Saturday, March 2, 2019

Texas Independence Day

"Was Texas a real country"?

If you can force an numerically superior enemy to retreat across the border that you claimed, I'd friggin' say "hell yes".

The USA cannot give Texas back to Mexico.  But they can have Collyfornia.

Plasma Waste Converters ( repost ) [ Mining an asteroid, Part VI ]

Reposted for at least the second time:


What is the concept here?  The concept is that no material can withstand temperatures that get sufficiently hot.  Got that?  The material is not obliterated, though.  The thing that happens is that the chemical bonds are broken.  The atoms making up the material continue to exist, and as they cool, they reunite with the electrons to form the elements from which the material is composed.

What makes chemical bonds possible are the electrons.  Once matter gets hot enough, it becomes plasma, which means that the electrons have been driven off by the heat.

Of course, this requires a tremendous amount of energy.  This amount of energy could be supplied by nuclear power.  Nuclear power is a million times more powerful than chemical energy.  Once you grasp that concept, you should easily be able to understand that any chemical can be reconstituted into its constituent elements, and then recombined into useful forms.  In other words, there is no waste.

That is why I come down hard on the notion that there can be a depletion of resources.  How can you deplete a resource that can be renewed an infinite number of times?  People who push this are of two types, in my opinion.  They either understand this basic fact, or they don't.  If they do, and they push the idea of depletion, then that makes them liars.  The others are dupes.  It takes two to lie.  The liar and the dupe who believes the lie.

That is why I come down hard on the movie Avatar.  This movie pushes the idea of depletion of resources, which is a damnable lie.

last repost .. 10.6.13:


This is a proposed method of mining an asteroid.  Therefore, I'll make this repost number 6 in the series.  The plasma device will rip apart the materials where they can separated out.  You can also use this technique to recycle everything while you are in space.  Particularly waste.

Update: This site says that 2000 tons of waste can be processed per day.   It would be very handy if you could go at that rate with the asteroid, but it will probably go much slower than this.

Energy for mining operations can be discussed next in the series.

Part 5 was here.

This concept may be even better than this gal thinks.

I'm thinking that with enough energy, you could recycle everything.  Think nuclear energy here that is cheaper than coal.

You don't have to restrict yourself to materials that would be used in making energy.  Perhaps in theory, you can make a plasma out of anything and just about everything.

Every substance will have a boiling point, in which it will be turned into a gas.  As it cools, it will condense according to its chemical properties.  You could set up a collection point as is done in oil refineries, that will pick off each product as it condenses.  The final result should be various pure elements which constituted the chemical makeup of the waste stream.  That's the general idea, anyway.

Here's the video.

A brief discussion of the dialectic


This is worth reading because it discusses something that you rarely hear about in the political discussions in this country.

You hear about "right" , "left", and "center".  In my opinion, this is a version of the dialectic.  That is my part.  The part that this link discusses is how the dialectic is causing the downward trend of the society in terms of its sexual practices.

Well worth reading.

( By the way, that is why I push Ronald Reagan's "Speech" about the left and right.  This is what is believed to be the speech that launched Reagan's political career.  It is also the secret of his success, in my opinion.  It is also why the GOP is failing at the moment, and will not succeed until it disavows this model-- the dialectic.  Ronald Reagan was no dummy.  He understood what few people seem to understand, and he used it to great effect. )

Friday, March 1, 2019

Further brief commentary on the flick, Avatar

Well, something to write about here.  As some folks who may be familiar with this blog, you may recall several posts about space colonization.

There is something wrong here about the use of anti-matter for propulsion.  Seems that I read something long ago that even with this form of propulsion, a trip to the nearest star is out of the question.  The distances are much too great.

One thing that I never did cover in those type of posts is warp drives.  This concept was proposed in the fictional TeeVee series, Star Trek.  Whether or not the creator of said series, Gene Roddenberry, knew of the possibility of such a drive is unknown to me; however, the physics behind this was studied by a Mexican physicist Alcubierre.  The concept may not be feasible, however.

Without such a means of space travel, a trip to the nearest star may never happen.  Faster than light propulsion is the only way that this can be done, if it ever can.

The anti-matter propulsion of the movie is just a prop device.

update on the avatar film post:

After writing a bit about the movie, here's some more.... I've seen the movie one time before. Watching the thing again, my reaction is that it is an anti-American, anti-west, anti-white propaganda flick. Pretty typical crap coming from the left.

It is very cleverly done. I'm pretty hard boiled, but I think this thing was almost getting to me. That is an indication of the scope of the problem that we have.

These media people are enemies. Even though they benefit from our system, they are undermining it, and ultimately, they will destroy it. That is, unless they are stopped.

How can that be done??? Anybody's guess is as good as mine. The last people I want to defend is the corporations. But these people don't hate the corporations, they live off them... Assholes.

Obligatory, 3.1.19

Another one of these stream-of-consciousness type posts.  These kind of posts become necessary because of a brain freeze.  Something happens when sometimes when I get in front of a screen, and the brain won't work the way I want it to.

So, the thing to do is to do a chronological type post of sorts, or it could be what I am thinking right now, such as a stream-of-consciousness thing.  Either way, it's bad.

Let's get on with it, shall we?  You, me, and I--- a Freudian thing that.

Never mind.  Yesterday, I did a bit of research beginning with James Cameron, the film maker.  Once I read up a bit on his movie Avatar, I realized what I was reading was a type of religious statement.  All of that stuff in Avatar is religious in nature.   Cameron is evidently a real believer in the nature cult, it seems.  They were all networked into the Home Tree.  Woo-hoo.  What a concept.

It made me want to dig up what is out there on the Christian religion from the secularist point of view.

You see, what they will say, because I have thought of it myself, I know it to be true--- that it is just all a story.  It is like Avatar.  This will shock some people, I am sure.  Don't you believe, some might ask incredulously.  I've gotten that reaction before, too.

What I choose to believe up to now, and now it may be questioned a bit, is that people will not be willing to die over something they KNOW to be false.  Would you give your life for something that you don't believe in, and with all your heart know, to be FALSE?????

The Christian martyrs did die for something.  They do it to this very day.  There can be no doubt that they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  At least, that is what I think.  For you get to live only one time.  If you are going to die over something, it ought to be for something you have very, very strong feelings and beliefs about.  It is hard for me to believe that someone, if given the opportunity to live, would choose death over life in support of a lie.  But I suppose there are people who would die in support of a belief in what??? No belief!  If they were to truly believe that there is nothing to believe in, and that is the truth, then they may be willing to die in support of that.  But then again, if they believe there is no truth at all, then would they be willing to die for something that they know is not true at all?

Does this discussion seem confusing?  It may seem so.  It kinda depends upon how well I write, and perhaps I don't express it well enough.  Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.   This is tough to write about, and to do it well may take a better writer.

I don't believe that people will give their lives over something they know to be false, when to disavow it, would enable them to continue to live.  The early Christian martyrs, who knew Jesus of Nazareth personally, would not have been willing to die if they knew he was not who he said he was.  That is what I choose to believe.  Is that wrong, or is it right?

It is something you have to decide for yourself.  You may be called upon to die for something, so what do you really believe?  That we are just a bunch of smart apes?  We are all just a part of nature, and that that is all there is?   Would James Cameron die for that little artificial world he created in his film Avatar?  Or is it all just a bunch of bullshit he thought up in order to make a buck?

Thursday, February 28, 2019

31 Other "Emergencies"

If the border situation is no "emergency", then why are these other declared emergencies are not being singled out?

These other "emergencies" seem rather vague, and not relevant to the USA.  There are a few, but even those that affected us directly, like the 9-11 event, are getting a bit old.

Why not review those, if you are going to review this one?

It could  be nothing but another circus.  My understanding is that a blocked emergency declaration does not forbid the POTUS from using funds not earmarked for the wall.  Which means he could still use a lot more than that money that the Congress just earmarked for the wall.  He could build a lot more wall than what they are referring to here with their political circus.

Is a Second Civil War Coming?


The essay is a plea for peace, which is an indication of a lack of will to fight.  If peace is desired above all other things, then peace will be the case, but it will come at a cost of freedom.

The left will destroy all this country ever stood for, and it will be replaced with their own failed model.

As for the proposed failure of the American model, as this article indicates, it only occurs if there is nobody willing to defend it.  If war comes, it should be in defense of liberty.  The author doesn't show any fight, so there will likely be a surrender.  Unless of course, he, and those like him, wake the hell up in time. 

Too tough of a judgement?  Consider this quote from the article:

Not only does their violence succeed, but they succeed just by threatening violence.

Why should they succeed just by threatening violence?  But that is how they succeed, and unless there is significant push back, they will continue to succeed.   Why should they respond to an argument when they ignore the argument?  Words don't work any more.  The political left has abandoned reason, and those of you, who call yourselves "conservative", are going to have to deal with them in a way that they will understand.  If not, all of your praying and good words will have no effect whatsoever.  For if it did, it would have happened already.


This is said to be one of the best of the Star Trek episodes.

Why is that the case?  Could it be that people are intrigued by the possibility of understanding what seems beyond comprehension?  Or is it like the study of an alien culture for its secrets?

This could generalize down to our current situation vis-a-vis our adversaries in contemporary life.  How do you get to people who don't seem to understand?

At some point, you may have to decide that there isn't any way to reach an understanding, and just proceed from there.  This generally means conflict of some kind, or at best, avoidance.

Avoidance may be the only way to prevent violence, when the other side will not be reasonable.  If the other side won't go away, then you just might have to make them go away.  What that would mean is the other side had better back off, or there will be trouble.

It seems to me that moral judgments have been made.  It is hard to reason with people when they think you are evil--- and vice versa.

Know what I mean, Vern?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Political left goes all out for the Big Lie

What we have here is a systematic attempt to deceive the public.  The Trayvon Martin case is just one of the examples.  The recent fake hate crime is another.  Yet another is the vote against the Emergency for the purpose of building the wall on the border with Mexico.

Then you have the Mueller investigation, and today's Cohen testimony before Congress.

The political left is either going to succeed with their lies, or the truth will prevail.

Better hope that the truth prevails.  Venezuela may look good compared for what we have in store for us if the Big Lie succeeds.  It worked for Hitler, and we saw what happened after that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Strange bedfellows

You'd think the likes of AOC and the corporations would be not be the best of friends, but that isn't necessarily the case.

If it weren't for the billionaires, where would AOC be?  She was MADE by the billionaires for the benefit of the billionaires.

You are being led to believe that the left is in favor of the people, but the opposite is true.  They are actually trying to destroy you.

Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, lefties.

Chuck Norris says: "Remember the Alamo"

Remember that he is "Chuck effing Norris."  Gotta listen!

It may seem that I am making fun of Norris, but au contraire mon frere.  Just couldn't resist the "Chuck effing Norris" line in the video.  Cool.

"The Valley Girl socialist says, like, it may not be OK to have children"

....."so it’s basically like, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult,” Ocasio-Cortez said.."


Particularly difficult for children if they managed to get born, and not killed by these fanatics.

Particularly difficult if they they manage to make the USA into the likes of Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and apparently South Africa.  ( This is but a short list of socialistic failures. )

It is relatively easy to fool children, especially uneducated ones like AOC.  They may have a degree in whatever, but they haven't got a lick of sense.

Monday, February 25, 2019

All is Well!

Are America and the West collapsing? 

If you think boys can be girls and vice versa, then something's gotta be messed up somewhere.  On the other hand, the little froggie takes a long time to get itself boiled up.

In the meantime, all is well, we are told.

Not so good morning

Lately, I have had some trouble with the gastro-intestinal tract. I think I know what is causing the trouble. The thing is this: if you want to know, you have to test the thing that may be causing the trouble. This is what I did yesterday, and sure enough, I got troubles again.

Rather than mention the culprit here, I will keep it under wraps. I'm not sure 100% even now that this is the problem. But it sure seems to be.

This is what ruined my recent trip out to West Texas. As bad as that was, it wasn't this bad. But this isn't as bad ( so far ) as it was when it started last time. I may be in the early stages yet, so it may be too early to tell.

Anyway, I'm not going anywhere today, that's for sure. ( drat it )

There are plenty of things that need doing, so there's no need to go anywhere for something to do.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


"No noose is good noose".


Obligatory, 2.24.19--- Phone issue

The phone was running out of storage space.  The reason why?  Who knows.

Anyway, I did a "hard reset", and the phone seems to be okay.  For now.