Saturday, March 12, 2022

Off-grid post, 3-12-22

A little debate here with myself. I had a bad day, due to my own errors. Do I share that, or keep it quiet in order to save face? I'm going to go ahead with the admission.

A costly error was to get my wires crossed with my electrical project. Some parts may have been ruined. Very painful to admit this. I like to think well of myself. What made me decide to fess up?

I look to my past, on the job. In those days, now passed, I recall that I was usually upfront about my mistakes. Trying to cover it up only makes things worse. By the way, try telling that to Democrats these days, especially Biden.

This isn't virtue signalling. Or I hope it isn't. I really did do that at work. I think it helped me do a better job. I'd study errors and try to eliminate them. But the errors kept coming anyway. I don't know if mistakes can be eliminated. Hopefully, they can be minimized. This error was so dumb that I cannot believe that I made that mistake.

The other side of the argument is that this isn't Facebook. I don't need to share every damned thing. But since I shared this much about my project, I figured I'd follow through.

The sooner I get past this, the better. How embarrassing.

Friday, March 11, 2022

New World Order

It may be necessary for me to relate why I used the term recently. For this purpose, I had to do some research. I knew that President George Herbert Walker Bush said the term, but it wasn't during his inaugural speech. That's where I looked first.

No, the speech was just prior to Desert Storm. The link: September 11, 1990, A New World Order declared

Very interesting date, by the way. Eleven years later, Bush's son "Dubya" was in the White House, and something happened at the World Trade Center in New York... That something led to another war. We also got a few other bad things that we are still dealing with, like a curtailment of our freedom, and an expansion of government. All on the Bushes watch.

I chose the term because something went haywire when Ronald Reagan left the White House, and this same George H.W. Bush entered it. He didn't utter the term at the inaugural, as I thought, but when that war began in the Persian Gulf.

What does it mean exactly? It was supposed to mean one thing to those who supported the man, but it is ending up being something else entirely. It leaves me very suspicious that this latest war in Ukraine is part of the same thing. Everything is being pushed in that direction. The Covid idiocy, the impeachments, the fraudulent election, and most everything else is being used to destroy the old lawful order, and to bring out a soft coup. Some are now calling it the Great Reset.

So, as Reagan once said, we are told it is a choice between left and right. But it isn't, as Reagan continued to say-- instead, it was about the choice between tyranny and freedom. Bush seemed to be on the side of freedom. But he had a way of being insincere. His acts didn't comport with what he was indicating with his words. So it really isn't about freedom. It is really about tyranny. He may not have been aware of that, but all too often, he seemed to be siding with those who have always wished to bring on the iron hand of tyranny.

There might be a middle ground between left and right ideologies, but there is no middle ground between being a slave, or being a free man. You either have your freedom or you don't. There is no "middle way". The "middle way" is a trick to deceive you into letting down your guard. Free men can carry guns, but slaves cannot. Free men can choose to wear masks, but slaves cannot. Free men can vote, but slaves cannot. Free men can come and go as they wish. It doesn't seem to be that way anymore, so why is that? I am suspicious of those who would curtail freedom for the necessities of the moment. For the necessities of the moment can be conjured up to fit the need of dictators.

Bush may not have meant it that way, but the results are the same as if he did. That's why I say "Read my lips, no new Bushes." One is running for Attorney General in Texas, but if people don't learn after two failed Bush Presidencies, they'll never learn. That's what I fear may happen. These people keep turning up, and they keep doing the same old tricks. There is another one going on with this sham January 6th subcommittee in Washington. The Bushes and Cheneys are thick as theives.

Poll after poll says we are on the wrong track. It has been that way for quite some time. The only constant in all of this is the same clique has been running the show. It is time for them to exit the stage. They may be incompetent, corrupt, or both. It doesn't matter if the results are the same. It doesn't matter what the intentions were. The results speak for themselves. We are almost at war with a nuclear power in their backyard. That is insane. The New World Order may well be a nuclear rubble pile.

As Yogi Berra would say- It's deja vu all over again

Howdy, buckaroos. Just perusing the latest "right-wing" propaganda. "Right wing" because ours is better than theirs. Like "our Germans are better than their Germans". Or whatever. Today's link to discuss:

Sarah Hoyt: Democrats latest tax and spend scheme

A little cynical this morning. What a pity. Anyway, on Insty, I see that the commies want to cut checks to pay back the folks back home what they have stolen from us at the pump. Back in the seventies, when we had their fake "energy crisis", they caused the prices to go way the hell up ( like today), and they wanted a "windfall profits tax". That tax may have been implemented, by the way. The way they would pay for the checks these days is another windfall profits tax of old. They think that this will help them win in November. Their power is what they are worried about, NOT YOU.

They're only robbing Peter to pay Paul. Nope, when Reagan got into office, he completely deregulated the oil industry. The commies back then screamed that we couldn't do that because terrible things would happen. But the oil industry was aok afterwards, and prices were stable for a generation. That was before the Clintons got into office. With an assist from the Bushes, of course. ( Read my lips, no more freedom.)

Reagan liked the say that the government is not the solution, but that the government is the problem. Well, it certainly is the problem now. They created this problem with their greenie-weenie bullcrap, and now the rise in gas prices is killing them. So they propose to bribe their way to keeping power. You gotta to hand it to the commies. They may not be able to do economics worth a damn, but they sure know how to con a lot of people. This latest con job might actually help them. But it won't solve any "energy crisis", which is a crisis of their own making--just like the seventies.

The problem isn't "corporate greed" that the commies like to say. It is government greed for more and more power and control. There is something called the "free market" that would work if the commies would let it. But they won't. That is why the commies, or the party of Big Bad Wolfish Government, are stealing from us with their interference in the free market. As Reagan said, Government is the problem, not the solution. All these commies can think of is a new program for the ones that don't work already. They can make a career out breaking things, and promising to "fix" them. Yep, they are "fixing" us all, alright.

This is why it is deja vu all over again, and I am cynical. I wouldn't be cynical if people would, you know, LEARN. But people will never learn. That is why history repeats itself. It is all the same thing that we have seen before. It had a happier ending the last time. This time, I am not so sure.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

So called New World Order about to become extinct

Thoughts are fleeting things, here one minute, gone the next. Especially if you're like me, and you tend to forget easily. With that in mind, I had a few thoughts this am that I'd like to post, even though I know that it is probably a waste of time. But maybe it won't be. There is always the hope.

There has been some talk about a new monetary system coming into being as a side effect to the war in Ukraine. The Russians and Chinese have wanted this for a long time. So with all the sanctions being put into place, the Russians are now "de-dollarizing" their economy. Even though the Russians and Chinese wanted to change the fact that the dollar is the reserve currency, they still depend upon it. Since these sanctions are being put into place, they will find that they can do without it. That is a side effect of this war that is probably not anticipated, and not expected. It will have ramifications for us all.

The dollar as a reserve currency is an artifact of the second world war. With the world's economies in shambles after the war, and the USA being the only major country being untouched, the same USA inherited a commanding position. America could pretty much run the world's economy because it WAS the world's economy. But the world recovered, and America still retained that lofty status. The problem is that this country has become more and more unworthy, and that has led to some disgruntled trading partners. We will soon lose those privileges that we have taken for granted because those privileges have been abused.

This country picked this fight in Ukraine. Those who are running this country today are fully immersed in corruption. They've abused their position without care or regard for the after effects. They are abusing this country too, and the institutions that made it great are now are mere shadow of what they once were. The turning point was in the late sixties. This is when the GDP in terms of gold was at its highest level. It hasn't been reached since, and is now likely to start declining rapidly unless something changes.

This country picked the fight in Ukraine because it did not keep its agreements. The same ruling clique that is running the country now violated it, and therefore this country has no moral authority to object to what is happening in Ukraine. The Ukranians are bravely resisting the Russians, and they do it on their own, because to follow the USA is to join the folly that this country is in now. The election in this country in 2020 was a sham. It is a sham and the people in charge know it is a sham because of the way they are acting. They don't fear the January 6th protesters because they are dangerous per se, but they are dangerous because they are on the side of truth, and the ruling clique knows it. The ones who picked the fight in Ukraine have done so because they failed to keep agreements, and they have also failed to keep to the agreements that made this country according to its laws.

This failure to keep agreements is what makes the ruling clique unworthy. How can you have a peaceful order when you do not respect your own word? Why should anybody else trust your word when you habitually violate it? Consequently, this country has built a Tower of Babel of sorts with its dollar hegemony. That is going to fall, and rightly so. They have abused too many for too long. It has to fall. Therefore, the inflation is not Russia's fault. It is the fault of the ruling clique who brought this condition into being.

These people will scream "treason" at this. Baloney. The real treason is what they are doing. The people do not owe loyalty to the liars and frauds that these people are. If they weren't liars, they wouldn't treat the January 6th protesters they way they are. Their rights have been violated. We are being lied to continually and aggressively. It is as if they are at war with the people they claim to serve. All you have to do to see this is to open your eyes. You might as well not have a Bill of Rights anymore. The protesters deserve their day in court, with a speedy trial. Instead of that, they are being held incommunicado. This is a war against the rule of law. There is nothing legal about these people are doing, and it doesn't matter if those in robes say it is lawful. Anybody with a decent education can read the Constitution and see that it isn't; and those in robes are as big as frauds as the rest of these frauds.

So much for this rant. Bad things are on the way unless our own house is put into order. Instead, the ones who messed up our house are also raising hell with the rest of the world. I think the world will soon have enough of these people. Either we figure it out first, or they will.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Off-grid post, 3-9-22

It seems like this is my way right now. As opposed to commentary upon current events. There is little that you can do about what's happening, except to bitch. I like to engage in more productive pursuits, thank you very much.

So, I did my BMS work on the solar panel system ( without a solar panel). Then, I placed the order for the rest of the stuff I need to test and use the battery henceforth. It isn't the whole ballgame, as I need to vastly upgrade from here. An obvious thing is to get some solar panels. But this one won't have that, as mentioned prior.

In the meantime, while waiting for the next materials to arrive, I can do some advance planning on THE BIG ONE. That one will be for keepsies, as the first two were practice runs. I'm looking at potentially a greater than 10 kwh system. But one slightly smaller than that could also be adequate. There has been no decision on that, and there doesn't have to be one anytime soon. I have a pretty good idea of how I want to proceed, but there was one sticking point that I seemed to have resolved today. So at least in theory, I can proceed when ready.

I won't be ready until I am satisfied with what I've got now. That is going to have to be the sticking point on going BIG. The little jobbie is going to have to work properly, or I figure I haven't graduated yet to bigger things.

The big system will need a place to mount the panels. I don't want to put them on the ground. Get them up in the air so that they'll have plenty of sunshine. That means a minor construction project. I like minor, as opposed to major construction projects. Me and construction projects don't necessarily get along well. Maybe I can build something about as complex as a doghouse, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. This won't be any more complex than that, and should be quite a bit less.

There needs to be a place for the other equipment, which will be necessary. There is a place that might work out okay. There will be a battery and a combiner box located outside. The place I have in mind should be out of the rain and sun. That is needed because lithium batteries don't like getting hot. Getting wet is probably not good either.

An inverter will be inside. Wires will go through the window opening where the window a/c unit is mounted. I can drill a small hole in the wood so the wires can pass through. Yep, that don't sound too hard. The inverter I am looking at has a remote control. If I want to shut off power from the battery, that will be easy. Shutting off power from the panels can be accomplished through breakers on the combiner box. A fuse near the battery would be helpful.

I've got a charge controller in mind, which will handle the amount of current coming off the combiner box. From there, the wires can go to the inverter. That much of the details have been worked out. There may be others. But mostly it means get to work. As mentioned, there is one little thing holding up the show, and when that is taken care of, then it is a go. ( I think)

Monday, March 7, 2022

Off-grid post, 3-7-22

Note: I know this looks like I'm ignoring the war in Ukraine, but I'm not. I won't post very much on it because I don't think the information is reliable. Unfortunately, there are a lot of instances where this is true these days. The information out there may not be accurate, so I don't think I should add anything further to it. My information isn't any better than what everybody else is getting.

With all that said, I now turn to my solar panel project that doesn't have a solar panel. Since this battery unit was supposed to be the backbone of a multi-unit arrangement, I have been forced to make a change in plans. So this battery unit will go towards powering a few low power things in the place. It won't have a dedicated solar panel to it. I think it will be charged using the solar panels once I get them hooked up to the big project that I will do after this one.

Today, I started with the BMS install. I've got the balance leads connected, but I am not 100% sure that this is correct. The full install is not done yet. There are a couple more connections that I have to connect up, and I don't get these either. Besides that, I'm not sure that this will require some startup procedure. So I am studying all that before I do much else. If I don't get this right, the BMS won't work. There is also the risk of doing it wrong and frying up the BMS so that it no longer useful. So I am trying to make sure as I can that I've got it all right.

Once the BMS is hooked up properly ( I hope), I will get a few more items ordered up to complete the project. This one will have a reducer to change the voltage from 24 volts to 12. That's so I can use the 12 volt inverter that I have. It is a pretty good inverter, but it doesn't get much use because my 12 volt system is way underpowered. The current system will not need an inverter anyway. It will be dedicated to keeping the 12 volt system charged up.

There will need to be a way to charge up the battery, so I'll get a 24 volt charger to hook up to the 24 volt battery. Once the big system is in place, I can charge it off the solar panels indirectly through another inverter, which I will have to purchase. The big inverter will go with the big solar panel system that I envision. Before then, the little 24 volt system will get charged off the grid.

I'll use the little system to power some stuff in the living room. Maybe charge some batteries and run a few things in here. Stuff like air conditioners and refrigerators use a lot of power, and this one won't be able to run those.

So that's the plan, unless something else changes that forces another change in plans.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Off-grid, 3-6-22

The BMS came yesterday, but I didn't know it until this morning. Decided to wait a bit longer before I start working on it. This one won't have a solar panel dedicated to it. I was expecting to get more of these units, but they appear to have sold out. These may be one of a kind type things. Besides, I've got my eye on another option. Let's hope that those don't sell out before I get to them.

It seems that things are coming along pretty well. The things I need to know are being mastered. Especially the part about water. If this idea I've got pans out, then the power issue will be solved as well. That leaves construction. My carpentry skills still suck, so there's a lot to improve upon. As bad as those skills are, I think I could build something better than the last time. The last thing didn't hold up at all.

The funny thing is that I might not even go out there. But the fact that I could, and make it is more important. That place out there would be a challenge, though.

I'm still looking to sell off at least half of the property. Who knows, maybe all of it. But I haven't tested the market yet.

The thing is that I like here better. So if I can arrange it, I just might figure out a way that I can stay here. That means selling off the property out west, and getting a permanent situation here.

We'll have to see about that one.