Saturday, June 12, 2021

Lockdowns favored Biden

Lockdowns favored Biden


Yes they did. The GOP didn't stand in the way of it either, as you may recall. The reason for that is that it blows their cover as fake conservatives if they did oppose. Conservatives may be able to fake it enough to convince some nincompoops that they can vote for a "moderate" Democrat, but they sure can't fake voting for a Socialist like Sanders.

The problem is a bit deeper than the obvious. Of course it favored Democrats. That's the obvious. But a little less obvious is that it also favored the fakes within the GOP. The rabbit hole is even deeper than that, I suspect, but that is deep enough for most people.

Even Neo, when red-pilled, didn't believe it at first.


The link shared didn't share the way I thought,so here it is

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