Saturday, July 21, 2018

Criticism of Helsinki performance is all wet

Even this pro-Trump article is a little too timid about it.  What's with these people?  Trump got it right.  There was no "mistake".


( about an hour later )

It seems to me from the reactions that people who should know don't seem to know what they should.  If anything, the reactions show that the message isn't getting out loudly enough.  Trump did the right thing in pointing out that the FBI never saw the servers.  This claim that the Russians hacked the DNC servers is a very important point of fact.  It hasn't been proven.

The hysterical reaction may well be that the Dems are panicked that people may actually be hearing truth, which is what they desperately want to keep away from the public.

Sorry to see that a lot of GOP'ers are not up to snuff on the information that they should have.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Must not accept false premises

Not only is the tax a lie, so is the claim for AGW.

For GOP'ers to fall for this is inexcusable.

Trump: Say No To Putin’s Desperate Corrupt Request – Lunch Alert!

Trump: Say No To Putin’s Desperate Corrupt Request – Lunch Alert!,


From the way Morris puts it, this would give the left a lot of ammunition to go after Trump.

There may be another side to this story.

After studying this for a bit, I am not so impressed with Browder's background.  From a legal standpoint, could the USA even turn over Browder?  He is not a US citizen, having giving up his citizenship years ago.

It isn't anything but a bunch of baloney.  It is a lot of posturing as usual.

No troops for Poland

Here is somebody who is worried about Trump's critics.  Frankly, Trump should NOT bow in the slightest towards his critics, and do something unwise as this sounds.

The author suggests putting US troops in Poland in order to end the Russian criticisms.  But why should Trump do something like this to please his critics?  Why should Trump make a "deal" like this?

Trump won in order to make the establishment "neo cons" change their ways.  Not to become their pawns in another one of their foolish conflicts.

To build up NATO's military readiness is the best means by which to meet any possible threat which may be posed by a Russian aggression, should there be one.  All of the "allies" should step up to the plate and fund their own defense, just as Trump has advocated.  If they don't do this, then why defend those who will not do the job for themselves?  It's their own countries.

Wait a minute...


Seems like I heard that the Russians that were indicted based upon questionable evidence.  In other words, the 12 Russians were indicted upon something which hasn't been proven, nor is ever likely to be.

If the Russians interfered, where's the proof?  Why are these people afraid of the truth being put on public display?  If they are so sure of this charge, why not put it into open court?

Again, this is not to "defend" the Russians.  It is more important to defend the truth.

Julian Assange, of Wikeleaks, offered to testify that his source was not Russia.  Comey refused to grant immunity so that Assange could testify.  Why?

Could it be that this didn't happen the way that the Democrats are claiming? 

the original post of July last year:

Why is Insty posting that it is "widely known" that the Russians interfered in our elections??????

This hasn't been established as fact.  What the hell are these people doing???????

All we have is the claim from the Dems that their emails were hacked.  But there hasn't been an independent verification that this even occurred.  Or did I miss something?  Don't think so.  I don't think it is I who is missing something.

Fusion GPS and the other one--- Crowdstrike or something like that, are the entities who are supposedly "investigating" the hack.  The FBI (FIB) has put their seal of approval on it, but the FBI is compromised as far as I am concerned.  Not only them, but the entire government structure is compromised.    Until that is cleared up, whatever is claimed has not been established as fact, and SHOULD NOT BE WRITTEN UP AS SUCH.

More fake news, but this time, it is coming from those who should know better.

The rot is getting deeper...

Apples and oranges type arguments

Just read Congressman Will Hurd's (R) op-ed in the New York Times.  The initial reaction to Hurd from a Trump supporter might well be negative.  But "upon further review", it is an apple and oranges type argument, which sheds no real light on the problem.

There is a lot of partisan politics these days, and not all of it is in one party against the other.  There is a significant faction of "never-Trumpers" in the GOP.  These individuals do not support the President and they tend to do so in the a most noisy way possible.

Hurd's voting record seems solid.  But he is against the wall.  The wall is Trump's biggest initiative, indeed his most important initiative.  But Hurd represents a predominantly Latino district, which is along the US Mexican border.  His electoral majorities have been razor thin.  He could be vulnerable to a Democrat challenge.

So, it is unfortunate, but a reality, that Hurd is probably playing up to the never Trumpers.  His opposition is political, but not in practice, it is not much of a difference.

What are we arguing about here but a difference of opinion?  Hurd doesn't oppose enforcing the border and the immigration laws ( he says ), but doing it a different way.  It is not a substantive difference unless the results are not pretty much the same as what has always been.

If you oppose a wall, then why?  A wall will work.  Physical barriers work.  His position is in favor of non physical barriers.  These type of "barriers" are proposed because their proponents do not wish real enforcement of immigration law.  However, non physical barriers might work, provided that they are enforced.  These non physical barriers have existed all along, and are not being enforced.  Why should any new ones be enforced?  What we are really talking about is enforcement, not the wall.

Consequently, it is an apples or oranges argument.  Maybe your preference is apples, and mine is oranges.  The principle at stake is the same.  Will immigration law be enforced or not?  Do never Trumpers want immigration law to be enforced, or not?

Now for his criticisms of Trump in the New York Times.  It is likewise an apples and oranges argument.  Hurd argues that Russia is an adversary, not an ally.  But who argues with him on that?  Russia may well be an adversary, but we are at peace with them at present.  Would it be better to go to war with them?  Is it better to talk with them, or start lobbing missiles at them?

The argument then is not whether Russia is an adversary, but what is the best way to advance American interests if these interests conflict with Russia's.

Certainly American interests lie in better cyber security.  Who would argue with that?

He accuses Trump of letting himself be manipulated by Putin.  Let's get real here.  Does Trump really owe Putin anything?  The 2016 election was not decided by Russia, for heaven's sake.  The Democrat's claims of Russia hacking are unproven.  Even if they did, it didn't make any material difference in the outcome.  Hillary lost because of Hillary, not Russia.

But this doesn't mean the hacking didn't happen, nor does it mean that Russia is innocent.  The problem here is that the Democrats have politicized a national security issue, and wish to use it in order to remove Trump from office.  Hurd is allowing the Democrats to further their objectives.

Hurd should look in the mirror and ask if he is allowing himself to manipulated by the Democrats.  His comments play right into their hands.

Does he really believe that this helps him win reelection?  Would it not be better to talk on what is known to be true, as opposed to what someone else claims to be true ( which may not be )?

The apples here is national security.  Everyone should be on the same page with that one.  The oranges are the politics.  Hurd is helping the Democrats make political points, but is he really helping American national security with such op-eds?

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Young Frankenstein

A short clip from the movie.  But I was looking for something else in the movie.  Now, I have forgotten it.

What hump?

Current events reporting emphasizing confusion over clarity


4:45 pm:

Surber has a Gallup poll that says less than 1% of Americans think that Russia is a problem.

You have to wonder sometimes about these polls...

the original post:

The news seems to be hyper emotional and conflicted.

For instance, how can the generic congressional polling be up for Dems, when Trump's numbers are also up?  For the Democrat's main line of campaigning and agitation seems toward removing this president from office.  How can these poll numbers be reconciled?  It doesn't make sense.  If people wanted Trump out, his numbers would be down, wouldn't you think?  But that is not the case.

Some polls say that the public would like better relations with Russia, but Trump's so-called ties with Russia is near the top in voter's concerns.  The number that I saw in that poll was not that high, though.  Perhaps more clarity would be the case if we knew if more or less people wanted better relations with Russia than are concerned about Trump's alleged ties with Russia.  That question doesn't get asked.

So, I am thinking that the reporting is hyping too many things, and is muddying the waters.

Generally speaking, the public may well be happy with the job Trump is doing, but not with the GOP.  Perhaps that makes more sense.

There is a significant never Trump faction the GOP, but Trump's support in the GOP is very good.  Evidently, the problem is with a noisy few, who also happen to be influential.  If these people are removed from their position of influence within the party, the party might be more united.

The media centers are driving the anti Trump messaging, but how effective will that be in motivating enough voters in order to make a difference in the fall?

The GOP needs to get its act together.  It seems like the messaging should be "morning in America", but instead, the messaging is hyper emotional and hysterical.  This is true even in the conservative blogosphere.  Why should conservatives be worried?  They ought to be confident because it appears that they are winning.  Or should be...

Morning in America 1984 campaign ad

There was plenty of good news then, and good news now.  Why all the despair and unhappiness?

Things are going well with the economy.  Peace is threatening to break out.  The GOP should take a page from the Gipper's playbook, and use this ad as a guide on how to keep Congress.

Instead we get the daily drumbeat of bad news Democrats.  Yes, and there are some GOP'ers who would rather lose.  Would they prefer war and a bad economy?

Hey, GOP:  wanna win?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Patton "insults" the Russians

The media back then twists Patton's words by claiming that he said something which he did not.

Actually, Patton didn't like the Russians, but would have been more direct if that was his intention.

Doesn't it seem like the more things change, the more they stay the same?  The media made stuff up then, and makes stuff up now.

Ahem. Tennessee Democrat Congressional Representative calls for military coup against Trump

But that might cause a Civil War.  Boo hoo.

If there is going to be a civil war, there has to be generals, political leadership, and above all organization.

All of that appears to be on the Democrat side.

They want a coup.  It is now openly stated.  What else do you people need?  Get organized.  Pretty please.

BTW, Cohen is walking back the comments.  It is clear from his tweet that he wanted the military to intervene.  He is a liar.

Some might argue that I seek a civil war.  Actually, no.  Guys like Cohen face no accountability for their acts and may well cause a coup to happen.  If a civil war developed from this kind of thing, it is only because nobody responds to it appropriately.  Cohen should be forced to resign as well as Maxine Watters and that new "star" should not be allowed to sit in Congress.  Either you abide by the law or you don't.  Those who would organize would be in defense of the law.    That by definition would be legal, what the coup plotters do is illegal by definition.

Cohen is getting all hot and bothered by "collusion" which isn't even illegal.  It is being done all the time, and Hillary colluded with the Russians and the Brits.  Those two we know of.  Of course, nothing is to be done about that.

These people may instigate a coup attempt, and if the patriots were prepared and ready, it would fail.  Those held responsible would be punished.  Coup attempts are in fact illegal.  That's what makes them a "coup".  Duh!

Pinko candidate wants to occupy airports

Fine with me.  While they are at it, they can shut down all the roads going into and out of their pinko cities.

When that happens, they will no longer get stuff from the outside world, and won't be able to eat and so forth.

If they all died off, that would be an improvement.  Go for it, I say.


They probably want to circumvent the immigration laws.  This is actually a serious threat, and should be stopped, but who knows?

Are Democrats hoping to sweep DOJ misconduct under the rug?

How dare you!  The FBI means "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity".  They would never do that!  /sarc

Nobody, repeat NOBODY should be surprised that they would indeed do this.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The media is a disgrace

... but I have felt that for a long time.

Just wanted to mention it, though.

There really isn't any point in discussing why.  If you need an explanation, you won't get it here.  I'm pretty tired of explaining what should be obvious.  People who need an explanation should be a bit more diligent in seeking out the truth, instead relying upon unreliable sources of "information".

Hurry up and wait

Or is it, wait, then hurry up?

Seems like I spend a lot of time doing not very much, then all of a sudden, I need to hurry up.

This morning, I have spent a bit of time thinking about myself.  This is what I have come to refer to as "nazel gazing".  A huge waste of time.  Or is it?  It seems to me that a person is what he is, and there is not that much that can be done about it.  But that could be wrong.  When is this a rationalization for failure?

As I have written in previous posts, when discussing myself, I have consulted a good many self-improvement books.  What I have also noted, is that these self-improvement books have not had much of an impact.  Seems to me that I am not that much different than what I have always been.

One thing I remember about these books, is seeing how to put oneself on a program to better oneself.

While I was sitting on my butt navel gazing about all this, I suddenly realized something.  I may lack much insight into myself.  This is why I cannot discover my faults and work on them and make some real progress.  So, instead of improving myself, I give up.

Ever hit a wall, and it seems like it is impossible to get over it?  It is impossible because you think it is impossible.  But sometimes a thing really is impossible.  How to know the difference?  How do you know when to quit?

Some people will say to never quit.  Well, I don't have a problem with quitting.  Quitting comes easy for me.  Maybe a bit too easy.  I do think also that you never say never.  Quitting on something may be the best way to respond to a situation.  Perhaps the key is to know when to quit.

There is room enough for improvement, but nobody is perfect.  Seems to me that this can be an excuse or a reasonable explanation.  But to discover which could be the challenge.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Where's Batman when you need him?

With all this "Trump is a traitor" in the air, I am wondering where the caped crusader is?  We sure need him now!!!

Ah, how the country has fallen.  This music was really cool.

Yankee go home?

It was the kind of phrase that you would see during the cold war.  The communists wanted the US out of Europe, so that their communism could spread there.

Supposedly, the USA won the Cold War.  But you wouldn't know it from our popular culture.

And now we have a summit between the Russians and the Americans.   America at this point does not seem victorious.

What should we expect to come of this meeting?

Perhaps very little will change.  However, if Trump is anything, he is an agent of change.  Many people do not like that, and wish to keep things as they are.  However, Trump was elected because there are many here in the United States that do not like the way things are right now.

I voted for Trump.  I always thought that there was definitely a problem here at home.  Our problems are here, but our troops are all over the world.  We defend others who do not honor that, but go behind our backs and undermine us.  Is this really the best way to fight for our country?

Something has to change.  What form that change may take, I have no idea.  I am not so sure that we have to leave our former commitments behind, but we do need to reexamine what it is that we are doing with our people and our resources.

If we cannot come to an agreement with our "allies", then maybe we should recognize that they are no longer reliable partners.

Perhaps our agreements should be bilateral only.  Things are too complex.  Simplicity may work better.

You should know what you are fighting for.  Too many people don't seem to know that.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Climate control experiment

This post won't go into the off-grid series.  Aw, shucks.

10 am:

This is to test the interaction of the dehumidifier and the evaporative cooler.  Now, one may be a bit puzzled by this, since they contradict each other.  A dehumidifier will add heat and take away humidity, whereas the evaporative cooler will do the opposite.

The trick is to get the heat to go where you want, and the water to go where you want it.

This experiment will be during the early morning hours, which is the most humid part of the day, if it's not a rainy day.  Running the evaporative cooler at that time of the day will conflict with the humidity of the outside air.  So, I moved the cooler to the center of the trailer, and turned on the dehumidifier.  Where does the hot air from the dehumidifier go?  It is pushed outside by the air flow of the box fan, which pushes air out the screen door.

So far, at about 10 am, it is about 80 degrees inside the trailer, with humidity at varying levels, depending on location in the trailer.  At the north end, it is 75 percent or more, and at the south end of the living area, it is around 40 percent.  Outside temperature is about 84 at this time.  It will rise to 90 degrees by noon.  Inside, I'd like to keep it as close to 80 as possible for as long as possible.

I've been running this configuration all morning.  I want the dehumiifier to supply the evaporative cooler with nearly as much water as it needs, without resorting to using any other water.  In order to do this, I keep the cooler on low power, and off about half the time.  This will mean about a quart of water every hour.   The dehumidier will not produce that much water, but it will be close.


Temperature outside 88, inside 82.  Stopped using dehumidifier.  Too energy intense, and results are inadequate in order to keep cooler supplied with water.  Been using half hour intervals for using evaporative cooler's water and shutting it off for fan only mode.  This keeps water consumption down, but cooling effect is less.

The dehumidifier might have produced close to a gallon of water.  The cooler has used all of it.  Energy use?  Might be close to 4 kwh.  That's a bit high.  Water use?  Zero from the faucet.  Rainwater and the dehumidifier may have supplied about a gallon or two.

How much longer to run this?  The hot part of the day is just beginning.  To run the cooler would require a buttload of water.

Maybe for another hour and a half.  That would take it until 1:30 pm.

Will check in later.

2 pm:

Inside temperature at end of experiment was 85 degrees.  Outside temperature may be close to 94.  Not much else to report since the dehumidifier was kept off.


It is too energy intensive to use the dehumidifier for so long, but I already knew that.  Perhaps what I didn't know, and still don't know until later today, is if this will keep the high temperature in the trailer down.  We'll see.

I'll check in with some final words at that time.

8:45 pm:

Temperature looks the same as yesterday, even though I didn't do this yesterday.   In other words, what I did today had no effect on the temperature at 8 pm.

That sucks.

So, the thing I got out of this was that the dehumidifier can keep up for a little while, but only at low power setting, while being off 50% of the time.  Or,

I could run the cooler all day in low power setting, and use less than a kwh of power, plus 3 gallons or so of water.

Well, that tells me something.

Peter Strzok as Dr. Strangelove

People keep saying that Strzok was pretty strange.  Strange enough to be Dr. Strangelove?


An amusing thought, though.

At least I know how to pronounce his name--- Struck, like suck.