Saturday, March 12, 2022

Off-grid post, 3-12-22

A little debate here with myself. I had a bad day, due to my own errors. Do I share that, or keep it quiet in order to save face? I'm going to go ahead with the admission.

A costly error was to get my wires crossed with my electrical project. Some parts may have been ruined. Very painful to admit this. I like to think well of myself. What made me decide to fess up?

I look to my past, on the job. In those days, now passed, I recall that I was usually upfront about my mistakes. Trying to cover it up only makes things worse. By the way, try telling that to Democrats these days, especially Biden.

This isn't virtue signalling. Or I hope it isn't. I really did do that at work. I think it helped me do a better job. I'd study errors and try to eliminate them. But the errors kept coming anyway. I don't know if mistakes can be eliminated. Hopefully, they can be minimized. This error was so dumb that I cannot believe that I made that mistake.

The other side of the argument is that this isn't Facebook. I don't need to share every damned thing. But since I shared this much about my project, I figured I'd follow through.

The sooner I get past this, the better. How embarrassing.

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