Thursday, June 10, 2021

The road taken

How in the hell did we end up where we are? Long-term readers here may note that there was an original Boots and Oil blog back in 2004. Way back then, and a little before then, blogs were a thing. Not so much anymore. We must have had a fork in the road, and like Yogi, we took it. But it was a wrong turn.

It was the big techies like Facebook that sucked all the oxygen out of the blogosphere. There just wasn't any way to get anything going when you are up against these guys. At least, that is my working theory.

There was a story on Instapundit about how Country and Western execs don't care about the fans. You know, it is a pattern. Big money means big wipeout for the little guys. So I carried it a bit further and got this: History of Facebook.

Here's the link for Insty.

Maybe that is not the reason for my toiling in obscurity. Maybe this blog isn't good enough. But there is no doubt that the blogosphere is just not hospitable as it once was. Fact is, can you name any blogs that have any significant following? Lots of names ended up on group blogs. Bigger ain't necessarily better, but it can keep you alive, it seems.

There may be a few, but the bias is against small timers, I think. It's feast or famine. The big time or nothing.

I don't want to get into sour grapes or anything. Nope. But if the big boys can shut down artists that Instapundit mentioned, and they can shut down Trump, then do we really have a free country?

Just asking the question. There needs to be room for the Mom and Pop's. Instead, the Wal-Mart types run them all out of business. It happened during Covid, so I heard. Big money shouldn't be able to stifle free speech like it is doing now.

Maybe there's no accident, but a design. If it keeps happening, somebody wants it to.

If you want to ask how we got to this sorry condition we are in, then ask yourself who was President during this time period? It was none other than Dubya. The GOP controlled Congress for several of those years, too. Where was the GOP? MIA like during January 6th.

Kind of makes you wonder why you support people who don't support you. Actually, it is worse than that. They seem to look for ways to screw you any chance they get.

I'm not going to support them when they do that. There's gotta be a change. No throw-a-way lines like "Read my lips", and such. It had better be real. The Democrats have gone communist. Communists are liars. It is in their ideology. That's why Reagan called them the "focus of evil in the modern world." Integrity is a bourgeous attitude, according to the pinkos. Look it up.

A true conservative wouldn't have let them wipe out the little guys. A true "middle-class" party like the Dems pretend to be, wouldn't have let them do it. Only pinkos can benefit in it so they can blame capitalism, like AOC does. Communists are liars and fakes cuz it is in their DNA.

The answer for the GOP is to become a real choice. Not a fake echo. If they are going to echo the commies, better join up with them.

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