Saturday, February 13, 2021

Check in

Checking in 2-13-21

The posting has been light. There's no real reason for it. As everyone knows, it has been cold lately. I've never seen this much cold last this long. That is, if the forecasts hold up. There have been cold snaps as long as this one has been so far, but there's a way to go before the weather moderates---according to the forecast.

The weather hasn't gotten me down. In fact, I feel fine. There's no big hardship here, but I have been busy keeping things in order. Today I spent some time getting the ice off my van. That's a rather novel thing for these parts. You won't see this much ice around here in Texas that often.

But the weather can be a problem. If the power goes out, that will make it much tougher. But at least I have a plan for that eventuality, should it occur. Not that I want it to.

Spirits seem down these days. The weather could be just another one of those kind of things that may get people down. Strangely enough, these days do not trouble me. It may seem a bit crazy, but I feel a kind of exhilaration. My tune may change if the power goes out.

That's all.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The fake riot

The deaths at the "riot" on Jan 6

There has been remarkably little information about that since the event. Supposedly an event of such magnitude would have plenty of hard facts being reported about it. Nope, haven't seen much. Did see a little today.

Aside from the shooting ( more like a murder ) by an officer of the law ( ?), there have been two suicides ( wha???), a stroke, a heart attack, one death with an unknown cause, and possibly another death from heart attack or stroke. A total of 7 deaths being attributed to the "riot" in which nobody got killed except by a policeman.

Boy, such a deadly riot. No wonder they are impeaching a President who has left office already. /eyeroll

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Fisa and the steal

Mary Fanning

She is part of this Mike Lindell video that I've been digging deeper on. Her segment in the video is about 13 minutes long.

A little digging finds that she is connected to some interesting people that I've read about before. I came across this while I was reading about the FISA business in the last scandal before this one. That one involved spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.

To check what I'm talking about, put "Fisa" in the search bar on this blog. The search will show a list of posts on this blog about the Fisa scandal, which produced only one convicted of Kevin Clinesmith. Clinesmith only got a slap on the wrist.

One would surmise that this is all a part of the same old thing. It is to protect the corruption of the Obama Administration, and of course, the Bidens. Since Biden is now the President, they have nothing to worry about. If Trump is still in there, they would have had to stir up a new scandal to get him out.

But they are trying to keep him out of the White House permanently with the phony trial going on as I write this.

It appears to be all connected.

Rumble embed

Discussion of Lindel's Absolute Proof

Monday, February 8, 2021

Absolute proof

Lindell video

This is a long video to stream, for it lasts two hours. But it could last longer and still not tell the whole story.

One of the problems with this election controversy is that it is somewhat complicated, and people don't want to spend the time on it. It requires your attention. If you are going to vote, and have it mean anything, you must study it. Otherwise, it is pointless to vote because your vote can be altered, and therefore your vote isn't really yours.

Throw in the censorship, and it is hard to get out the story.

If you wish to download it, be aware that it is nearly 2 gigabytes in length, so it takes a good long while to download. Plus it comes in a zip file, which must be unzipped before it can be seen.

You can watch in real time for the time being. But that may not last much longer. In addition, the cancel culture is trying to cancel Michael J. Lindell of My Pillow. That's who made this video. The cancel culture has something to hide.

As for myself, I am studying this thing. I can report on it, but the reach of this blog won't be that significant. Why do it when it doesn't matter anymore? Well, it still matters, because we still can vote. However, unless the problems get addressed effectively, voting won't matter anymore.

This should bother anybody in any political group. If you cannot hold the people in charge accountable, they can do whatever they wish. If they foul things up, there may no longer be any way to get the bums out.

That's how you get dictatorships. Why would anybody want that?

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The struggle


What struggles to be seen

Dreams seem to be fleeting things. Pondered upon briefly, then forgotten. Or so it seems.

It was that way last night. An odd dream about things seen then unseen. There, but not there. Interpreting the dream brought the idea that something is struggling to be seen, but is not being seen.

Is it about the political struggles today, then? It would seem that those who want their views heard are being suppressed. Something is struggling to be seen, but can it be seen if nobody will look?

Obviously not. There are those who don't want you to look. These are the people who hold the power. Anything that may challenge that power needs to be suppressed. So it is being suppressed.

You can bring it to people's attention, but if they won't look and think about it, it will be soon forgotten. Just like last night's dream.

Yesterday, I wanted to see something, but I found difficulty in finding where it could be seen. Soon thereafter, I was forgetting to keep looking. If you quit looking, you won't see it either. You have to be determined in what you seek.

This may seem like an odd post. It is a challenge to look for what is hidden and not to give up looking for it, or it could be lost forever.