Saturday, October 5, 2024

Are the Dems really afraid that Harris is playing it too safe?

I don't buy it. But I don't buy a word of anything these frauds say. I suspect that the astroturfing, hiding in the basement campaign, plus a mountain of lying through their teeth--- that's the strategy. They have no merit at all.

I've got a bad feeling about all this.

Yep, like the Star Wars dudes and dudettes said.

Just a feeling that we missing something really important. What could that be? Tha main topic of interest is the economy, but there's not much discussion of that.

We're being swindled, I do believe.

Immigration is also high on the list. But the administration just blows it all off.

I hear that Liz Cheney is campaigning for Kamala ( and with?) in Wisconsin. Who believes these people? Seriously?

I don't buy the polls, but they don't need polls. They're going to cheat. Why else would they import so many people?

We're dropping the ball. I feel it in my bones.

A short blurb about the Vance-Walz Veep Debate.

The most significant point had to be when the moderatorette turned off the mic.

She violated the rules that she set down herself, and when she got called out, then she cuts the mic.

This is what the left has been doing as a modus operandi. They pretend to have a process with rules that are fair and justly enforced, but it is a sham. If you complain, you get shut down.

It's all there in that moment when she fact-checked Vance even though she laid down the rules saying that she wouldn't, and then wouldn't have the honesty and integrity to admit her error and apologize.

The GOP lets the commie pinko libs get away with stuff like that all the time. Vance took a step in the right direction, but is it enough?

The point is that the pinkos just keep on doing it, and the GOP keeps letting them do it. When does the GOP put an end to it? How do they put an end to it?

Friday, October 4, 2024

FAA: No Starship/Superheavy launch before late November

Behind the Black Blog

Nice aerospace company you got there, Elon. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

Post Script:

The idea for the above comment came from the late 80's movie "The Untouchables". It was about the "Chicago Way".

The movie has a lot of "artistic license". But it tells a good story.

We may have the need of a Chicago Way solution to a Chicago Way government. Know what I mean, Vern?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Scientists confirm theory that thunderstorms on Earth also produce gamma ray bursts

Behind the Black blog

In my study of alternative energy production, I've wondered about the possibility of fusion taking place in thunderstorms.

Lightning bolts produce tremendous amounts of electrical energy. This could translate into enough energy to bring about the process of fusion. It is feasible, I would think, as far as the energy requirement part of the process.

Since one product of such a reaction could be gamma rays, this discovery could open up the possibility that hydrogen fusion taking place during thunderstorms. Or could it?

Anyway, it is an intriguing thought.

Is David Bombal a Jedi Knight or something?

By the way, the title is meant to be a joke.

On a serious vein, it would take a very dedicated individual to learn all these hacker skills he posts about. Who has the motivation to do all of that???

Youngsters seem to like this hacking stuff. I find it somewhat repulsive, but it is liking taking out the garbage. It has to be done. In this sense, you may need to know this stuff in order to defend yourself against an increasing repressive society.

When I hear the adjective "free" when applied to this country, or the rest of the Western World, I recoil. Do these people really understand that this is going away at an alarming rate? I think not.

A recent Braxman video

The intensity of this spying is very disconcerting. I use Google to post on this blog. Naturally, I resent this spying, but what can you do? Protesting is fine, but what power does it have to influence conduct?

A business requires revenue to keep itself in business. This is the main leverage you have with a business. But what happens when you have no alternatives?

Our government is dropping the ball here, just as it is in many, many ways.

We have leverage on government officials with the right to vote, and to speak freely. But these can go away if the powers-that-be stay on their current course. I don't know what else I can do here but protest it, and hope that people will pay attention and act accordingly.

It seems like I'm the only one out here sometimes. But there are others. You can still access differing viewpoints, but this isn't guaranteed forever. In particular, videos like this may be shut down in the future.

The choice is still ours ( cross my fingers and hope that it's still true). Make it a good choice. This video may spur you to seek more information. I'm sure that there's something here that you may not have considered before. Otherwise, why bother?

Liz Cheney goes to the dark side

She talked like this in 2020 against Harris, and NOW?

Why should anyone believe her NOW?

Abortion is evil and they know it

That's discussed a bit in John ( New Testament ). Evil doesn't like to be exposed, nor corrected. It's not for nothing that when God was mentioned at the DNC in San Francisco in years past, there was audible booing.

Another example? The former mayor of Houston is lesbian, and wanted to censor some pastors that had something critical to say about her.

The election of Trump would end the harassment of SpaceX

If he loses, his chances (and SpaceX's investors) in court in a Harris Administration, will be greatly reduced.

No dissent will be tolerated in a leftist regime. This will be our last chance to avoid this fate. We will be more like Brazil, and actually more like the former Soviet Union. What's to stop it? There will be no accountability whatever for their misrule.

Tampon Tim's bad manners



This election may be the only chance that we can do something about the abuses of our government. If the government has its way, you would know nothing about this. If you crossed them, you'd end up in re-education camps. Hillary said it!


5:29 PM:

Zero Hedge: The “Modern Economy Rests on Single Road” in North Carolina Where Hurricane Helene Collapsed Bridges


“The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.”

They don't make computer chips without this stuff, and there's no other known sources, I read. Okay, this is serious sheet, main. You can't print money and get out of this mess. Let's see what the media and the Biden-Harris administration have to say about this. Uh, oh! They're quiet as church mice.

2:37 PM

Just saw something on Barnhardt that made me reconsider the assumption that this was Trump country. If Asheville really is Biden's type, it only goes to show ya that he doesn't even give a rat's rear end about his own people.

Maybe if you think about it, even if his own people turn on him, they've got enough ballots to stuff that it won't matter!!!

But it does shows to go ya that they just don't give a sheet main.

I don't know the area not having been there, so that explains that. Shoot, I didn't even research the place. I have no friggin' idea that they're as bad as it gets. Yikes.


Pictures and sound bites, says Bongino. Welp, here you are!

Here's more pics and sound bits of the Big Guy. At least he didn't flip them off. Look on the bright side.

But what about "our Democracy" and "rule of law"?



The radical left loves to pay lip service to the "rule of law", until the rule of law is at stake. When it is at stake, they want to throw it out the window. See the second tweet below:


The commies don't give a rat's ass about climate change


11:23 AM:

The denial of a launch license to SpaceX for their Flight 5, is motivated by politics. I use it as yet another example of how the commies don't want America to succeed at ANYTHING, unless it serves them of course.

What if you want a free country with the Bill of Rights upheld? Musk bought Twitter to enhance free speech. The commies really hate that with a passion. They went as far as jailing another free speech advocate, and threaten to jail Musk, if he doesn't kneel to their demands.

That ain't America as we all knew it. It is more like Soviet Style politics. It should have no place in a free country.

10:39 AM:

It isn't just the molten-salt reactor that they oppose. It is virtually ALL energy projects, except those that are questionable at best. That would include solar and wind. Solar and wind are intermittent. The sun doesn't always shine, and the wind doesn't always blow. Ask yourselves this question: Why are they so insistent upon something so impractical, when something practical like nuclear is within reach?

Their main objection is nuclear waste. Nuclear waste can be managed. But they won't allow it, while stirring up tremendous fears about it. Molten salt reactor tech could remove 99% of the waste now produced, while enhancing safety far above even the best water based, solid based nuclear reactors. This is but one tech. Others are available, but the technical hurdles are much higher. Why insist upon those, when the lower hanging fruit was right there for the taking? Molten salt reactor tech was feasible 50 years ago. It still is, but now only China is allowed to have it. WHY?

None of this will see the light of day in our debates about our future. Censorship will see to that. The commies are running a stealth campaign to overthrow our current system while claiming to be champions of it. The two ideas cannot exist simultaneously unless at least one of them is being used as a ruse. Nobody will make that argument. Why not? I've tried, and I'm being ignored. Others have tried, and have been ignored. WHY?

9:20 AM:

It's just an issue that they can use.

This administration does nothing constructive about anything. Indeed, it does the exact opposite. This administration won't lift a finger to help, but will lift an iron fist to hurt. The inaction is a feature not a bug. These anti-Americans WANT pain and destruction.

If they really wanted to do something about so-called climate change, they would have funded the molten-salt reactor. It was technology developed right here in the USA, and stopped for no good reason. Instead, the commies foisted an "energy-crisis" upon us, while they deprived us of this technology that would have ended carbon emissions.

Personally, I don't believe carbon emission are even very harmful at all. But even if I was wrong about this, the molten-salt reactor would have addressed this. Instead of rediscovering it, and putting it to use, the Obama Administration gave it to the communists in China.

This proves that the commies are out to HURT America in every way they can. They want the Revolution, as the ends justify the means. The Biden Administration is doing this harm deliberately to PUNISH America. They want to blame America and the Western World for "climate-change", but they do NOTHING constructively to stop what they claim that they care about. I've written about this time and time again. All to no avail.

Stop pulling your punches. This is for all the marbles. Act like it.

Trump once called the Major Media an enemy, and I think he was absolutely correct

The tragedy of this election is the fact that the media will not allow a fair discussion all that has happened this past four years. Consequently there may be no accountability for Biden's failures. It is a type of censorship that keeps the public in the dark about the steadily advancing failures that typify this current regime.

Not to mention that they act like a Praetorium Guard for these failures.

It is up to the public to boostrap itself into awareness. Hard to do when your messages are being jammed by this evil conglomeration of disinformation---aka the Major Media complex.

The major media is a beneficiary of this one-sided reporting of the news. They'd like a monopoly of information if they get it. Many of these are foreign-owned or operated, with a strong dose of anti-Americanism.

Indeed, we are being propagandized by our own media which isn't even our own. At the very least, we ought to have a Radio Free America to get the truth out. Of course, the commies dressed up in sheep's clothing as Democrats, would like to shut that down. If you think that is harsh, then you haven't been paying attention.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Like it or not, it is a game

The one who plays the game better, has the better chance of winning the game.

You have to know what it takes to win, and then go do it. Whether you like it or not, is irrelevant.

With respect to the following tweet, I think this is the best of it. That is, if writing up tweets helps you win. You might win the argument, but that doesn't necessary win elections.

You might have noticed it if you've read this blog and got what I intended out of it. In short, I'm referring to the wolf v lamb Aesop fable. Ie. ,if the lamb out argues the wolf, the wolf will kill the lamb and eat it anyway. Liberals like to bring force to bear, and if you cannot play it on their terms, your chance of winning is probably not what you think it is. Which means you just might lose in any case.

Post Script:

How many people who come here actually read my stuff and understand what I am referring to?

The truth is that I don't know why ANYBODY comes here. Not even a clue about what is thought about it.

In the end, maybe I'm only talking out my ass in a matter that will make ZERO difference. However, my delusion may be that it will make a difference. Sometimes, good things happen. But I'm not going to bet on it.


10/2/24, 12:29 PM:

This exchange is why I shut down the damned thing and didn't watch any further. Vance handled it well, and so I agree whole-heartedly with what he says here. Enough!

Post Script: My 16,000th post. Yay, me! /ironic cheer

UPDATE, 5:08 PM:

She couldn't help herself. Also, it was an audience, she said. Excellent points.

Checking in, 3-17-22 ( Bank of America news )



I thought something was up over 18 months ago. This story today is further evidence of it. Maybe it will all hit in a perfect storm. Come to think of it, a lot of that seems to be happening right now.


Let's start off with the bank situation... Maybe most folks are up to speed about it. Today was literally an eye opener for me. First time in a while that I was in a bank lobby. The name of the bank won't be mentioned, but it was a well-known bank. The thing that was striking was the emptiness of the place. Just two employees. This is a big building, and only two employees. Something's up, no doubt.

Dick Morris' piece today discussed the likely cause, which is higher interest rates. The higher interest rates were needed to slow down inflationary pressures, or so we are told. Banks can keep their money safe through the use of long bonds. If the interest rates go up, the book value of the bonds goes down. Consequently, the balance sheets of the banks suffer when rates go up. I've heard this before, so it might as well be mentioned. There's a lot of political spin going on, which seeks to avoid political accountability for what is coming. Batten down the hatches!

With the attitude of "letting no crisis going to waste", you can bet that there will be efforts to take advantage of the situation.

Rather than dwell on this dismal news, let's move on...

There was an email from Focus Fusion yesterday. They are going after more funding, but there may be a problem now. A wefunder campaign is coming too. Just in case you have a little money lying around to park in an investment. Not meant to be a joke, mind you.

Spacex is still getting ready for their Starship license to launch from Boca Chica. I try to check on this every day. Elon Musk isn't guaranteeing success, but he will guarantee excitement. If the thing blows up on the launch pad, there will be that. Might be an earth shattering kaboom. Marvin the Martian couldn't be reached for comment.

A thought just came into mind. With all this excitement and such. It was that scene in Animal House where Kevin Bacon screams "All is well!" before getting flattened by the mob.

We all want to be calm. Even while the house burns down around us. Don't panic. All is well.

Seems like a "government is not the solution, but it is the problem" type situation

The title was a paraphrase of what Reagan said back in the day. The younger generations won't remember it because they weren't born yet. The history books may write it up differently. Who knows what the kids think these days. Reagan also liked to say that our freedom could end in the next generation. It's the young who need to step up, or flunk out. Meanwhile, the girls kill off their young for "freedom". Sheesh.

Whatever happens in this election, if the government continues this way, America will sink into ruin.

The Veep Debate

After 30 minutes or so, I shut it down. It looked like another 3 on 1. I did check around, and it seemed that he was doing well in their estimation. This morning, the general impression was that Vance won it.

Some impressions that stood out. Walz has this odd look in his eyes. Crazy eyes.

Vance seemed polite, but firm. He didn't let the moderators push him around. That's good.

Walz was attempting to pass off some stuff that just didn't fly. One thing he said, or tried to say, was that Biden Harris was better on the border. That cannot possibly be, or it wouldn't be an issue, now would it? Also, there were at least two attempts with the phrase of "blaming the immigrants". It doesn't fly. The immigrants are supposed to be stopped. Those are the laws.

There may have been other things where he was floundering, but as I mentioned, I didn't watch it all. There's some talk in the comments sections that Kweenie may want to dump him. Maybe the DNC should dump them both, but it is too late for that. Or should be. I'm sure that the RINOS would help the Democrats in every way that they can.

Shocking weakness of American manufacturing with respect to ships

It's a long essay, so buckle down.

I didn't read it all. I think I'd just make it short and sweet. But maybe it isn't amenable to that.

Perhaps I can read it sometime, and summarize it. No time for this right now, though.

I got this from Instapundit. He's got a big blog, and a lot of writers. Let him do it.

Why Can't the U.S. Build Ships? by Brian Potter

Read on Substack

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Kweenie refuses to answer questions. Even the easiest ones.

If it is done several times, it means a pattern. There is a pattern here of refusing to answer the question. She gives a word salad here of glittering generalities.

It was simple yes no question. A real softball. On the Powerline blog, the author thinks she's stupid. I don't know for certain of that, but to be taken in by it really would be stupid.

She'll also refuse to do any critical interviews. No follow ups, no fact checking. Those two are also patterns.

If all this doesn't work, then the last things may be cheating, and if that doesn't work, there'll be violence.

There's a definite strategy througout. Don't ever forget that.

Another way to cheat

I'm joining this video in progress to skip to something significant... The Dan Bongino Show...

Biden-Harris caused this

Giving Iran a lot of money guaranteed this war. Biden did that. As for Ukraine, Russia's history suggests that they only get aggressive when oil prices are high. That means they have the money to wage war. Biden/Harris' war on oil guaranteed the Ukraine war. It's their war.

Why would they want war now? They are a conniving lot. They'd rather rule hell than serve in heaven. ( Star Trek reference, "Space Seed") (Think "Build Back Better": First destroy, then rule over the rebuilding )

Kweenie sez she really did inhale

Makes sense. Her brain got fried SOMEHOW.

Wars, rumors of wars...

Eye-ran seems to be builing up to a war. If that happens, that's another war you can chalk up to Sir Laughs-a-lot, aka Kween Kamala of Klown Kar Kwanzaa. Or is it Korn Plop? Either way, it is bad. I don't know evil.

Meanwhile, Korn Plop is denying Trump Secret Service Protection again. Trump has to dial down his rallies, in order for the Kamala's Keystone Kops a chance to stop Eye-Ran from whacking his Trumpiness.

Has Korn Plop been asleep on the beach, or has he "commanded" a response to the hurricane in the Deep South? Or has Kween Kamala unleashed her flying monkeys to make war on the hapless people in the storm zone? Methinks Kamala's flying monkeys may have graduated into guerrillaz. Either way, it is bad. I don't know primates.

I guess we all have to keep an eye on eye-Ran. If the sheet heets the fan main, it may be reely bad news. Know what I mean Vern?

Wishful thinking perhaps...

I wouldn't count on knocking them out. Just keep punching them hard. There's nothing to prevent them from running their plan to stuff the ballot box with illegal votes.

That's the main story. All of this is a side-show.

Possible Trump-Musk partnership?

The first few minutes of this video focuses on the potential Trump-Musk alliance, should Trump gain the White House again.

I paused my viewing, and decided to post this.

Trump's goal is to get back to the White House. Musk's goal is to get to Mars, and to settle it. Can the two work together to reach this goal? Musk sees the government as a hindrance. Trump can help if he does nothing but streamline the regulatory environment. Musk can help if he can be seen as a vital cog in the wheel that gets America back on the road to greatness.

The Democrats see Musk as an enemy. Their response will be to destroy them both. How does this help America? The Democrats goal is not to help America, but to punish her. The Democrats goal is to derail Musk and defeat Trump. If there's some dead bodies along the way, they won't mind.

Whores everywhere


Another name for the Wicked Witch of the West Coast. The Whore of Babylon. Kamala Harris is just a two-bit whore. It explains it all.

Some will say that is grossly disrespectful. But if she had any respect at all for her own rotten self, she wouldn't have become the whore that she is. No apologies will ever be made for this. Retribution might be expected. So be it.


What is the Whore of Babylon? It's in Revelation 17. It's pretty obvious that it meant Rome at about the time it was written. Besides that, it is a principle, I think. The way of the world is to make whores out of everyone.

The thought came to me that there is a new Whore of Babylon, and it might well be Washington DC. The country has fallen, and so whoredom is a good word for it. All of the politicians are whores. The only reason they do anything is that someone is paying them for their services. If you think that they are in service to the country, you are mistaken. They just sell their services to the highest bidder. In other words, they are just a bunch of whores.

So DC has pimped out the country all over the world. The principle is that it is all being done for the money. Doing for the money is just being a whore. To keep it going, you have to eliminate all notions of honor, virtue, and decency. People don't know that they don't have something until they notice that someone else has something. A nation of virtue isn't tolerable to a bunch of whores.

Salaries for politicians used to be rather small. That's because it is a service, but it isn't intended to be a business. Once it becomes a business, it is just being another whore. Then it isn't about public service, it is about being a whore.

How to keep it from becoming that way? People should grow their own food. But do I do that? Nope. So my calling them out as whores doesn't change a thing. Just more hypocrisy. If I was serious, I'd get off my ass and stop servicing the damned whores. But I'm not virtuous enough to do that. I like to pretend to have it when I don't. Whoredom is hard to give up, it seems. Life dedicated to ease and convenience cannot rise to the level of the good. Even it it did, the way of the world is to destroy what good that tries to take root.

Having a farm won't work either. If you were to make your own food, this will be taken away because the whores in DC don't like any virtue to take root. The whores are also in Austin in this state. The whores are everywhere you go. The last thing that a whore wants is to be recognized as a whore. The whore wants to pretend to be virtuous, but the whore is still a whore who does it for the money.

You cannot change any of this because people seem to prefer being pimped out as a whore. But pimps don't give a damn about the whores, because it is just about the money. The pimps live off the whores, and the whores will always be whores because they don't have the heart to change it for the better.

You got to find a way to live without the use of money except when it is needed. Money shouldn't be a way of living. Money should be the exception, and not the rule. If it is the rule, then everybody gets reduced to being whores. There are plenty of whores who like it that way.

This is all rather harsh, but it is intended to help. Not that it will, mind you. Everybody loves being the whore. It pays pretty good. Life can be pretty sweet while it lasts, but it won't last. It's a house built on the sand, and the storm will wash it all away. It is a nice thought to think it could happen, but you know it won't. Meanwhile, we can all just keep playing the games of pretend as that is all we are capable of.

The whores are not just the literal whores, but the entire concept from top to bottom..

You cannot use soft words anymore. The other side doesn't.

Monday, September 30, 2024

High Noon "It's all for nothing"

I can see both sides of this argument as the drama unfolded.

It seems like these days with the election and all, there really be a lot of people who won't do anything because they just don't care.

Then there's the guy who is standing alone against the bad guys, and nobody wants to help.

I tell you I can see both sides of this.

So what about today? Do people really give a shit? Maybe not. It sure seems that way a lot more often that you'd like to believe. I'd like to believe the way John Wayne depicted in his movie "The Alamo". The part where he gave the Flaca speech was his own viewpoint put into cinema. John Wayne thought that "High Noon" was un-American. He wanted to believe that people had some good in them.

If people let bad shit happen, then how good can they be? People could have stopped Hitler before he plunged the world into World War II, but did nothing. Maybe they were lying the same way they lie now. Or was it something similar to this movie? They just don't give a shit.

No mention of hurricane spawned floods in North Caroline and Tennessee

Ground News. So you're informed now. /sarc

Not on so-called "right-wing", but two on left-wing sites of small consequence. Nobody seems to give a whoop. There's no word coming out of these places for days now. Fema anyone? I guess unless it is New Orleans, the major media doesn't consider it newsworthy. Maybe even more so because there's a Democrat in power, and that might make him look bad in this election year.

If Count Chocula ( John Frickin' Kerry ) got HIS way, you wouldn't even be able to read the tweet below:

The political left only wants censorship when they are in power. When they aren't, they extol the virtues of free speech.

Same is true with checks and balances. They love the checks and balances in the Constitution when it suits them, and they hate it when it doesn't.

They political left is dangerous and competely out of control. They want to eliminate all the guard rails against unlimited power, and they want to do anything and everything without any limitations. The Constitution was expressly written to stop such behavior. Otherwise, why have checks and balances? Why have a Bill of Rights, unless governments tend to abuse their authority? Why would anybody want to undo all these safeguards? Nobody but totalitarians would act that way.

Elon Musk is right. But it may be too little, too late.

The Dan Bongino Show Ep. 2339, 9/30/24

Warning signs for Comrade Kamala. Or I as call her Kween Kamala of Klown Kar Kwanzaa.

Is it Gore or is it Memorex?

Maybe it's Dim Lizzie. They do seem to forget.

Politics is downstream from culture?



On matters relating to culture:

This is commie pinko faggotry imposed upon us from above. I'm sure Darth Cheney and his faithful sidekick, Arbusto, would agree with Peppermint here. After all, they've endorsed it.

It might be thought that I'm being a bit too rough on our former compatriots, but they've seem to have gotten off the reservation all on their own. If they don't want to join this commie pinko faggotry, then they don't friggin' endorse it! Dim Lizzie wants her own party now. I guess she's figured out that she really doesn't like that ride she's taking after all.


It is quoted often enough that I suppose it is now conventional wisdom.  After reviewing a few Supreme Court decisions, I am inclined to believe that it is not so.

It is the other way around.  There was no groundswell in the culture for abortion.  Nor for same sex marriage.  Nor for banning prayer in schools.  The Court pushed the culture in that direction. 

It would be a different country today if there was a conservative court in those years in which these decisions came down.

It is no wonder then that the left is so hysterical over Kavanaugh.

Yet Kavanaugh may not even overturn Roe v. Wade.  It is hard to see how that might be accomplished now.  The Court is not likely to go against the grain, but can only dismantle it piece by piece over a long period of time.  This is not likely.

What moves the culture is a very determined group of leaders.  The culture is just the sheep, who follow whatever the leaders say.  It is probably quite rare that the sheep will rebel, and get rid of the leaders who cause these things to happen.  You can consult the Declaration of Independence to see that.  People will cling to what is familiar as opposed to changing towards something unknown.  With this law firmly entrenched in the culture now, it is doubtful that you can amass the kind of elite determination to overthrow it.

The real significance of Kavanaugh could be a consolidation of the culture in what it is now.   The next onslaught of the left will have to wait.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Inequality for all


Robert Reich the Third just trashed Trump for reciting a prayer to an angel. Oooh! The snark. Careful there little man...

Robert Reich narrates this call for more of the same garbage that has plunged us into crisis.

That's all I have to say about it. He starts off small, and stays there.

As I've written, the real problem has been identified by Reagan. It is not a choice between right or left, but between liberty and tyranny.

The left doesn't have any new ideas, and wants to rehash all the old ones one more time. In the end, we will have a Soviet Style government that may not have a "1 percent" anymore. But it will have a ten percent. About ten percent of the population can dominate the other 90%, as was the case in the old Soviet Union.

That is to say, if you were connected to the right people, you could live reasonably well in the Soviet era. The other 90% barely got by.

The Soviet Union couldn't grow their own food, couldn't make products that anyone would buy. That is, except for the military goods, which some nations bought.

The trouble with Reich is that we've been there, done that, and it doesn't work. It only works for the few who manage to sponge off the ever powerful government class. I think there were words that described these people. The nomenklatura and the apparatchiks could be two of those words. Soviet communism became a type of soul-less machine. That is what our own government is becoming.

It is sad to relate, but their incompetence and malevolence seem to work. Sri Lanka chose a Marxist. Thanks to the idiocy of the big government types that were doing the kinds of things that the modern left wants to do here, Sri Lanka became a basket case. The public there turned to the Marxists. This will prove to be a big mistake, I am quite sure.

If the left cannot win here, they may try to coerce us into Marxism. The "plandemic" was a test case for such coercion. Coercion is a hallmark of the communists. They do love it so. That and their constant lying. By these fruits and their other failures, you will know them.

Happy Cat

The Great Lake States are still mostly white. So are the New England States.

The answer to the question posed in the comment on this tweet will be answered after the tweet...

Hint:  Stupid is as stupid does.  


Why would whitey do this? They are wallowing in the lefty guilt trip. Look how racially tolerant they are!!! Meanwhile, they do something that is logically and legally wrong. It's nuts, but maybe there's hope for these helpless folks, so that they can return to sanity. Cross your fingers.

Smells like Lawfare's got Mayor Adams in Gotham. Now Cuomo wants his job.

A "blue" blindspot, according to Grounded News. Maybe Ground News has a blindspot of its own.

A short audit through the various news outlets shows not a dime's worth of difference in the stories. But they're labelled throughout the so-called "political spectrum".

It IS true that no left-leaning outlet was found to be covering the story, even though there were direct quotes of Sharpton. Sharpton hangs out on MSNBC, so he isn't exactly a "right- winger". /eyeroll=off

So, it really isn't Sharpton. He must be a deep, deep, very deep fake. /sarc=off

The fallacy is here. Grounded News should be grounded for not being factually grounded. So take that, Ground News.

Let's fling about the poo, and maybe some of it might stick.

But wait! Who's flinging poo? Why, it is Politico, by gorely by gosh. There's a link on the "far right" sources, like Politico. Politico?! Did I hear that right?? Yes, you did. You did!, you did! /tweety bird voice = off.

Ground News might have some value after all. But for people who only read headlines, and let others do their thinking for them, they'll see the labels of "low factuality", and "far-right", and not even bother to click through the story. There is something there to this story. But somebody doesn't want you to know anything about it--hence, the labels.