didn't stand in the way of it either, as you may recall. The reason for that is that it blows their cover as fake conservatives if they did oppose. Conservatives may be able to fake it enough to convince some nincompoops that they can vote for a "moderate" Democrat, but they sure can't fake voting for a Socialist like Sanders.

The problem is a bit deeper than the obvious. Of course it favored Democrats. That's the obvious. But a little less obvious is that it also favored the fakes within the GOP. The rabbit hole is even deeper than that, I suspect, but that is deep enough for most people.

Even Neo, when red-pilled, didn't believe it at first.


The link shared didn't share the way I thought,so here it is

Proof that January 6th was a false flag op

Proof of False Flag on January 6th


So, here's some video showing some black-clad, full-body armored, well-coordinated individuals breaking into the Capitol Building. According to the article, these guys were carrying a confederate flag, which MAGA supporters NEVER do.

Well, that's not all. The video has been suppressed because it might be exculpatory. Huh? Should it not be the other way around? Clearly, there is a real conspiracy going on here, and it goes all the way to the top of the food chain.

But if you've been awake, you should know that already. Everything is propaganda and blatant intimidation in service to a BIG LIE. All brought to you by the Unitroids. Others call them the Uniparty, I called them Unitroids a long time ago.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Do not take that fork in the road

Dick Morris says that Biden will now tack to the middle now that the filibuster has been saved. Well, maybe it has been saved. At least for the moment, it appears to be safe.

The problem with Morris' statement is this left-right-middle model he is using. This is the biggest mistake to make if you are going to oppose the commies. For the left-right-middle model is a commie invention. If you play by those rules, in the long run, you lose. Just like we are losing our country.

The commies believe that their victory is inevitable. For every shift back towards the middle, there will be a shift to the left. Every shift to the left brings you closer to communism. Ronald Reagan understood that. Why can't his buddies who are supposedly on his side understand it?

It is probably a bit of mental laziness. It seems to make sense that if you take two opposing sides, the truth is probably "in between". But that is superficial and weak. If you want truth, you have to work for it. Here's something to consider: "a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth gets out of bed." Lounging around in bed is no way to win these battles.

Rush Limbaugh said something that may be applicable here, even though he was referring to himself as on the right. He said that liberalism is the most gutless choice you can make. It is gutless because the truth is harder than a lie. You have to be twice as smart and work twice as hard to win as a conservative. Unfortunately, Limbaugh just used half his brain.

You're going to need it all if you want to defeat the commies.

So, Morris closes by saying a tack "to the center" will help Biden win a second term. Oh? Despite the fraud? Despite his allergy to the truth?

You got Pelosi talking once again about rule of law. Where's the GOP on this? They are out there whining about double standards and such, but where are they with respect to the rule of law? They are afraid of being labelled "extremists". The truth is too "right wing". And these dopes fall for it every time. That's because they are like Morris. Playing the commies game.

It would be more powerful to be consistent. But that is not what the left does. It one thing today and another thing tomorrow. It isn't right wing today, center tomorrow, and leftism the day after. The left doesn't have to be truthful because there are way too many on the GOP side playing the left's games.

If the GOP wasn't the Stupid Party that they are, they would study success and emulate it. Ronald Reagan won the Cold War. He didn't win it by being "on the right". He won it by being conservative.

The Bushes want a "kindler and gentler" America. Like little Jebbie Bush, they want to emulate the commies. The Bushes knew enough to shut up during the Reagan years, but when Bush became President, he couldn't wait to disavow Reagan. We've been on the downswing since. That's the fork in the road we should have avoided. Maybe he should have said, "Read my lips, no new Bushies". No more commie games.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The road taken

How in the hell did we end up where we are? Long-term readers here may note that there was an original Boots and Oil blog back in 2004. Way back then, and a little before then, blogs were a thing. Not so much anymore. We must have had a fork in the road, and like Yogi, we took it. But it was a wrong turn.

It was the big techies like Facebook that sucked all the oxygen out of the blogosphere. There just wasn't any way to get anything going when you are up against these guys. At least, that is my working theory.

There was a story on Instapundit about how Country and Western execs don't care about the fans. You know, it is a pattern. Big money means big wipeout for the little guys. So I carried it a bit further and got this: History of Facebook.

Here's the link for Insty.

Maybe that is not the reason for my toiling in obscurity. Maybe this blog isn't good enough. But there is no doubt that the blogosphere is just not hospitable as it once was. Fact is, can you name any blogs that have any significant following? Lots of names ended up on group blogs. Bigger ain't necessarily better, but it can keep you alive, it seems.

There may be a few, but the bias is against small timers, I think. It's feast or famine. The big time or nothing.

I don't want to get into sour grapes or anything. Nope. But if the big boys can shut down artists that Instapundit mentioned, and they can shut down Trump, then do we really have a free country?

Just asking the question. There needs to be room for the Mom and Pop's. Instead, the Wal-Mart types run them all out of business. It happened during Covid, so I heard. Big money shouldn't be able to stifle free speech like it is doing now.

Maybe there's no accident, but a design. If it keeps happening, somebody wants it to.

If you want to ask how we got to this sorry condition we are in, then ask yourself who was President during this time period? It was none other than Dubya. The GOP controlled Congress for several of those years, too. Where was the GOP? MIA like during January 6th.

Kind of makes you wonder why you support people who don't support you. Actually, it is worse than that. They seem to look for ways to screw you any chance they get.

I'm not going to support them when they do that. There's gotta be a change. No throw-a-way lines like "Read my lips", and such. It had better be real. The Democrats have gone communist. Communists are liars. It is in their ideology. That's why Reagan called them the "focus of evil in the modern world." Integrity is a bourgeous attitude, according to the pinkos. Look it up.

A true conservative wouldn't have let them wipe out the little guys. A true "middle-class" party like the Dems pretend to be, wouldn't have let them do it. Only pinkos can benefit in it so they can blame capitalism, like AOC does. Communists are liars and fakes cuz it is in their DNA.

The answer for the GOP is to become a real choice. Not a fake echo. If they are going to echo the commies, better join up with them.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The only way to reinstate Trump

The one they are talking about will probably not work. It could be lawful, but is it likely? Not very.

The point is, what do you want to run your campaign on? It should be for voter integrity. The Democrats cannot be serious and be against integrity. The idea is to get 80% of the people behind integrity. If you can accomplish that, the rest is doable.

It is the only way because it is techinically legally sound in all respects. The idea, therefore, is a Convention of States. If an amendment is passed in such a convention that calls the 2020 election of Biden a fraud, and 38 states ratify it, then Biden has to go.

Legally, there is nothing that Biden could do about it. It isn't retroactive. It is based upon existing law. The Federal Government cannot be trusted. That leaves the states to step in and assert themselves. Fraud is against Federal law, but the Federal government won't enforce its own law. We see it time and time again.

The fact of the matter is that the legislatures have plenary power on how electors are chosen. If they are defrauded in certifying a result, the result is null and void. There isn't an argument otherwise, and besides, if it is part of the CONUS, it is the law of the land.

But that doesn't mean an attempt wouldn't be made.

Of course the odds are against that happening. There'll be an earful on that account.

The answer to that is that you have to take your chances. There is no good alternatives at this point. This country cannot stand things as they are. The chance at this outcome must be taken, and it must risk failure at all costs.

A failure to act is the worst of all.

The proposition should be worded to follow the CONUS to the letter. There is nothing in the CONUS that allows removal of a President except impeachment. Such is not likely, especially in DC. When the usual channels of accountability don't work, the states have to step in.

Therefore, if the states can act, it may have a chance. You cannot expect the Federal government, which is the beneficiary of fraud, to prosecute themselves for fraud. Only an outside party can do it. That means the states.

Perhaps if enough of the states that would give a majority in the electoral college were to find that the election was fraudulent, then the current POTUS would have to leave. That means Biden. It should also mean Harris.

Who to put in their stead is a question that the amendment could answer.

If this were to fail, as is likely, it could still have good results. It SHOULD be politicized to the hilt, because that is what was done to defraud the public. A tit-for-tat response is definitely called for. Besides, if Trump really did win, then why is Biden there? It answers injustice with justice. It answers fraud with integrity.

Let the Democrats try to defend against that. If we cannot win even though we are right, then maybe we don't deserve to win.

A final note. Lots of conservatives have very valid arguments against a Convention of States. Such a convention could become a runaway convention. It could do just about anything. But you have to weigh that against the possibility of a runaway Federal government. That is what we are facing right now.

Why GOP helps the Dems cover-up the election fraud

Why GOP helps the Dems cover-up the election fraud

The author suggests that it is blackmail of some kind.

They pull in a GOP person with their fraudulent scheme, he gains from it, and from then on, he is subject to their blackmail schemes.

Sounds plausible, but that's not proof. Unfortunately, waiting for proof will take time. There's not much time.

In my opinion, it should be enough that they are helping the Dems at all. Never mind the proof.

New process promises to make oodles of hydrogen and lithium

A reading of the link provided shows one possible problem. One of the materials needed is ruthenium, which is itself quite rare.

If you need a lot of ruthenium, then this process is a non-starter.

By the way, it seems that ruthenium was part of an electrolysis experiment over at JPL. The experiment electrolyzed methanol, if memory serves. That electrolysis experiment found that a lot less energy was required to electrolyze methanol than water in order to produce the same amount of hydrogen.

Whatever happened to that experiment? If ruthenium was the problem there, it might well be the problem here in this new experiment.

Is it possible to synthesize ruthenium? Doubtful. A search of the decay chain for Ruthenium 106 shows a decay to stable Palladium 106 after a couple months. Ruthenium 106 itself is a nuclear byproduct of uranium fission.

Mining asteroids could get some. Put Elon Musk to work on it. Ruthenium is a byproduct of the mining of platinum, and there are asteroids with plenty of that stuff.

It could be possible to make this work, but conditions being as they are, there are a few things that may work against it.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Earth to Granholm ( on the Moon perhaps )


The idea of using hydrogen fuel cells has been covered extensively on this blog. The best chance at getting this idea even close to working is to use nuclear energy, which the greenies don't like.

Nevertheless, the possibility exists, and has existed for decades. This Earthshot initiative isn't likely to be serious, but it will spend serious amounts of money.

At best, they'll reinvent the wheel. Most likely a serious waste of time and money.

Being right isn't enough

Conservatives may feel that reason is enough, but it isn't. What gets people moving is emotion. Note the similarity in the words. For example, if you add "e" to "motion", you get "emotion". Feeling and action go together. If you want to get something done, you have to have some strong feeling attached to it. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

This is but one facet of the phenomenon to which the title of the post refers--

Being right is not enough

Another facet to it is something which appears many times on this blog--Aesop's Fable about the wolf and the lamb. The moral to that story is that force has the better of an argument.

The lamb and the wolf had an argument you see, but the wolf being stronger and meaner got his way with the lamb. The lamb could protest with all the persuasion of Perry Mason for all the good it did him. Being right wasn't enough for the lamb, and the wolf didn't need to be right, you see.

You could argue with all the angels on your side and you'll still lose. Some folks might object, but this is the way of the world. How can you argue that it isn't so?

The wolf will still couch all his arguments as if it were based upon the better angels, but the wolf is still a wolf.

Being right isn't enough when you're the lamb and you don't want to be on the wolf's menu. Maybe that will motivate you conservatives to get MOVING.

Here's another saying: The race doesn't always go to the swift, but that is the way to bet.

And a thought for those who like reason: if you don't get started, you'll never get there.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Was the 2020 election stolen?

Anyone who has read this blog would know that yours truly supports Donald Trump. However, our system is such that there's no obligation to give the winner of a vote the keys to the White House. You can search all day in the CONUS and not find any such thing.

The elections are Federal in nature. The states decide collectively who will be President. As such, the election could not be stolen even if there were massive fraud in the vote counts. All elections are understood to be democratic in nature, but that understanding may not reflect what really happened.

I'm sure I wrote way back well before the election that the GOP did not have to lose this election. I think they wanted to lose this election. This includes all the state delegations. The GOP did not want Trump, and that was the deciding factor.

There is no democracy. It is a republic with democratic features. It has always been so.

There are laws governing elections. There a federal laws and state laws. There is indeed an obligation to follow those laws. But if the governing class does not want to follow them, then we are up the proverbial creek. I think that is what happened.

If the laws were followed faithfully, and if the Supreme Court did its job, Donald Trump would still be president. There's no way in hell that Joe Biden was the people's choice.

The reason we got Biden was because of the ruling class---not because of the people. That's why we need these audits. If there's going to be an election, then the damned thing needs to be run honestly.

The governing class does not want to be seen blatantly ignoring what the people want. But if they can get away with trickery they will. The election wasn't stolen per se. It was a governing class veto of the common folk. The common folk wanted Trump, not Biden. The governing class wanted Biden.

If the audits prove that, then what? Will the governing class bow to the will of the people?

That's the real question of the times.