Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Whores everywhere

What is the Whore of Babylon? It's in Revelation 17. It's pretty obvious that it meant Rome at about the time it was written. Besides that, it is a principle, I think. The way of the world is to make whores out of everyone.

The thought came to me that there is a new Whore of Babylon, and it might well be Washington DC. The country has fallen, and so whoredom is a good word for it. All of the politicians are whores. The only reason they do anything is that someone is paying them for their services. If you think that they are in service to the country, you are mistaken. They just sell their services to the highest bidder. In other words, they are just a bunch of whores.

So DC has pimped out the country all over the world. The principle is that it is all being done for the money. Doing for the money is just being a whore. To keep it going, you have to eliminate all notions of honor, virtue, and decency. People don't know that they don't have something until they notice that someone else has something. A nation of virtue isn't tolerable to a bunch of whores.

Salaries for politicians used to be rather small. That's because it is a service, but it isn't intended to be a business. Once it becomes a business, it is just being another whore. Then it isn't about public service, it is about being a whore.

How to keep it from becoming that way? People should grow their own food. But do I do that? Nope. So my calling them out as whores doesn't change a thing. Just more hypocrisy. If I was serious, I'd get off my ass and stop servicing the damned whores. But I'm not virtuous enough to do that. I like to pretend to have it when I don't. Whoredom is hard to give up, it seems. Life dedicated to ease and convenience cannot rise to the level of the good. Even it it did, the way of the world is to destroy what good that tries to take root.

Having a farm won't work either. If you were to make your own food, this will be taken away because the whores in DC don't like any virtue to take root. The whores are also in Austin in this state. The whores are everywhere you go. The last thing that a whore wants is to be recognized as a whore. The whore wants to pretend to be virtuous, but the whore is still a whore who does it for the money.

You cannot change any of this because people seem to prefer being pimped out as a whore. But pimps don't give a damn about the whores, because it is just about the money. The pimps live off the whores, and the whores will always be whores because they don't have the heart to change it for the better.

You got to find a way to live without the use of money except when it is needed. Money shouldn't be a way of living. Money should be the exception, and not the rule. If it is the rule, then everybody gets reduced to being whores. There are plenty of whores who like it that way.

This is all rather harsh, but it is intended to help. Not that it will, mind you. Everybody loves being the whore. It pays pretty good. Life can be pretty sweet while it lasts, but it won't last. It's a house built on the sand, and the storm will wash it all away. It is a nice thought to think it could happen, but you know it won't. Meanwhile, we can all just keep playing the games of pretend as that is all we are capable of.

The whores are not just the literal whores, but the entire concept from top to bottom..

You cannot use soft words anymore. The other side doesn't.

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