Friday, June 11, 2021

Do not take that fork in the road

Dick Morris says that Biden will now tack to the middle now that the filibuster has been saved. Well, maybe it has been saved. At least for the moment, it appears to be safe.

The problem with Morris' statement is this left-right-middle model he is using. This is the biggest mistake to make if you are going to oppose the commies. For the left-right-middle model is a commie invention. If you play by those rules, in the long run, you lose. Just like we are losing our country.

The commies believe that their victory is inevitable. For every shift back towards the middle, there will be a shift to the left. Every shift to the left brings you closer to communism. Ronald Reagan understood that. Why can't his buddies who are supposedly on his side understand it?

It is probably a bit of mental laziness. It seems to make sense that if you take two opposing sides, the truth is probably "in between". But that is superficial and weak. If you want truth, you have to work for it. Here's something to consider: "a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth gets out of bed." Lounging around in bed is no way to win these battles.

Rush Limbaugh said something that may be applicable here, even though he was referring to himself as on the right. He said that liberalism is the most gutless choice you can make. It is gutless because the truth is harder than a lie. You have to be twice as smart and work twice as hard to win as a conservative. Unfortunately, Limbaugh just used half his brain.

You're going to need it all if you want to defeat the commies.

So, Morris closes by saying a tack "to the center" will help Biden win a second term. Oh? Despite the fraud? Despite his allergy to the truth?

You got Pelosi talking once again about rule of law. Where's the GOP on this? They are out there whining about double standards and such, but where are they with respect to the rule of law? They are afraid of being labelled "extremists". The truth is too "right wing". And these dopes fall for it every time. That's because they are like Morris. Playing the commies game.

It would be more powerful to be consistent. But that is not what the left does. It one thing today and another thing tomorrow. It isn't right wing today, center tomorrow, and leftism the day after. The left doesn't have to be truthful because there are way too many on the GOP side playing the left's games.

If the GOP wasn't the Stupid Party that they are, they would study success and emulate it. Ronald Reagan won the Cold War. He didn't win it by being "on the right". He won it by being conservative.

The Bushes want a "kindler and gentler" America. Like little Jebbie Bush, they want to emulate the commies. The Bushes knew enough to shut up during the Reagan years, but when Bush became President, he couldn't wait to disavow Reagan. We've been on the downswing since. That's the fork in the road we should have avoided. Maybe he should have said, "Read my lips, no new Bushies". No more commie games.

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