Saturday, March 2, 2019

A brief discussion of the dialectic


This is worth reading because it discusses something that you rarely hear about in the political discussions in this country.

You hear about "right" , "left", and "center".  In my opinion, this is a version of the dialectic.  That is my part.  The part that this link discusses is how the dialectic is causing the downward trend of the society in terms of its sexual practices.

Well worth reading.

( By the way, that is why I push Ronald Reagan's "Speech" about the left and right.  This is what is believed to be the speech that launched Reagan's political career.  It is also the secret of his success, in my opinion.  It is also why the GOP is failing at the moment, and will not succeed until it disavows this model-- the dialectic.  Ronald Reagan was no dummy.  He understood what few people seem to understand, and he used it to great effect. )

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