Thursday, October 3, 2024

The commies don't give a rat's ass about climate change


11:23 AM:

The denial of a launch license to SpaceX for their Flight 5, is motivated by politics. I use it as yet another example of how the commies don't want America to succeed at ANYTHING, unless it serves them of course.

What if you want a free country with the Bill of Rights upheld? Musk bought Twitter to enhance free speech. The commies really hate that with a passion. They went as far as jailing another free speech advocate, and threaten to jail Musk, if he doesn't kneel to their demands.

That ain't America as we all knew it. It is more like Soviet Style politics. It should have no place in a free country.

10:39 AM:

It isn't just the molten-salt reactor that they oppose. It is virtually ALL energy projects, except those that are questionable at best. That would include solar and wind. Solar and wind are intermittent. The sun doesn't always shine, and the wind doesn't always blow. Ask yourselves this question: Why are they so insistent upon something so impractical, when something practical like nuclear is within reach?

Their main objection is nuclear waste. Nuclear waste can be managed. But they won't allow it, while stirring up tremendous fears about it. Molten salt reactor tech could remove 99% of the waste now produced, while enhancing safety far above even the best water based, solid based nuclear reactors. This is but one tech. Others are available, but the technical hurdles are much higher. Why insist upon those, when the lower hanging fruit was right there for the taking? Molten salt reactor tech was feasible 50 years ago. It still is, but now only China is allowed to have it. WHY?

None of this will see the light of day in our debates about our future. Censorship will see to that. The commies are running a stealth campaign to overthrow our current system while claiming to be champions of it. The two ideas cannot exist simultaneously unless at least one of them is being used as a ruse. Nobody will make that argument. Why not? I've tried, and I'm being ignored. Others have tried, and have been ignored. WHY?

9:20 AM:

It's just an issue that they can use.

This administration does nothing constructive about anything. Indeed, it does the exact opposite. This administration won't lift a finger to help, but will lift an iron fist to hurt. The inaction is a feature not a bug. These anti-Americans WANT pain and destruction.

If they really wanted to do something about so-called climate change, they would have funded the molten-salt reactor. It was technology developed right here in the USA, and stopped for no good reason. Instead, the commies foisted an "energy-crisis" upon us, while they deprived us of this technology that would have ended carbon emissions.

Personally, I don't believe carbon emission are even very harmful at all. But even if I was wrong about this, the molten-salt reactor would have addressed this. Instead of rediscovering it, and putting it to use, the Obama Administration gave it to the communists in China.

This proves that the commies are out to HURT America in every way they can. They want the Revolution, as the ends justify the means. The Biden Administration is doing this harm deliberately to PUNISH America. They want to blame America and the Western World for "climate-change", but they do NOTHING constructively to stop what they claim that they care about. I've written about this time and time again. All to no avail.

Stop pulling your punches. This is for all the marbles. Act like it.

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