Friday, March 11, 2022

As Yogi Berra would say- It's deja vu all over again

Howdy, buckaroos. Just perusing the latest "right-wing" propaganda. "Right wing" because ours is better than theirs. Like "our Germans are better than their Germans". Or whatever. Today's link to discuss:

Sarah Hoyt: Democrats latest tax and spend scheme

A little cynical this morning. What a pity. Anyway, on Insty, I see that the commies want to cut checks to pay back the folks back home what they have stolen from us at the pump. Back in the seventies, when we had their fake "energy crisis", they caused the prices to go way the hell up ( like today), and they wanted a "windfall profits tax". That tax may have been implemented, by the way. The way they would pay for the checks these days is another windfall profits tax of old. They think that this will help them win in November. Their power is what they are worried about, NOT YOU.

They're only robbing Peter to pay Paul. Nope, when Reagan got into office, he completely deregulated the oil industry. The commies back then screamed that we couldn't do that because terrible things would happen. But the oil industry was aok afterwards, and prices were stable for a generation. That was before the Clintons got into office. With an assist from the Bushes, of course. ( Read my lips, no more freedom.)

Reagan liked the say that the government is not the solution, but that the government is the problem. Well, it certainly is the problem now. They created this problem with their greenie-weenie bullcrap, and now the rise in gas prices is killing them. So they propose to bribe their way to keeping power. You gotta to hand it to the commies. They may not be able to do economics worth a damn, but they sure know how to con a lot of people. This latest con job might actually help them. But it won't solve any "energy crisis", which is a crisis of their own making--just like the seventies.

The problem isn't "corporate greed" that the commies like to say. It is government greed for more and more power and control. There is something called the "free market" that would work if the commies would let it. But they won't. That is why the commies, or the party of Big Bad Wolfish Government, are stealing from us with their interference in the free market. As Reagan said, Government is the problem, not the solution. All these commies can think of is a new program for the ones that don't work already. They can make a career out breaking things, and promising to "fix" them. Yep, they are "fixing" us all, alright.

This is why it is deja vu all over again, and I am cynical. I wouldn't be cynical if people would, you know, LEARN. But people will never learn. That is why history repeats itself. It is all the same thing that we have seen before. It had a happier ending the last time. This time, I am not so sure.

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